Who should be responsible for fixing the problems with blacks in the US?

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Mar 15, 2003
FoeTwin said:

I am talking about how black people hate one another more than people of any other ethnicity do. Whether the animosity be between the Tootsie and the Hootu (sp) along the Congo in Africa, or the rival hoods that stay across the train tracks from one another in Ghetto America, USA, there will always be division amungst "black people" as a whole. If there were any coherent linkages between blacks, dont you think the answer to your initial question would have already been discussed, debated, and solved???
I doubt that Black folks hate each other more than any other race. Destructive behaviors of disenfranchised people of any race tend to be to attack the nearest or most available target in redirected retaliation.

Take for example two children playing in a room. Mother takes a toy away. Child 1 gets angry. Child 1 does not strike at Mother. Child 1 does not see the point, considering Mother is a bigger and seemingly all-powerful entity, and the hit will not do much damage. It will cause more harm than good. Child 1 strikes Child 2, releasing anger.

A disenfranchised Black man does not see the point of leaving the poor side of town to stroll into suburbia shooting White people. (Y'all gonna say since I'm not black, I can't say this for certain, I can say that such events have not happened YET on a large scale, or else White America would be up in arms) White people areas mean more police coverage, and more police suspicion. A minority status means Black people who venture out of Black areas are not likely to see an equal number of Black people, but a large mass of White people. White America is too large and pointless a target to strike at, therefore the target is another Black man with some money in his pocket, a rival gang member, or a person exhibiting confusion or fear in a section of the city in which survival can be an issue of exhibiting power.

Anyone here interested in this debate should read up excerpts by Selby Steele. His argument is similar to NUTT'S. He basically contends that continuously reminding the past to White people is not going to succeed for Black America on a large scale, that even though the Black race has been victimized, holding onto the identity of a victim causes more harm than good. He is one of the few prominent Black figures that are against affirmative action.

I don't agree with everything he says, but if anything his views are different, and his piecez are well written. My 2 White Cents is that instead of putting resources at the OUTPUT level, such as Affirmative Action, where programs need to give X jobs to minorities, resources be funneled to the INPUT level in the form of adult education, with vouchers and day care provided for parents and adults interested in further education, as well as a system to wipe misdemeanors and felonies after 5 years of good conduct, in the interest of prospective employment.

Black people don't hate each other more than any other race does. But what Black America needs to do to better itself is to strike @ Mom, instead of Child 2, and this won't come in the form of a ghetto Columbine in which the burbs get dumped on all over America or a modern day Nat Turner Revolt. It will come in the form of Black people empowered by knowledge, and ready not necessarily to assimilate, but not to challenge every visible White person with a reference to slavery. While this has its purposes in the short term, it elongates division and has a poor long term effect. Yes, Black America needs Sharptons, Jacksons, and civil by rights activists. But Black America also needs 'Cosby Show' black people. I hear y'all laughin at that. But the concept is the main point. The war for a decent share of the American pie will not be won simply by repeatedly asking and increasing the volume of the request. Believe it or not, White America is not all hillbilly ass racist folks. The vast majority are in support of Black self-determination.


Sicc OG
May 3, 2002
Mar 15, 2003
EDJ, I'm with you on that. There are many communities of strong, successful black folks in America. The biggest concentration I believe would be on the Upper East Coast, with a focal point being New York, Connecticut, etc.
Jul 24, 2002
Snubnoze said:
I was talkin bout this the other night, and we all know there's deffinately problems of opportunies for african americans in the US, but how yall think it should be solved?

Do you think it should be the government passing laws to give blacks more opportunites to progess in society?

Do you think it should be the middle class whites letting go of stereotypes and racist thoughts and accepting blacks into society which will open up more opportunies?

Do you think it should be the blacks themselves getting out there and making more opportunies for themselves and get their foot in the door?

I think its kind of a combination of em all but what do yall think will be the biggest factor? Who's more responsible for the change?
I think the government should throw away their system of oppression.
"Miggidy what are you talking about????".
I'm talking about their fucking system.
They brought drugs into the ghetto!
They taught black folks how to make crack....
This lead to every fucking problem that the black comunity is going through today. And now the problem isn't only affecting black folks, but every other minority as well.
Why can't blind muthafuckas see this????

It is clearer than water, "they" have created an oppressive system. Black folks ain't just a bunch of whiners, like "they" lead you to believe. There is some evil twisted shit going on under America's nose. Do you think it's just a coincedence that it's very easy to find a fire arm in the ghetto?
How about alcohol???? Every ghetto's plagued by liquor stores.
Not convinced yet? What about abortion clinics????
And I haven't even mentioned the lazy ass cops they give us.
These muthafuckas allow us to kill each other and it's only a fucking problem when we kill their kind....

