Who should be responsible for fixing the problems with blacks in the US?

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Jul 6, 2002
Law'd Ave Myrh- SEE

The only suggestions that I have read thus far that would actually be a factor to bring about change is the onle about blacks helping themselves...

Change has has to be done from a "to each one, reach one, and teach one" style of learning.

Without this train of thought, there will be no rebirth of black culture in today's society. It's been watered down with the stereotypes you hear in the musical genre labeled ganxta rap and television.

And about blacks being loud, how do you think black people reacted when they found out that the Union defeated the C.S.A. after the Civil War was finally over ? DO you think they were still whispering and being reserved in fear of being smitten with a cat'o nine talis??? This same trait has been inherited throughout generations. Not to say that "all black people are loud," but the ones who are are outgoing and refuse to be ignored.

We, as people with brown skin (last time I checked my skin was actually chocolate brown, and not "black") must search to find TRUTH. We are the original inhabitants of this world! Whites were the first slaves, but even as the the Word of YHWH warned, "One day the bottom rail will be on top, and the top rail on the bottom"

WE used to rule over THEM, and now THEY over US. It's just the way it has to be... we have to re establish our relationship with the Creator becasue we have forgotton our past, so HE is humbling us by allowing HIS curse to consume every aspect of our lives and brainwash us...

I will be serving as a couselor at the Boys and Girls club camp this summer, so my lil brothaz and sistaz willhave something to do instead of getting into trouble...


It's not the answer, but it's a helluva starting point..
Jul 6, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
if you had a group of blacks in business suites and briefcases, I doubt anyone would be nervous. :siccness:
I beg to differ!

The intelligent black man in the business suit is the most feared!

Why will the playing field never be equal for blacks outside of businesses that involve entertainment and sports???

It's becasue whites dominiate just about every other aspect of mainstream society as a whole. The intelligent black man in the business suit is trying to breakout of the mold that has been casted before him, he refuses to reamain a classic example of an uncle tom ass kisser and manipulated as a whitemans tool!

Why do you think negative images of blacks on television is so popular?

It's becasue reality imitates culture and vis' a vis..

Booty Enta Thug Network, as the Lyrical Terrorist Chuck D calls it, is a prime example of this...If videos fo skantly clad women, six figure cars, and puppets wearing doo rags sporting timbz throwing cash and expoiting women is all that people of color have to identify with on television, they are going to think that that is what's "in" and the "thing to do"....
Look at most teenagers who are of color...if they dont want to play in the NFL or NBA, they want to Rap or be an actor...Rarely do you find hear a child say they want to be the CEO of Time Warner or a Biochemical technician when they are asked the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Whose fault is it ??

I blame parents. Middle class and rich children have parents who endoctrinate them at a young age and set high expectations for them. Lil Jr. grows up with his parents telling him that he will be a docter, astronout, or a judge...

As for the black man in the business suit, he poses the greatest threat to a whiteman becsaue he knows that the brotha has the potential to take his position..

Will he be given the opportunity to show himself worthy?

A fair chance to advance himself and provide for his family??

Well, we all know that this world is based upon nepitism, and if you deny this then who elected YOUR president...???
May 5, 2002
YOUNGSLUT, your not even worth adressing because you don't understand anything when you read it and all you do is start making assumptions. RE-READ what this thread is about because YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND IT.

I beg to differ!

The intelligent black man in the business suit is the most feared!
Maybe to the rich elite, but not to your everyday ordinary white person...

I think the only way to provoke change is whenever you hear somethin racist, even if its not meant to be racist just based out of ignorance, CALL THEM OUT ON IT. And if your a parent, make sure you teach your kid about racism and why its wrong, not just shelter them to it, and get them out in the world an meet different types of people so they won't grow up ignorant. And like Foetwin was saying, black parents should let their kids know that they are worth just as much as any other kid, and they can do whatever they want to do when they grow up. I think change will come from the individuals and parents. It will come from the communities and branch out into others. But then again we got concervatives dominating this country who would like to keep things the same as they are so its definately a struggle...
Dec 18, 2002
The black race is caught in a vicous cycle of being unprosperous and unfairly treated, the whole system of family for the black culture was utterly devestated after slavery ended. Family is the institution that most creates individuals that progress in society, after slavery there was no such thing as black family, families were split apart, there was no good family institution to base living on, then came the fact that blacks were made to be poor because they were left mostly uneducated, this created another ripple effect, now the black american culture is without proper family institution AND has a poor economic institution AND a poor education institution. For those of you not in college yet or who havent learned about institutions...every civilization have 5 major institutions that MUST be BALANCED. Those Institutions are Education, Religion, Family, Economy, Politics. Now think of how many of these institutions the black culture has been denied of during the growth of this country? And how many of these have been slowed?? Now you see the cycle the black culture in america is caught up in...their institutions that keep balance and promote successful living have been chopped to pieces...although you may argue that they have had enought time to recover...they surely havent..and thats why racist people are the most ignorant in the fucking world...they scream UNINTELLIGENT when they use STATISTICS showing that the "blacks" are destroying our country..when those same white fucks (im white by the way) put the black culture down in the first place....ya feel me?
May 6, 2002
^^^^^^^^^Since you stated that you are white let me ask you this, what made you want to learn about black culture and history so much? Most white folks just take the attitude of fuck it and could care less about knowing anything that doesnt DIRECTLY effect them.
May 17, 2002
have any of you studied anything of domestication?

