@Tenk (cont...)
"When will people quit denying the affects of slavery and jim crow law on the black community? That is straight up pitiful and IGNORANT. Actions need to be accounted for....No one is pointing at just whites, blacks can point at themselves. However when we try to FIX our OWN problems like loving our skin color, we have people like you spewing nonsense. We do one thing you don't like it, we do another thing you don't like it...lol!!"
No one here is denying the affects of racism. But if you are aware of certain things as "affects" in your own inner struggle, grow from them. Do not keep them as if they belong to you.
To "love your skin color" is not solving your problems. Your flesh is temporary. Stop living in lust. Love of the flesh is lust! By loving your skin you will get temporary satisfaction, because your skin is temporary. now that this is realized, where is your love? Your love should be in the spirit. This is why I keep telling you over and over about your downfall to material conceptions. YOUR FLESH IS TEMPORARY. LOVE WHAT IS ETERNAL. ANYTHING ELSE IS LUST! pure and simple. This is why, as long as you "love" your flesh, you remain confined to this karma. This karma I speak of is the very essence of racism. It is the racist thought/conceptions that are dominant in the mind of the racist man/woman. Why, Tenk? Why do you continue to abide under these racist conceptions? Is it because, by freeing yourself from them, you feel your life will not have as much meaning? No longer will you hear that uplifting cry of "black power!"; no longer will this lust stimulate your mind the way a drug does; for a moment of your physical being until that lust dies with the flesh it was born from. Can you still love yourself for who you really are underneath? As well as love others for the same reason? Or are you ultimately bound to perceive your fellow human with such lustful vision? When does it end? When do you begin to heal? And once you, Tenk, have healed from this struggle, then you will be qualified to lead others to be healed of it also. Until then, you are the sickly attempting to heal the sickly by rubbing your wounds against other people's wounds. You are the blind attempting to lead the blind. It is going to take you to personally overcome these struggles, first. Then with your love for the spirit, reach out to other's who are currently in bondage. You must transcend to see all human struggles for what they really are. Then you will know exactly what is going on and how to help others heal...
"Are you trying to compare being cheated on to physical and verbal abuse? They both bring about different emotions....The thing is not everyone is WEIRD like you dawg. We all have our own emotions and we all deal with our problems differently."
No, I am not comparing anything. Tainted reality is tainted reality. Yes we all have our emotions. One should not be mastered by their emotions, but rather, be master of their emotions. If you are a woman who has experienced much physical and verbal abuse from past relationships then you may be fearful of men. But, this fear is a controlling emotion. When you realize this, you must ask yourself, "when does the healing begin?" ... You can not be afraid forever. It is up to you to overcome. All the support you need comes from God...
"Abuse that has been past and kept alive for 350 yrs, we still feel the abuse. Like I've mentioned just take the light skin dark skin issue in the black community, this problem roots back to slave field. I guess you didn't know that then with that dumb ass response. Don't come back here and claim you know the dark skin light skin issue in the black community, because if you did, you wouldn't have that ignorant ass response...."
You did not understand my response so you called it, "dumbass". You are not going to heal the sickly, being sickly yourself. Heal the individual, then you may begin healing others. Stop constricting yourself to this "group" conception. If others of this "group" are trying to keep you within its sickly confines, let them know you understand their struggle, but begin your healing. Then, when you are healed go back to those people and attempt to help them. Many will not wish to be helped. And yet, many more will not see how you are attempting to help them and they will label you things like "ignorant" and "weird". Do not lose hope in people, but at the same time, do not become attached to those who enjoy there suffering. You may soon find yourself in their shoes. Because lust can be very tempting...
"Sorry you can't be black.....Be proud of who you are though"
I *love* who I am, just as I love who you are. But it isn't your flesh which I love; that would be lust. Love is for that which is eternal. What resides within you is within me, within us all. This is what is deserving of our love. This is the divine manifest within us. He is what animates us and gives us the wonders of life. But, we are the ones who suffer to our own endeavor due to our sins and ignorances. We are the ones who become to attached to our lusts. So attached even, that we begin to fight amongst ourselves over our flesh. We fight for lust...
"Those racist bastards continue to keep it alive....."
Yes, you are correct. Do not abide by their ignorance. Do not justify other people's reactions to it when you know very well that they are also bound to the same racist conceptions...
"CHANGE THE VIEWS of those racist bastards, and you will see no problem with me. Trying to work with me does your fight ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD...."
If the healing does not begin within you, then the healing does not begin.
You can not change the next man. You can attempt to teach, but they must make that change for themselves. You are not quite ready to begin helping others in the struggle. You still have your lustful attachments. "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak"... Let go of the flesh and look to the spirit. Your conception of who you are based on the love for your temporary flesh is false.
"OK, I think I may have to put an end to this discussion with you before you start talking about Star Trek and how it deals with the black community...lol!!"
If I can find an example where Star Trek applies. This is called an "analogy". There is nothing wrong with analogies. But I stopped quoting the matrix for now since it was guiding you off track from the conversation...