Asking the question "who is responsible for fixing black problems" is flat out ignorant to say the least. What makes any of you think that "black problems" should get any more attention than the problems of any other race, culture or any struggling group of people in a fixed area or city for that matter. Fixing the problems of "black" people is no one's responsibility whatsoever, not even “black” people as a whole are responsible for that. Each and every one of you are responsible for your own lives, making something for yourselves and getting an education, that is all
your responsibility. Who is responsible for helping poor “white” people? Asian? Mexican? In my own personal opinion, one thing keeping racism alive as strongly as it exists today is people like you guys on this board who think that “black” people are still slaves, you think you are getting treated so fucking badly, get over it because this is as good as it gets my friend. There is always going to be the KKK, idiotic young skinhead/Nazi groups and there are always going to be some racist red-neck cop's who aren't going to like any race and will treat me (“white” German) just as bad for having a “black” girlfriend then they will an average "black" man on the streets. I live in Fresno, California which is as ghetto as it gets and I see African Americans all over taking the initiative and making something for themselves without struggle, because they don't hold themselves back.
Tenkamenin said:
not just on racist white men in the U.S./Europe history
So you think teaching young “black” kids about "whites" and
racism is going to be constructive in their lives?
Wrong. You are going to link them right back in the chain that you believe you are trying to break them from. They are going to grow up looking at “white” people differently from others, thinking deep behind every “white” person is a racist man. That is a cycle that will continue until it’s broken. Why not work on the “black” and “white” community together rather then focusing on one race, your race. What if I rose up and wanted to help out only the “white” race in America, would I be looked at by the African American community as a person trying to better the race of struggling “whites”, or a KKK affiliate trying to make “white” people superior? You know the answer as well as I do and the reason the answer is that, is because you have all been taught about the history of “whites” and racism, the same thing your trying to teach our young kids. I believe your intentions on helping these “black” people that are in need of it are good, but I think the ways you, as well as many others are going about it are wrong. Once you separate one race from the other weather you are trying to help them or not, you are adding to the problem that plagues our society. Why don't you stop teaching these young "black" kids of a racist “white” world, and bring them together with “white” kids, teach them that they are the same and in doing so teach them the history of the world, weather that be what the Germans did to the Jews, or what the "white" people living in the U.S. at that time did to Africans by enslaving them; teaching them that "white" people enslaved them for hundreds of years is going to include many "white" nationalities that had absolutely nothing to do with it. Don't target "white" people, be specific, if you know so much about slavery, you shouldn’t have a problem with that.
The main thing that keeps racism the way it is today is the unwillingness of African Americans to have an open mind to a solution. All
they want to hear is how they have been fucked over and they deserve this and that because people they don't even know were enslaved for hundreds of years. You need to have “black”, “white”, and Mexican political activists come together and work on the community as a whole as opposed to fixing only your problems. If you look at me right now thinking I am racist then you are a prime example of what this paragraph is explaining. A “white” person cannot have any say so in helping “black” people without telling them exactly what they want to hear, yet we have African Americans all over the U.S. asking
us why they have it so bad, why can't
we do anything about it. This may be hard for some of you to read or understand. Tenk, im not trying to show you up or trying to make you look bad. You want to help out the “black” community, that’s fine. I would love to be right aside you helping the “white” community coexist with them, but that cannot and will not happen because of the way many of you think. You ask all the questions, but you’re afraid of the answers. Im going to make a change in my life, it might be different then yours, I might go about it a different way, but it will be no worse then what you are trying.
Tenkamenin: I wish you success on whatever it is you try to accomplish, and I hope it’s for the better of
your people, and not just what’s in your best interest. I know there are many “black” people that have it hard out there and believe me I really feel for them, but specifically targeting them and no one else is adding to the problem. I know that is some ways, in some places “black” people do have it hard, and it is difficult for them to succeed, and I will try as hard to fix that as I will to better the successful chances of struggling “white” communities. I don’t know exactly what im going to do in this life, but I will make a change.
To any of you wishing to reply to me, please don't waist my time by taking one sentence out of a paragraph and telling me im a racist because I don't have time for that childish shit.