Wake up people..............
Jul 24, 2002
And I didn't even mention the shit they're doing to our youth....
Do you think this fucking probation system is for the better?
It's a fucking trap! They even encourage it, who's been through this scenario?:
" Son, you can serve your time or step out early with probation.
So Sir, I'd rather stay in here and serve all my time. No son, you're better off with probation so we will release you tomorrow."

And what happens next? You get caught up on some bullshit probation violation on some weak shit and back in you go.
It's a fucking cycle.....

That's what they want....
Some of you will call this a conspiracy theory but it's fucking reality for you!
In my language, it's called a fucking "choke hold"....

Good luck on trying to get Sam to change his policy....
He thinks he's doing this for national security purposes, it's more like white people security purposes.
Mar 15, 2003
Why are there so many gun stores in the ghetto?

Big business lobbying by gun companies. Our government is ran by two words: "Campaign contributions"

Do we think all black people are whining about their situation?

No, only that the 'up-front challenge' tactic is losing effectiveness as a whole. In addition to bringing up the system that slavery created and the situation of black people in America, more proposals need to be made by Black activists and civil right leaders specifically about what needs to be done, instead of 'look at the situation of black people', 'look at the ghetto'. While challenges do exist to a movement that does not 'shock and awe', comprehensive solutions for the oppressive system cannot be defined just as a redistribution of government wealth, or a simple monetary reparations system. It is necessary to include a plan for an active resuscitation of Black america in which Black people themselves take a large role.
Jul 24, 2002
And I didn't even mention the shit they're doing to our youth....
Do you think this fucking probation system is for the better?
It's a fucking trap! They even encourage it, who's been through this scenario?:
" Son, you can serve your time or step out early with probation.
Sir, I'd rather stay in here and serve all my time. No son, you're better off with probation so we will release you tomorrow."
And what happens next? You get caught up on some bullshit probation violation on some weak shit and back in you go.
It's a fucking cycle.....
That's what they want....
Some of you will call this a conspiracy theory but it's fucking reality for you!
In my language, it's called a fucking "choke hold"....

Good luck on trying to get Sam to change his policy....
He thinks he's doing this for national security purposes, it's more like white people security purposes.
Mar 15, 2003
Nah HERESY, whether or not you agree with the politics of Jackson or Sharpton, which I don't for the most part, anyone would agree there needs to be more people out there making noise for the black cause.
May 6, 2002
Miggidy, the main problem is that people who aint been in the system aint listening to what we got to say. This is truly an"Us" versus "Them" situation and some brothas dont know which side they on.
May 17, 2002
the black family is DEAD! not "en masse" but in general. and what i mean by in general is that a critical section of the black community is in such disarray that only a remnant of niggas (african americans) will survive the next century without being assimilated into the white family structure.

I see nothing wrong with this being that I'm a humanist not a racist but I do find it unfortunate being that I enjoy being black (just not the "black experience (sometimes)")

I dont hate being black and I dont believe that blacks hate each other we just have a problem communicating with ourselves as we do white people. the biggest problem i think it is between blacks is that we dont have forum. we have a lack of discourse other than being preached at by:
religious figures
faulty black leaders

the black social structure is fucced up by the fact that we are (in general) conditioned to be lazy and would rather be told how to think than to think for ourselves (the legacy of slavery) niggas shut out original thought in fear of "the man" disagreeing with it.

most of the time when blacks do have a successful idea they are so afraid of what whites will do to them for having it that they sellout just so they won't have the responsibility of it and the fear of retribution (the legacy of slavery).

sadly enough i love black people but i hate the black "thought" if we could break the -osis and find ism there will be a change.

i have many more theorems and postulations :)


Sicc OG
May 3, 2002

Jul 24, 2002
Yeah, prison is our biggest example....

I ain't black, I'm Latino.
But it's easy for me to see that Sam's got some personal shit against Black folks.
It's been like that since day one....
Every other minority should be concerned as well....
Look at what happenned to the Indians and Mexicans....
They start with one race, and off to the next one....
May 17, 2002
the laws are built to eliminae blacks that won't assimilate.

In america be it in school business or society the prime rule is this. . .

Conform or be defeated. you will not change the system from the outside.

it is against the american concensus that you are different of your own accord, you can only be different "like" everyone else.

