Are all races trying to claim Hop Hop??

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Sicc OG
Apr 4, 2006
Hey aka, people that say rap is white peopls now and not black peoples, are stupid. dont listin to them, there ignorant and dont know what the fuck there talking about,but any white rapper like eminem, wouldent claim that its all there music, when 90%of rap is black,dam there stupid the people that think raps all all originated from black people, everybody knows that.people that make those coments, are fuckin raciest and jelous mothafuckas, there suckin on major jelly sickles. i would never say white people created it. if your gonna be a white rapper, are any other race and rap you haft to acknolage who created it and respect it. and i think it was very ignorant for somebody to use racial slures earlyer not aka, but that ( definitly) racist mothafucka that made those racial slures you fuckin idiote.


Jul 6, 2005
Defy said:
saying hip hop is black is shitting on other races, and thats racist in itself. saying that your race is basically superior or has the rights to that thing. its bullshit. plain and simple. HIP HOP IS OURS! and if you can't realize that then you aren't Hip Hop and shouldn't be a part of OUR culture. Do I mean white? no. black? no. latino?. no. asian? no. Hip Hop cannot be claimed by one race because no one race is responsible for it. period. end of discussion.


Jul 6, 2005
It goes w/out saying that rap/hip hop is black/latino/whatever-you-wanna-call-it "invention", but it is much bigger than that nowadays......
The old motherfuckers behind the counter at the shottle bop on springs a few years ago, fresh off the boat just some years before that mind you, wearing doo rags and shit after they were here for a couple of's a culture too deep out here


Jul 6, 2005
10fingerattack said:
isn't def jam a hip hop pioneer? then why is the main producer Rick Rueben a white dude? race doesn't matter. nobody hates when a brotha or a chinaman do some rock & roll. it's all music my peeps.
thank you
Jun 27, 2005
blunt_hogg559 said:
It goes w/out saying that rap/hip hop is black/latino/whatever-you-wanna-call-it "invention", but it is much bigger than that nowadays......
The old motherfuckers behind the counter at the shottle bop on springs a few years ago, fresh off the boat just some years before that mind you, wearing doo rags and shit after they were here for a couple of's a culture too deep out here
So what you are saying is that black culture runs too deep to just be black culture? Some FOBs put a doo rag on and now all of a sudden there's its not black culture?


Sicc OG
Apr 4, 2006
alot of people dont know, but fuck em alot more do know, ya theres a few dummys out there, but for the most part alot of people do know. and the ones that dont know do know, but they haten.and carlos shut the fuck up rap is about unity, you haten mothafucka, dam i notice when im around alot of spanish cats, they dont like "UNITY" stop (haten) bitches


Jul 6, 2005
XxtraMannish said:
So what you are saying is that black culture runs too deep to just be black culture? Some FOBs put a doo rag on and now all of a sudden there's its not black culture?
I'm saying that they are emulating the hip hop culture.....of course, which derives from black culture, and will always be a part of black culture, but is simultaneously part of the hip hop culture as well....Are they one and the same? That's arguable, I'll admit that....but to the original question at hand, Are other races trying to claim hip hop? No, but that hip hop culture is too popular, runs too deep in American culture, grown beyond "black" culture.......

Be real, in the bay, how many non-black cats you know that say 'nigga' all the time? (this is an example). All races, as far as I've seen, does that to an extent out in the bay.....Are they copying black culture? Yes, (and in my opinion, disrespecting it as well, although i've done it myself). But overall, it's the spread of the HIP HOP culture, in its many various forms-from gangster to backpacking, that is responsible for that type of thing. There are many instances, from saying nigga, to style of dress, to talk, to lifestyle; many things that are a product of the spread of HIP HOP culture. IMO
Jun 27, 2005
^^^This post did make some sense, but at the same time...If its so universal, why dont you ever see non hispanics runnin around sayin shit like, "QUE PASA MY SPIC!" Because its BLACK culture.


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
blunt_hogg559 said:
Be real, in the bay, how many non-black cats you know that say 'nigga' all the time? (this is an example). All races, as far as I've seen, does that to an extent out in the bay.....Are they copying black culture? Yes, (and in my opinion, disrespecting it as well, although i've done it myself). But overall, it's the spread of the HIP HOP culture, in its many various forms-from gangster to backpacking, that is responsible for that type of thing. There are many instances, from saying nigga, to style of dress, to talk, to lifestyle; many things that are a product of the spread of HIP HOP culture. IMO
I still think everyone who uses the word nigger is disrepctful, no matter what race they are, white, asian, latino, or black. and nigger and nigga is the same word.

