To teach her all white class about the ills of racism she divided up her third grade class by eye color.
First day she was like all the blue eyed children are better, they are smarter, learn faster, they are cleaner, they get 5 min more recess today. All the brown eyes are slow and trouble makers and cause trouble for the rest of us. They aren't allowed to go on the playground equipment at all today. Ect.
Within like an hour kids that had been friends for years turned on eachother just because of eye color.
The next day she fliped it and the brown eyed kids were on top.
After that she broke it down for em and told em how they didn't like to be treated like that they shouldn't treat people of another race that way either. And to stop and think, "i didn't like to be treated like that i shouldn't treat them like that either".
The kids that were on top for the day got better test scores and performed generally better, while the kids that were discriminated against performed poorly.
I guess once it was all over the class became much more well behaved and they did better in school the rest of the year.
Then they had a reunion of the kids from that class 14 years later and got their opinions on it and how it effected their lives.
And towards the end they had her do it to a group of adult correctional officers. That was the best part cuz she could be alot more harsh with them because they were adults.
I really can't do it justice though. Heresy you should keep tryin, sometimes the server gets too busy. Also it helps to try both real player and windows cuz sometimes it works for one but not the other.