The American Paradox.
Apr 25, 2002
Re: Question not directed at anyone in particular...

YoungVicious said:
400 years of economic and social oppression, and blacks are just supposed to fix everything themselves?
Great point......The worst thing that ever happened to Blacks in America is the mental abuse they suffered throughout history. You've all ready stripped a group of people of there culture and forced them to adopt one that is based on Black Inferiority, and White Superiority. These mental problems can not be removed at the snap of a finger. Than you've economically oppressed Africans throughout our history. You've got blacks running around that are the product of people that went through this torcher, and thats exactly what I see when I observe most blacks in America.

Lets not kid ourselves, there are sooooooooooooo many problems in the black community it is not even funny. I'll start with education, because that is the most important problem to fix in our community. We need to educate Africans in America and not just on racist white men in the U.S./Europe history but on who Africans are, where they're from, culture, history, and the role slaves had on building this country. Out of all the American History classes I've taken I've yet to hear how slaves played a big role on America's stardom to super power. More blacks need to learn Economics, especially at a young age. I would love to see schools require black folks to take economic classes pertaining the black community. We need to breed a generation of Africans that know the value of the dollar, investing, and starting there own businesses.

To do all of this is not easy, we need to target predominantly black schools and make them stronger.

Aren't yall sick of the cowardly black men in our community? Actually calling them men is generous, a lot of them are OLD BOYS. I'm FED UP with black men that love to father children and not take responsibility for them. I have 12 tight black friends and only one of them came from a household consisting of 2 parents. A lot of their dads just walked out on them when they were little, and this is a problem in the black community. A lot of black kids are hurt by this, and react to a loss of a parent in their home. Whats sad is that there reaction usually consists of something that could land them in prison. Now don't get me wrong we have a lot of strong black women that raise there child to be successful but it's hard and the success rate is not always great. This is a problem in the black community that needs correcting.

Wouldn't you like to see predominantly black schools offer classes on becoming a man? Of course this class is far different from the norm but school is to educate and help people grow and this is a problem in the black community that needs to be corrected. That would be one hell of a class, if successful it would end one of the most vicious cycles in the black community.

Than we also have the bling bling problem in the community, and this results from ignorance on Economics and idolizing Black sports stars and Rappers. Too many problems to list, however I'm optomistic that we can start from somewhere and uprise.

Also investing and rebuilding Africa, I think Africa plays a large part in this. I think African Americans and Africans have something they both need, working together could be huge.

There are a lot of intelligent young black folks out there that are willing to help and get shit on the roll, we just need to get together create a blueprint thats reasonable and make it happen. I can see it in my head right now....:classic:

I Lastly we don't need Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton or that one designated leader to help us, we all need to be leaders speak up and most importantly step up.
Apr 25, 2002
i heard a great quote a while back
"when black people make money, and get a good job, be it a doctor or lawyer, they move out of their neighborhood, so the kids growing up, the don't see black people making money legit, the only people they see making money are the drug dealers and pimps...so the doctors, lawyers, proffessors, should stay in the neighbohood, make themselves seen, so these kids know that there's a better way to advance theirselves"

that's paraphrased...but it was the jist of it...

i thought i made a good point
good role models are needed...
Aug 7, 2002
lemme ask this if dey neva acted like this o watevaa den nothin would b da same cuz it'd b changin and it wouldn't be no more hip hop n rap n stuff cuz once da ghetto streetz are cleaned n shyt den it wouldn't b noffin bad to tawk bout nah mean....i mean shyt i been hangin a round wit blk folkz since i waz in diapers so i kno how dat shyyt goess and im kinda n da mix wif dis shit too yea da ghetto is really bad one of my homebois got killed awhile bacc...it would have to take a miracle to clear all this shit up... when my homeboi got in trouble i got his bacc n started gettin n trouble n shit n bein loud as fucc wit mah homeboiz dey didn't giva fucc wha people thought n shytt especially n my school....im coo wit some mexicans n purto ricans tho not dat im racists but i guesss dey wasn't into my personality n i wazn't into derezz i aint sayin i have sum kinda african root or some shit like dat but dam i been madd coo like dat...im coo wit all ovem tho n i been thru all dat shit too so i kno how dat shit goess im 19 yrz old and still got hella mo to go and da anxiety dat really fucced me mentally waz prolly da reason thru da strugglez n some shit and of course it increases...tupac did a really good job in his music yea it aint suppose to be like this though....people b actin all crazii like a war got finished and dere cheerin fo dem selvez all loud n shyt ....i'll post some more later