FoeTwin said:
I am talking about how black people hate one another more than people of any other ethnicity do. Whether the animosity be between the Tootsie and the Hootu (sp) along the Congo in Africa, or the rival hoods that stay across the train tracks from one another in Ghetto America, USA, there will always be division amungst "black people" as a whole. If there were any coherent linkages between blacks, dont you think the answer to your initial question would have already been discussed, debated, and solved???
Take for example two children playing in a room. Mother takes a toy away. Child 1 gets angry. Child 1 does not strike at Mother. Child 1 does not see the point, considering Mother is a bigger and seemingly all-powerful entity, and the hit will not do much damage. It will cause more harm than good. Child 1 strikes Child 2, releasing anger.
A disenfranchised Black man does not see the point of leaving the poor side of town to stroll into suburbia shooting White people. (Y'all gonna say since I'm not black, I can't say this for certain, I can say that such events have not happened YET on a large scale, or else White America would be up in arms) White people areas mean more police coverage, and more police suspicion. A minority status means Black people who venture out of Black areas are not likely to see an equal number of Black people, but a large mass of White people. White America is too large and pointless a target to strike at, therefore the target is another Black man with some money in his pocket, a rival gang member, or a person exhibiting confusion or fear in a section of the city in which survival can be an issue of exhibiting power.
Anyone here interested in this debate should read up excerpts by Selby Steele. His argument is similar to NUTT'S. He basically contends that continuously reminding the past to White people is not going to succeed for Black America on a large scale, that even though the Black race has been victimized, holding onto the identity of a victim causes more harm than good. He is one of the few prominent Black figures that are against affirmative action.
I don't agree with everything he says, but if anything his views are different, and his piecez are well written. My 2 White Cents is that instead of putting resources at the OUTPUT level, such as Affirmative Action, where programs need to give X jobs to minorities, resources be funneled to the INPUT level in the form of adult education, with vouchers and day care provided for parents and adults interested in further education, as well as a system to wipe misdemeanors and felonies after 5 years of good conduct, in the interest of prospective employment.
Black people don't hate each other more than any other race does. But what Black America needs to do to better itself is to strike @ Mom, instead of Child 2, and this won't come in the form of a ghetto Columbine in which the burbs get dumped on all over America or a modern day Nat Turner Revolt. It will come in the form of Black people empowered by knowledge, and ready not necessarily to assimilate, but not to challenge every visible White person with a reference to slavery. While this has its purposes in the short term, it elongates division and has a poor long term effect. Yes, Black America needs Sharptons, Jacksons, and civil by rights activists. But Black America also needs 'Cosby Show' black people. I hear y'all laughin at that. But the concept is the main point. The war for a decent share of the American pie will not be won simply by repeatedly asking and increasing the volume of the request. Believe it or not, White America is not all hillbilly ass racist folks. The vast majority are in support of Black self-determination.