Yes, I am biased but at least I developed my own bias and didn't blindly accept the biases of others. I formed my own opinion, I was never indoctrinated an athiest. My opinion is based on evidence, yours is not. I use reason and logic, you apply blind faith. You obviously see nothing wrong with that because you believe in God. Both views are totally incompatible - I'm yet to meet anybody that believes in God yet knows their belief flies in the face of logic, reason and evidence - after all, if they applied their logic and reason and actually analysed the available evidence, they wouldn't be believers. Instead they claim that they have evidence (refering to the bible, which is in no way evidence sorry!), and twist their logic and reason around to suit their needs. Fair enough, I would definitely consider lying to an attractive woman, even to the extent of self-deception, in order to get her to sleep with me.