XxtraMannish said:
^^^This post did make some sense, but at the same time...If its so universal, why dont you ever see non hispanics runnin around sayin shit like, "QUE PASA MY SPIC!" Because its BLACK culture.
because nigg"a" has been popularized and're only "real" if you say nigger every other word in your rhymes....and people just recite the words they hear on their favorite rap songs....look at eminem, he used to say nigger until he realized how be he was becoming....cypress hill has been saying nigger for over a decade.....if 50 cent was latino and was saying "que pasa my spic" millions of non "hispanics" would be saying that shit too....
Jun 27, 2005
exactly... "IF" he was Latino. If is the key word. Let's not deal in "ifs." Lets deal with "is." The word nigga is glamourized because it is black culture. I think the reason everybody wants it to be somethin besides black is because it has been turned into some kind of fuckin fashion statement.


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
XxtraMannish said:
exactly... "IF" he was Latino. If is the key word. Let's not deal in "ifs." Lets deal with "is." The word nigga is glamourized because it is black culture. I think the reason everybody wants it to be somethin besides black is because it has been turned into some kind of fuckin fashion statement.
nigger is not fucking black culture other than thats whats told to them to degrade them....if you think that word is ok and you're black, then you have much more serious issues to deal with then whether or not hip hop is want to deal with is? ok. vanilla ice, beastie boys, eminem, and rick rubin are all HUGE factors in hip hop...they made hip hop what it is today. latinos helped CREATE hip hop. they started that shit with blacks. that IS fact. look at when big pun was alive, did you see how hip hop was changing? how much latino's were getting recognition and actually getting more chances to come up? too many people of different races put so much into hip hop. period. rap IS dominated by blacks. EVERY other aspect of hip hop IS dominated by other races.


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
vanilla ice was and is NOT a factor in hip hop. rick rubin, beastie boys, ok, i can live with that (even though they seemed to join hip hop as their punk thing was dying out and hip hop seemed to be a suitable venture)...and i'll admit i do like eminem, but u dont understand that THERE WOULD BE NO EMINEM WITHOUT HIP HOP.
Jun 27, 2005
Defy said:
nigger is not fucking black culture other than thats whats told to them to degrade them....if you think that word is ok and you're black, then you have much more serious issues to deal with then whether or not hip hop is want to deal with is? ok. vanilla ice, beastie boys, eminem, and rick rubin are all HUGE factors in hip hop...they made hip hop what it is today. latinos helped CREATE hip hop. they started that shit with blacks. that IS fact. look at when big pun was alive, did you see how hip hop was changing? how much latino's were getting recognition and actually getting more chances to come up? too many people of different races put so much into hip hop. period. rap IS dominated by blacks. EVERY other aspect of hip hop IS dominated by other races.
The word nigga(er) itself is not black culture, but the use of the word as a term of endearment IS black culture. There is no denying that. The word became pseudo-acceptable (i say pseudo-acceptable because the vast majority of the non blacks who use the word in this particular manner would never use it in front of black people.) through rap (black music) made by black rappers.

As far as white artists you mentioned, they would not exist if not for the blacks (ok, ok, and the occasional dark skinned, kinky haired "puerto rican") who created it. They did not make it what it is today. They just tried to fit in with what was already there. I dont mean to take anything away from them (except vanilla ice) because they are all pretty talented, but they did not mold it into what it is today other than making it "ok" for other white people to enjoy it.


Jul 6, 2005
XxtraMannish said:
^^^This post did make some sense, but at the same time...If its so universal, why dont you ever see non hispanics runnin around sayin shit like, "QUE PASA MY SPIC!" Because its BLACK culture.
Exactly. It's hip hop culture, which goes back to black culture inevitably....


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
vanilla ice brought attention to hip hop....major attention....and beastie boys were doing the exact same thing as run dmc...they just went more into rock over the years....of course there would be no eminem without hip hop, there would also be no 50 cent, no mac dre, no 2pac (maybe a poet, but then he'd still be living), no big, no rakim, etc etc phat farm clothing, adidas would've died out in the 80s, nike shoes would cost less then $100, tight jeans would be acceptable, baseball hats would only come in 2 colors, home & away.....etc..etc.. etc....

as far as the "nigger" was not a term of endearment...that shit is an excuse to put people down....blacks were brought here they were told that they're just niggers so much that they eventually started calling each other was still acceptable to say negro around the 60s....I still can't believe people believe that bullshit that "its ok to say nigger, because I'm black"....its along the same lines as saying "its ok to call my mom a bitch because I'm a female" still not only disprespects the person you're talking about, but also yourself
Jun 27, 2005
Vanilla Ice was the K Fed of his time. He brought negative attention and is damn near universally regarded as the biggest laughing stock in the history of rap. What exactly are you trying to say is his major contribution to hip hop?

Beastie Boys and Rick Ruben did their thing, I was not a fan of them and neither was anybody I knew, but it wasnt bad music. Their overall impact though, was making it acceptable for white kids to like rap.

And I dont need you to tell me the history of the N word like I dont know. You completely missed my point. Reread and then respond.