Are all races trying to claim Hop Hop??

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Mar 14, 2006
east bay

It's all multi-cultural
It's all good
Aint nobody trying to take something from another race....specially not a genre of music
Apr 5, 2006
Black people invented rock & roll, but you don't see many black rock & rollers now. That ain't gonna happen to hip-hop, though.

I know it irked the shit out of me when I watched this movie and white dude said (in response to Dr. Dre's song "Forgot About Dre" featuring Eminem), "See, niggas/blacks always get the best lines!"

There wasn't one black person in the movie. Did these kats even know any black people?

I ain't racist, but saying shit like that is.

I'm sure you white kats agree.

Anyway, I have other things to worry about than why other races are claiming hip-hop as theirs. Hip-hop is universal.

Y'all be cool.
Jun 27, 2005
mac_luv said:
I'm filipino and I grew up on hip hop. I love hip hop. Anyone who says hip hop ain't a black thing is ignorant. I know hip hop was created by black people and it is a black art. I went to my homeboy's graduation at Florida A&M which is a black college. The dean did her speech about hip hop. She talked about how a subculture created by black people in the Bronx ended up influencing dominant culture in america.She said hip hop is an example of the power and creativity that black people can achieve. Everything she said is correct.

I understand black people who feel people are claiming hip hop as their own. There is a fine line in appreciating hip hop and acting like it is your own. I appreciate the art and I respect and pay homage to who created it and don't act like my people started the shit. I know Chinese people would be pissed off if Chuck Norris was the icon of karate. It was started by asians and people need to respect that. Same thing with hip hop. I think it's okay for people of other races to appreciate and honestly contribute to the art of hip hop like DJ Qbert, Jin, Cypress Hill, Paul Wall, etc. I don't think it is okay to exploit the art especially if your people didn't start it. For example a major label putting out a white rapper because he will have mass appeal and sell lots of records. That right there is disrespect to the art and the people who created it. It's okay to appreciate other people's art but just remember where it came from.
and there you have it


Sicc OG
Dec 10, 2005
^^^ I wouldn't say that hip-hop is pop culture now......but i guess u could say that another new genre is born, called hip-pop and therefore is popular. (Laffy Taffy, Candy Shop, etc)

I wouldn't call hip-hop as pop culture tho.

And why would any other race try to claim hip-hop? That's just/would be stupid
Jan 25, 2006
never really looked at hip-hop (in general) as a nationality thing, nor cared who's into it. as long as people were feelin it, it's all good and thats what makes hip-hop a diverse culture.


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
XxtraMannish said:
My mistake, I directed you to the wrong post. Anyway, the post I said you should read again is the one where I basically said i dont care if other races want to particiapate, thats beautiful, but its still black. yes Puerto Ricans had a hand in it, but be honest, its overall a black artform invented by blacks with minor contributions from other races.
well golly gee wilickers, thanks for the invitation! I'm glad I can participate in hip hop now that I've got my permission slip signed!

I can't even comment on this shit anymore, all my points I've said and proven at least twice....

pharoah said:
this has been a great way for people on here to get their secret racist sides some light
ain't that the fuckin truth
Jun 27, 2005
Defy said:
well golly gee wilickers, thanks for the invitation! I'm glad I can participate in hip hop now that I've got my permission slip signed!

I can't even comment on this shit anymore, all my points I've said and proven at least twice....
well jimminy crickets. what points? nobody has proven rap not to be a black art.
May 4, 2002
Y-Soulja said:
^^^ I wouldn't say that hip-hop is pop culture now......but i guess u could say that another new genre is born, called hip-pop and therefore is popular. (Laffy Taffy, Candy Shop, etc)

I wouldn't call hip-hop as pop culture tho.