if you can "un" domesticate blaccs then you will then see change and "maybe" progress

If you give a dog a bone he wont go home. if you give a dog a bone everyday and he'll become a loyal resident. if you give a dog food at the table everyday, potty train him, sleep with him, talk to him, play with him, and dress him the dog will believe he is a human. and will find dog things incomprehensible and beneath him.

these dont make a dog human. but it make a dog a different dog. so much so that it may not be a dog by definition anymore.

many have the prejudiced opinion that white people have no soul and that assimilation between blacks and whites is the selling of the black soul to the devil.

I think this. whites and blacks in the past have had strong problems with balanced communicatory and cultural exchange. the unwillingness of black to accept that as a race it is compromised culturally to white america is the source of all the problems.

I honestly believe whites want blacks to be equal. but they dont know how to communicate it to blacks without looking obligatory.
both cultures white and black are extremely prideful. whites see progress and success in a form that is not inherent in black culture. if whites are given the language and the opportunity to communicate these points of view to blacks this will cause the dissemenation of the social barrier.

true there are many that dont want equality. these are the whites on the low end of white society.


why would i in a society want outsiders to infiltrate make it harder for me to compete and/or just make me obsolete when i am comfortable in my position albeit the bottom?

those devoid of ambition and that have no desire to become ambitious do not want to be diminished.
this is the reason these kind of white people are known as poor white trash. white american culture is competition and progress.

also white american culture is coalescent capitalism. whereas black culture is individual capitalism.

in conclusion, when blacks can be coalescent team players and when whites can show blacks an equal benefit in being a team member there will be equality.
it's just hard to give the smallest contributor an equal stake in the return on an investment.
May 8, 2002
XianeX said:
have any of you studied anything of domestication?

if you can "un" domesticate blaccs then you will then see change and "maybe" progress

If you give a dog a bone he wont go home. if you give a dog a bone everyday and he'll become a loyal resident. if you give a dog food at the table everyday, potty train him, sleep with him, talk to him, play with him, and dress him the dog will believe he is a human. and will find dog things incomprehensible and beneath him.

these dont make a dog human. but it make a dog a different dog. so much so that it may not be a dog by definition anymore.

many have the prejudiced opinion that white people have no soul and that assimilation between blacks and whites is the selling of the black soul to the devil.

I think this. whites and blacks in the past have had strong problems with balanced communicatory and cultural exchange. the unwillingness of black to accept that as a race it is compromised culturally to white america is the source of all the problems.

I honestly believe whites want blacks to be equal. but they dont know how to communicate it to blacks without looking obligatory.
both cultures white and black are extremely prideful. whites see progress and success in a form that is not inherent in black culture. if whites are given the language and the opportunity to communicate these points of view to blacks this will cause the dissemenation of the social barrier.

true there are many that dont want equality. these are the whites on the low end of white society.


why would i in a society want outsiders to infiltrate make it harder for me to compete and/or just make me obsolete when i am comfortable in my position albeit the bottom?

those devoid of ambition and that have no desire to become ambitious do not want to be diminished.
this is the reason these kind of white people are known as poor white trash. white american culture is competition and progress.

also white american culture is coalescent capitalism. whereas black culture is individual capitalism.

in conclusion, when blacks can be coalescent team players and when whites can show blacks an equal benefit in being a team member there will be equality.
it's just hard to give the smallest contributor an equal stake in the return on an investment.
pretty much agree with that

XianeX said:
true there are many that dont want equality. these are the whites on the low end of white society.
but there are also many blacks who dont want it just like the whites that dont want it.
Snubnoze said:
Wouldn't you like to see blacks get out of the ghetto?
There are some that don't WANT to get out of the ghetto. They might say they do, but if actually faced with the opportunity, they wouldn't leave. Why wouldn't they leave? If that's the place where they spent most of their lives & all their family & friends are there (and the rent is being paid by Section 8), why go into an unfamiliar environment? It's like they become dependent on the ghetto circumstances. For instance, the projects out here have businesses located nearby that the residents have become 'dependent' on. These businesses include busses that come & go every 10 minutes, corner store, supermarket, check cashing place, daycare, liquor store, rent-a-center, fast food restaurants. The farther away you live from the projects, the farther away you are from all of these things, as well. And since a lot of people in the projects don't have cars, they rely heavily on the bus system, which is most readily available & widespread in the ghetto. So facing the absence of all these things, why would someone want to leave their comfort zone? It almost seems like the above-mentioned businesses have been strategically placed in these 'project-neighborhoods' as a way to make sure the residents stay there.

