Are all races trying to claim Hop Hop??

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Aug 8, 2003
i guess all thats next is for the NAACP to start chargin white, asians, and mexicans for copyright infringment huh??

man this thread is str8 gay! jus because a group of people unrelated but the same color as you invented something that changed muscial history, you act as if other races owe u something, when you, the individual, did jack shit.. the color of your skin doesnt give you braggin rights for shit...otherwise, u mite as well just ask for a handout...its one thing to be proud, but to bring it up as if you own rights to a fuckin music category is some retarded shit... be happy it blew up like it did.. be happy that others are embracing it also and e happy with the fact NOBODY is denying its roots..


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
XxtraMannish said:
And I dont need you to tell me the history of the N word like I dont know. You completely missed my point. Reread and then respond.
I reread what you said its ok because its a term of endearment....what I said in response still stands.....actually, now I realize that I didn't miss any point you supposedly made....YOU ARE TAUGHT ITS OK TO DEGRADE YOURSELF AND YOUR RACE. period. I didn't miss any point, maybe you should just think about wtf you're saying.
Jun 27, 2005
You misread and missed the point again and decided to put words in my mouth so that you could feel like you had a point. I never said the word was ok or that I even feel one way or the other about the N word. What I said was that the use of the word as a term of endearment is a black thing. When a black man refers to another black man as "my nigga" or one of its millions of variations, it is not intended as disrespect and is not degrading. Its basically another word for homey, friend, etc. when it is used this way. The use of the word in a "positive" way came from black people. Its not the same as a racist who DOES intend it to be disrespectful. I'm sure youre a smart enough guy to see that.


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City

n : the act of showing affection
so a black person calling another black person nigger is affectionate? when women call each other bitches, its still insulting. when gays call each oher fag its still insulting. looking at the big picture, people are accepting insults as a good way to view themselves, which is bullshit. don't you see that black people have used that word for so damn long that it's instilled in their heads, and instead of purging the word, they have accepted it....well, as long as its from someone of their own race...its still the same word if the grand dragon of the kkk says it, the head of the naacp says it, or if e-40 says it....
Jun 27, 2005
Do you not grasp the concept of intent and context in regards to how certain words are used? Surely you do not honestly believe that when a black man says to another black man "whats up my nigga" that what he really means is "whats up you lazy worthless black idiot." Of course not. When its used in that context "my nigga" means "my friend." The word is not being used in the same way that a racist would use it.


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
I grasp that...I understand that....people are taught it is ok....certainly when you hear gay people call each other fags they don't mean bottom feeding perverts or bundles of sticks.....when you hear women call each other bitch they don't mean female dog.....people are taught that these words are ok if its the same people calling them it...their own race, their own gender, their own you grasp what I'm saying?
Jun 27, 2005
I got you, but thats irrelevant to what were talking about. And its not necesarrilly true that one of your own can call you these things. If a woman calls another woman a bitch, it may or may not be offensive, depending on the intent behind the word. Was the woman who called another woman a bitch using it in a playful way or did she say it with the intent of disrespect just to get under her skin?


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
nope, same shit....a black man can call another black man a stupid nigger and mean the same kind of offense that a woman calls another woman a stupid bitch....reversed, a black man can say "I love this nigga" and a woman can say "I love this bitch" and it becomes a very affectionate insult.
Jun 27, 2005
Defy said:
a black man can say "I love this nigga" and a woman can say "I love this bitch" and it becomes a very affectionate insult.
LOL an "affectionate insult?" How can an insult be affectionate? You actually think if a black man says "I love this nigga!" that his intent is to disrespect?
Jun 27, 2005
So do you think when a black man is referred to as a nigga by his black friend that he takes offense to it? If no offense is intended and no offense is taken, how can it be an insult?


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
if you don't take offense to an insult, it doesn't change the fact that its an insult. the word bitch can be used affectionately, yet its still an insult. At least you're not saying the "er" and the "a" makes it different....

on a side note, I wonder how many posts you (xxxtra manish) and me have in this thread
Feb 8, 2003
iTS ALL A RESPECT THING. If I caucasin cat im cool with or know call me nigga i dont care. but If some random guy at the mall or club some where come up to me like whats up nigga In a blink I would hit him with something amazing and he'll be carried out. Its just all respect.

Lets say someone you dont know come up to you like hey bitch wouldnt you feel disrespected just for the fact you dont know where that person is coming from or is about? If your boy says it, shit wont bother you bc yall are friends and you know yall got that got mutual respect.
Jun 27, 2005
Defy said:
if you don't take offense to an insult, it doesn't change the fact that its an insult. the word bitch can be used affectionately, yet its still an insult. At least you're not saying the "er" and the "a" makes it different....

on a side note, I wonder how many posts you (xxxtra manish) and me have in this thread
You're still missing my point though. If it is used in an endearing manner then it is not an insult. Now on the other hand, if it is used in a derrogatory fashon, then it is an insult. Thats what Im saying about context and intent.

As far as the "er" and the "a," it does make a difference to some people, but that's a whole nother long ass thread.

And the answer is a million back and forth posts. lol and Hip hop is still black!! OOOOOH lol


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
the fact of the matter is the word is still an insult. people use that insult in a nice way doesn't change the fact that its still an insult. I do understand where you're coming from tho, if you're ok with using the word and you're coo with who's calling you it then its no longer an insult in your eyes. but it doesn't change what the word means. my friend calls me asshole cuz I'm so sarcastic that I know he's not meaning it in an insulting way, but it doesn't change the fact that its an insult.

and hip hop isn't just black! DAAAAAAMN!
Mar 1, 2006
shut the f*@k up

we could have this discussion about every nit picking thing on the planet. black, white , yellow, brown, the whole box of crayola , all in the same boat. every race invents things that ALL of us use. so get over it. no race is better than the other. just imagine that? hmmmmmmm i'm a white dude and produce any one with talent regardless of race. fuc* color. make your money and stop bitchin'.