And why would any other race try to claim hip-hop? That's just/would be stupid

ok yes better sed than me... but its dam near pop culture pop culture is split a couple diff ways hip hop is one of em...
Dec 29, 2005
a.k.a said:
Obviously, in the beginning it was a culture and Art Form started by and made for Black people. But now I hear people running around yelling that Hip Hop is every one's art form/Culture and it doesn't belong to Blacks? Why wouldn't it belong to Black people when blacks created it and maintained it for over 30 years! Crazy. I mean, other people participate in it and contribute, but the real ones are the ones who come from the Black ghetto (Where rap was started). Just like If a black man were to move to China, he'd have to participate in Chinese culture. How do others feel about this, because It seems like everything Blacks create it gets tarnished and people don't credit us for it as if they forgot. WTF kind of shit is that? I'm not tryna make a racial issue out of it, but that shits erks me.
This is the most retarded ignorant shit i have ever read. You really show that you dont know jack shit about the history of hip hop or even understand the culture of hip hop. It was more of a social status than "black thang". Yeah it started in NY projects but the projects was not limited to just black people. I'm not even gonna explain it. Listen to KRS1 watch old school documentaries about hip hop. Subway Art, Wild Style shit like that. It was the poor kids all together livin a movement. Research it cause you have no clue. Oh yeah and white kids buy majority of all hip hop record sales. So if it aint for them rap stars would be shining like they are today.


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
XxtraMannish said:
LOL THEREFORE RAP IS WHITE!!! Why do people always say that? For real that shit aint even related to wether rap is black or not.
but everything else he just said was....I swear all these foos are tellin you something, but you only picking things out that you can talk shit about
Apr 14, 2006
To go back to the original question: Are all races trying to claim [Hip]-Hop?

the answer is that maybe some of them are, but in reality, no one group/individual can "claim" a form of art as thier own.

it's not about race, language, culture, ethinic background, or anything on those levels. and this form of art has made this question irrelevant anyhow, hip hop and rap should be about unity, "race" should be out of the question.

but i will admit that one race may have popularized rap/hip hop: African-Americans, and that's an objective truth, you can't deny that.
Jun 24, 2005
Yuksunn said:
To go back to the original question: Are all races trying to claim [Hip]-Hop?

the answer is that maybe some of them are, but in reality, no one group/individual can "claim" a form of art as thier own.

it's not about race, language, culture, ethinic background, or anything on those levels. and this form of art has made this question irrelevant anyhow, hip hop and rap should be about unity, "race" should be out of the question.

but i will admit that one race may have popularized rap/hip hop: African-Americans, and that's an objective truth, you can't deny that.

Jan 28, 2005
This got me kinda fuckin heated man.

Its already been said that hip hop (as a music, art form, expression, and lifestyle) is for all races and crosses boundaries and yada yada yada. And thats true. Music is music, and no matter where I go or what I hear I dont classify any of it as black, white, asian, hispanic, regardless of what race is the biggest participant in making the music.

And now for the race thing. Nobody fucking claims hip-hop to belong to anybody's race. You need to get your head out of history books where the black man was oppressed and look toward the future. Im white, and Ive been discriminated against in a predominately black neighborhood that I stayed in for a year... I used to think I would get jumped, stabbed, or shot walking home from school all the time just for the mere fact that I was white. But I dont sit there and ponder that mabye black people are claiming something white people invented is theirs.

And now you're saying everyone tries to take something that the black man created (Im hypothesizing you mean white people) and claim that they are the reason it has become so successful.

What the fuck about Rick Rubin? Thats just one instance where a white dude did more for hip hop than almost any fucking rapper sitting on the shelf today.

I might also let you know that hip hop first started getting popular when MC's started playing in WHITE OWNED PUNK ROCK clubs. Ever hear of the Ramones? Theyve shared venue's with people like Fab 5 Freddie and some other pioneers of hip hop.

You might also want to come to the realization that a good 70 percent of the people who buy rap records out the stores are white. Tech N9ne did an interview with Murder Dog, and they said something about how some black people say he does "white music". Tech told the interviewer that there isnt really a thing such as "black" or "white" music. He also stated the fact that when he toured with Jay-Z, 80 percent of the crowd was white.

So... how about you become a rapper yourself and refuse to sell your music to white people because- shit, who knows- maybe they're try to adopt the culture you portray through your music. Lets see how far you get.

I myself grew up on rock and rap, and I have a very diverse personality in terms of how I act, the way I talk, and how I react toward certain things. I wasn't raised to be any race, I was raised to be a good person. I live in Detroit, and we got races here that ya'll aint never even fuckin heard of. The riots we had in the 60s let everyone know that racism and detroit aren't going to ever be synonymous. Its mostly all love between races here, but just keep your mouth in check.