"no seperation is NOT the reason for racism. you can be SEPERATED from someone and not have ANY ill feelings toward that person. i see nothing wrong in perceiving different races. dont we perceive different species of feline? whats wrong with a latino loving his heritage and me learning about his heritage and his culture? whats wrong with me sharing ideas and facts about my culture with an asian?"
As long as we only perceive separation as truth we are subject to racism and to being racist ourselves. It is obvious to any child that there are people who appear different than others, who have been brought up in different cultural environments. It is fine to learn about other cultures. But whether we have ill-feelings or not as long as we only see the petty differences we fall to racism. Racism is focused on people's differences, NOT THEIR SIMILARITIES. So, in essence, racism IS separation. You already agree with me, example: not being able to attend the same schools; separation. Not being able to sit in the same area of the bus; separation. I could go on and on...
"once again have you read the writings of marcus garvey? a yes or no will suffice. if the answer is NO i suggest you READ and get a grasp on certain ideas before you speak out against them."
No, I have not read his work. I never have been speaking out against him. You wrote something, I responded. Marcus Garvey is NOT the absolute authority on the subject.
"thats why they need to be educated about the plights and hardships of others."
fine, as they also need to learn to reconcile the differences between themselves and others. Otherwise, racism remains a reality. Then again, maybe why most people do not do this is because they strive for the struggle. It defines purpose in their lives I suppose...
"the same reason why we have seperate dogs. you have rotties,neopolitin mastiffs,spanials,spitzs i can go on and on....
They're all canine. If YOU do not realize that they are all dogs, then you are blind. When you only see the differences you judge based on those differences and you become racist.
"not until people accept responsibilty for certain actions."
what people??? "white" people? "black" people? who? is it ever as simple as black or white? Or is that just how we label it?
"i agree."
If you agree then why do you adhere to remaining within the duality of these differences, rather than perceiving the similarities? Like I said before, it is obvious that people from different places appear different. The racist man/woman ONLY lives by these differences, and there is another "group" who claim themselves anit-racist who fight against racism, yet, they do it still remaining within the concept of these petty differences. They gain not a thing in their struggle. They want to be free, but they just love wearing those pretty chains.
"created by who and for what reason?"
created by humans to maintain some type of order. We fall to the illusion of our discriminating and categorizing minds and racism is a perfect example. When we only see the differences we isolate others from ourselves, hence, racism...
"welcome to america....home of slaves....land of lost....."
Then, with what you said above, you must agree. Anyone attempting to fight against racism but yet abiding under a racist built society is a contradiction. So, when it is said, "The reality of the social construction of race within our society needs to be understood more clearly.", it does not mean that we should ultimately perceive the differences between people, it means we should understand that this society is built on racist ideas. And it is not one "group" of people's fault for this. It is everyone's responsibility. As long as we fight against racism within the confines of its ignorance we are slaves...
"he has been conditioned to remain a slave."
Like many of these "anti-racists". They mean well, but they do not see how they remain slaves to that which they fight against...
"im counting how many times you have used the same words over and over. come with some new ones man. if "THEY" are telling "YOU" its us vs you what will you do? tell them perptual duality is reality of truth which coincides with blah blah blah.....get real.....you'll be executed and butchered..read between the lines man...."
I am counting how many times you turn a blind eye to reality. If "they" tell me its "them vs. me" that's their ignorance. If they wish to harm me, then I have every justification to fight back. But, I do not fight back in regards to "them vs. us". I do not live in their foolishness. But, because I would rather live than die or be beaten, I will fight back. I am not preaching the amish life here... And by the way, you need to read in between the lines, perhaps then you will understand what I have been saying over and over again...
"nice change up junior. apply what you just said to the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. after that apply it to AFRICAN AMERICANS."
Show me where there is a "change up" on my part. The mere fact that you perceive this "change up" shows that you do not understand what I am saying... You have been turning a blind eye to the very essence of the plight. I would rather teach people to fight free from the essentials of racism instead of within its confines. But, hell, maybe I'm just an idiot. Wow, these chains do jingle so!! Happy days!
"should african americans rise and kill every white person in america due to 400+ years of slavery and the rape of africa (which still goes on today)???"
No. Because that is racist! Every "white" person did not do these things. You are falling now to the illusion that you can ultimately judge people based where they come from or the color of their skin. This quote is like asking if it is justified for all the Jews to kill every German. I said that people have the right to protect themselves, not go after a "group" of people for veangence. You are still thinking like a racist...
"i can give you several answers....take your pick
1.anything done by the BILDERBERGERS or those who want to bring in the "AGE OF AQUARIUS"
2. the destruction of black wall street.
3.anything you can find on this page:
I mean essentially. I did not wish for examples of racism. If I did I would have asked, "H, what are some good examples of racism?" What is racism to you? give me a more general definition...