2-0-Sixx said:
if you had a group of blacks in business suites and briefcases, I doubt anyone would be nervous.
I beg to differ!
The intelligent black man in the business suit is the most feared!
Why will the playing field never be equal for blacks outside of businesses that involve entertainment and sports???
It's becasue whites dominiate just about every other aspect of mainstream society as a whole. The intelligent black man in the business suit is trying to breakout of the mold that has been casted before him, he refuses to reamain a classic example of an uncle tom ass kisser and manipulated as a whitemans tool!
Why do you think negative images of blacks on television is so popular?
It's becasue reality imitates culture and vis' a vis..
Thug Network, as the Lyrical Terrorist Chuck D calls it, is a prime example of this...If videos fo skantly clad women, six figure cars, and puppets wearing doo rags sporting timbz throwing cash and expoiting women is all that people of color have to identify with on television, they are going to think that that is what's "in" and the "thing to do"....
Look at most teenagers who are of color...if they dont want to play in the NFL or NBA, they want to Rap or be an actor...Rarely do you find hear a child say they want to be the CEO of Time Warner or a Biochemical technician when they are asked the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Whose fault is it ??
I blame parents. Middle class and rich children have parents who endoctrinate them at a young age and set high expectations for them. Lil Jr. grows up with his parents telling him that he will be a docter, astronout, or a judge...
As for the black man in the business suit, he poses the greatest threat to a whiteman becsaue he knows that the brotha has the potential to take his position..
Will he be given the opportunity to show himself worthy?
A fair chance to advance himself and provide for his family??
Well, we all know that this world is based upon nepitism, and if you deny this then who elected YOUR president...???