Zer0.MediA said:
The black population has gone from fighting for civil rights along side the likes of Martin Luther King Jr. to Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. The black community needs to tell these fools to shut their traps because they're doing nothing but making a race of people look like a bunch of whining fools.
How come when black folk get some money, they leave the ghetto? Oh that's right.... because they know it sucks. Strange, the way people act it's as if there aren't any other places for a black person to go other than a streetcorner in a ghetto, yet in reality the second someone makes a few bucks what do they do? They leave the ghetto... Why? Because a ghetto isn't a ghetto unless it's a shithole, and a shithole is probably not on the top of people's lists of places to stay. Now I guess that would make those black people "uncle Toms" because they aren't just sittin' in the ghetto like most yappin their gums up and down about how hard they got it when they aren't doin' nothin' but sellin' drugs and makin' kids they can't afford.
Pac said the same shit... He knew what was real. That's why I liked him. He didn't sit around and whine about how white america is the cause of all his problems, he spoke about how black America doesn't set it's standards high enough because they've been livin' so long on the "White America holdin' us down" tip.
Hey, if you can't get out of the ghetto, maybe you should say "Hey mom, why the fuck was I born here" and see if her answer is "white people sweety"... Nah, it's probably because your mom was broke and had kids (and probably more than one) when she couldn't even afford to pay for an abortion, let alone the doctor bills to birth your ass, then the cycle just keeps turnin'.
I'm sorry that there isn't a federal aid program that would just drop a brand new house on your doorstep that could fly you out of the ghetto like an airship from Final Fantasy. Maybe if you didn't want to live in a ghetto like most white people, instead of goin' "I'm so street, I'm from the ghetto and that's where I belong" you could make some changes for your sorry self and get a fuckin' real job, and save some money, and try not to have 50 kids by 49 moms and get the fuck out. Nah, then when you fail you wouldn't have the excuse of white America to fall back on.
We've gone from Martin Luther King Jr. to Jesse Jackson... Need I say more?
How come when black folk get some money, they leave the ghetto? Oh that's right.... because they know it sucks. Strange, the way people act it's as if there aren't any other places for a black person to go other than a streetcorner in a ghetto, yet in reality the second someone makes a few bucks what do they do? They leave the ghetto... Why? Because a ghetto isn't a ghetto unless it's a shithole, and a shithole is probably not on the top of people's lists of places to stay. Now I guess that would make those black people "uncle Toms" because they aren't just sittin' in the ghetto like most yappin their gums up and down about how hard they got it when they aren't doin' nothin' but sellin' drugs and makin' kids they can't afford.
Pac said the same shit... He knew what was real. That's why I liked him. He didn't sit around and whine about how white america is the cause of all his problems, he spoke about how black America doesn't set it's standards high enough because they've been livin' so long on the "White America holdin' us down" tip.
Hey, if you can't get out of the ghetto, maybe you should say "Hey mom, why the fuck was I born here" and see if her answer is "white people sweety"... Nah, it's probably because your mom was broke and had kids (and probably more than one) when she couldn't even afford to pay for an abortion, let alone the doctor bills to birth your ass, then the cycle just keeps turnin'.
I'm sorry that there isn't a federal aid program that would just drop a brand new house on your doorstep that could fly you out of the ghetto like an airship from Final Fantasy. Maybe if you didn't want to live in a ghetto like most white people, instead of goin' "I'm so street, I'm from the ghetto and that's where I belong" you could make some changes for your sorry self and get a fuckin' real job, and save some money, and try not to have 50 kids by 49 moms and get the fuck out. Nah, then when you fail you wouldn't have the excuse of white America to fall back on.
We've gone from Martin Luther King Jr. to Jesse Jackson... Need I say more?