so, how much are those plane tickets fromt he bay??? any gasprices in the budget or do major label artists get free gas and airfare? big budget, low budget, no budget..... it still costs to play the game!
and mr warner bros. you have argueably the biggest bay rapper ever next to too short and tupac on your team, and argueably the best producer on the west coast next to dr. dre on the west coast and his group to work with. id say you are playing with a stacked deck. go grab a indie hustler and make a star and then you will have proven what ever point you were trying to make.
this topic aint for you. 40 and the federation aint having indie bay rap problems. so unless you want to sprinkle some game on the indie cats out tyriong to get it, save your comments for the "BOARD ROOM".
in closing, i dont rememebr mentioning a record deal in this thread anywhere. so maybe you should run a clinic and teach us how to go about it! and, or, tell why its overrated and we should just stay grindin.....