My 3 cents.


Sicc OG
May 3, 2002


May 5, 2002
Locahontas said:

There are some that don't WANT to get out of the ghetto. They might say they do, but if actually faced with the opportunity, they wouldn't leave. Why wouldn't they leave? If that's the place where they spent most of their lives & all their family & friends are there (and the rent is being paid by Section 8), why go into an unfamiliar environment? It's like they become dependent on the ghetto circumstances. For instance, the projects out here have businesses located nearby that the residents have become 'dependent' on. These businesses include busses that come & go every 10 minutes, corner store, supermarket, check cashing place, daycare, liquor store, rent-a-center, fast food restaurants. The farther away you live from the projects, the farther away you are from all of these things, as well. And since a lot of people in the projects don't have cars, they rely heavily on the bus system, which is most readily available & widespread in the ghetto. So facing the absence of all these things, why would someone want to leave their comfort zone? It almost seems like the above-mentioned businesses have been strategically placed in these 'project-neighborhoods' as a way to make sure the residents stay there.

My 3 cents.
I'm not talking about individuals, I'm talking about blacks as a whole...
Jul 6, 2002
Snubnoze said:

I'm not talking about individuals, I'm talking about blacks as a whole...
^ You are trying to conceptualize something that will never exist, especially in the United States. Blacks, as a people are disenfrachised. I'm not talking about the NAACP or any other establishment that is supposed to represent people of color...
I am talking about how black people hate one another more than people of any other ethnicity do. Whether the animosity be between the Tootsie and the Hootu (sp) along the Congo in Africa, or the rival hoods that stay across the train tracks from one another in Ghetto America, USA, there will always be division amungst "black people" as a whole. If there were any coherent linkages between blacks, dont you think the answer to your initial question would have already been discussed, debated, and solved???
May 17, 2002
@loca -

I find anyone who finds a sub-standard way of life as being satisfactory a stupid ass dumb fuccing son of a bitch.

to WANT to be in the ghetto you have to be a depraved, lazy, or a sadistic mofo.

but I only cast that judgement on people who have experienced the world "outside the hood".

a person who has seen the "other world" would want to go there and bring their "loved ones" with them.

I can understand a transcedentalist or a budha like person leaving comfort to experience hardship. but a capable person experienced in hardship not wanting comfort is just sickening.

low self esteem, laziness, or something.

I'd except death before returning to the perils of "the grind"

the peasants feed on the crumbs that fall from the kings plate.
the king feeds on the peasants that ate those crumbs

^^^^marinate on that. for a moment
@Xianex...that's what sets you apart from the type of people I was talking about. But there are people who just don't wanna get up off their asses & do something to enhance their situation. For example, I know this girl (age 23) who has 2 kids, gets food stamps & cash assistance. She got a job at Wal-Mart so I congratulated her & asked her how many hours a week they gave her to work. She tells me that she told Wal-Mart she could only work part time so she could still get welfare benefits. What type of weak shit is that? I knew there were people out there with that mentality, I was just shocked to actually hear somebody verbally admit that they would rather work part time so they could still get some of their welfare benefits. Pretty damn disgusting.

Also, a lot of these young girls are too spoiled & out of control. They don't wanna be told what to do by their parents. They think that 'ballers' are cool & they'll soon find one to take care of them, buy them cars & bling bling. So instead of getting told what to do & just hating their parents like normal teenagers (around 18 or so, I know they are LEGALLY adults, but most are MENTALLY still children), they go out & get public housing. So they start their young adult lives on their own in the projects (even though they may have come from a middle class neighborhood). And they think it's cool to have your own place, & be able to do what you want when you want, & it is, but they don't handle the situation with responsibility. If they don't already have at least one child by the age of 18, living in the projects it won't be too long until they are pregnant. I'm not saying that every girl in the ghetto gets pregnant, or that teen pregnancy only occurs in the ghetto, I'm making a generalization (too many people in the world to be specific all the time!). And so even if the girl didn't start out in the ghetto, this is ultimately where she ended up. Now she's a teen mother, living in the ghetto, possibly with no father figure for her child (and if there is, he's probably from the projects too). If she at least finished high school, she probably WON'T go on to college, she'll be on some type of public assistance, & probably working a piece of shit low paying job (if she's working at all). So now you have a whole new family unit that is 'stuck' in the ghetto.

But I do agree with you that people who wanna stay in the ghetto need to get a checkup from the neck up.

My 2 cents. Wow, I've now added a total of 5 cents to this topic. I'm the shit! :confused: