I never talked bad about them, you took what I said differently then it was intended for. I talk about what I see, whats really going on, reality. Sometimes it isn't pretty, and often more then not, the majority of society will turn a blind eye to the issues discussed in this thread. I have no ill feelings towards any one that I have mentioned in this thread. The things I said about people shopping in my store was not to target them and point the finger, but I felt that it was related to the discussion and so I brought it up. I can see your arguement had I devoted an entire thread just to call these people out for some oddly reason, but that is not the case here. I have more respect for a person doing what that can to survive rather then these rich assholes who tell me they don't want that 2-liter of Pepsi because they though it was $1.29 not $1.59. There are things in this worl that people are afraid to look at or ackonowledge, but because I talk about them, and make everyone aware of their existance does NOT make me a bad person at all. I did not insult a single person in this thread. If you or anyone else in here took offense to anything I said, then your going to have a rough road ahead of you because it's a cold world out there.