The Last of the Siccness Christians

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May 16, 2002
I believe in One True God. I believe there was a man that the christians call Jesus. I use phrases from the Bible that make sense or apply to situations cuz most everybody I run into has heard them and it's easier to communicate and for people to understand me. When I try to teach or learn a lesson. I wear a silver cross around my neck cuz I believe that silver is pure and shows a true reflection and it reminds me that you can do everything right in the world for everybody and people will still come to kill you. The ultimate lesson of love is you have to be willing to protect it or everybody who believes in it will die.

I will carry a burden until it starts to carry me then I have to "pluck out the eye that offends me or my whole body will be cast into hell".

My religion is what is Good. So if the Christian religion is Good then I am Christian, the same statement applys for all things and all religions.
Mar 12, 2005
Stupm Dizzle said:
I have been taught that if you do not believe that Jesus Christ is the saviour than you are going to hell. So what about all the Native Americans that never heard of him
It's our Duty to teach them the Word and Gospel of Jesus. If a man died without knowing Jesus, a typical Christian would say he'll go to hell. For Me I think that's a sad teaching, because if God is just, why would he automatically send a man who never knew Jesus to hell. If a man dies not knowing Jesus, I think God will judge him according to GOD'S WILL, not mans.

I tend to think we are all worshiping the same God,
Nope, not the same God, you think the Same God would tell the Jews, take Israel the Promised land, then create Islam which Rivals Judaism and Christianity? I know God is a perfect God, but in the bible, God is a promising and Truthful God. I couldn't imagine him contradicting himself, because he never has. As a Christian you should know, God is only the one true God of the Bible, and nothing Else. The 10 Commandments, John 1:1, John 1:14, Isaiah 9:6.

I mean if I had been born in Iran I would be a Muslim. It really come down to where you are from and the culture that's there.
Man, Did you know there are Iraqi Born Christians?! Where you grew up is Irrelevant to me now a days. If you grew up in India, there's a good chance you'll be a Hindu, but also a slight chance of being a Muslim or Christian. But it's our Duty as Christians to preach the word of God, converting them or not, that's not our Job. Just to preach enough of the Word, or all of the Word, so that the listener can accept the message and choose his fate.
Jun 27, 2005
Nope, not the same God, you think the Same God would tell the Jews, take Israel the Promised land, then create Islam which Rivals Judaism and Christianity?
Islam does NOT rival Judaism and Christianity. There are men who rival Jews and Christians, but not Islam. Islam, judaism and Christianity all come from the same origin and worship the same God. Allah is just the Arabic word for God.
Mar 12, 2005
I'll agree that Allah means God in Arabic, some will say moon God, then some will say Jesus is Zues. I know for a fact Christian, Arabic Speaking Arabs use Allah and Iza, for God and Jesus. But their God is not the same as the God of the Hebrews and Christians. In order for them to believe the same God, they have to believe in the Trinity, and the New Testament. Even talmudic Jews and Muslims say the New Testament, EVEN THE TORAH has corrupt teachings.
Jun 27, 2005
I'll agree that Allah means God in Arabic, some will say moon God, then some will say Jesus is Zues. I know for a fact Christian, Arabic Speaking Arabs use Allah and Iza, for God and Jesus. But their God is not the same as the God of the Hebrews and Christians. In order for them to believe the same God, they have to believe in the Trinity, and the New Testament. Even talmudic Jews and Muslims say the New Testament, EVEN THE TORAH has corrupt teachings.
I would say they believe in the same God, just not in the same way that you do.


Apr 25, 2002
XxtraMannish said:
What religion or belief system do you adhere to? I always thought you were a Christian.
James 1:26 & 27 It is VERY simple. That is my religion.

Matthew 22:34-40 Is my belief system. I'm going to post it here:

But when the Pharisees heard that He had put the Sadducees to silence, they gathered themselves together. And one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" And He said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets."

Now look at the ten commandments that Stockton posted. If I love God with all my heart it will be hard to violate them and if I am violating them I will try to stop it. If I love God with all my heart I won't bow before idols. If I love my neighbor as myself I won't lie to have him locked up, still from him or commit adultry with his wife.

I am a Follower of THE WAY. I am not a part of an organized church, I do not sit under a preacher, etc.
Mar 9, 2005
Stockton, if God exists as a 'combination' of three beings, namely the father, the son and the holy spirit (God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit), then why did Jesus pray "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani" (My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?) whilst on the cross? Doesn't this suggest that Jesus was yelling at himself for abandoning himself?
Mar 9, 2005
So if Buddhism is a good religion, then you are Buddhist?
what are the prerequisites for what constitutes a 'good' religion? I always thought it was rather subjective. Muslims believe their religion to be 'good', as do Jews, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus and of course Christians. What makes Christianity any better than these other religions? Why is the Christian God better than any other God? Why pray to the Christian God when you have just as much justification praying to Allah, Ra, Zeus, Buddah, Huitzilopochtli the Aztec Sun God or any other number of Gods?


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
StumpDizzle said:
OK I have a question. My whole life I have been taught that if you do not believe that Jesus Christ is the saviour than you are going to hell. So what about all the Native Americans that never heard of him, or people in other such countries or situtions? All these folks are going to hell because they never heard of Him? I can't believe that. I tend to think we are all worshiping the same God, whatever we call Him. Just in our own way. I mean if I had been born in Iran I would be a Muslim. It really come down to where you are from and the culture that's there.

thats exactly what i have been saying.
the majority of humanity is destined to get TORTURED FOR ETERNTIY because of this
Mar 12, 2005
Hutch said:
Stockton, if God exists as a 'combination' of three beings, namely the father, the son and the holy spirit (God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit), then why did Jesus pray "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani" (My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?) whilst on the cross? Doesn't this suggest that Jesus was yelling at himself for abandoning himself?
Cause he was Speaking to the Father in Heaven, Jesus was full of sin, that the father couldn't even look at Yeshua. Why would he yell to himself? There's a difference between the Trinitarian doctrine, and the Oneness Doctrine. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are three distinct persons and ARE NOT THE SAME.
Mar 12, 2005
Hutch said:
What makes Christianity any better than these other religions?
The Teachings. I know to a skeptic or the average open minded you'll probably say, they're all same. Just my take, I don't know any other religion where God sacrificed himself for his own Children in order to receive eternal life and salvation. I don't know any other God, that is very tolerative but at the same time, convicts you when you're wrong. I have a big headache, I'll tell more tomorrow.
Why is the Christian God better than any other God?
Read Above, but I'll elaborate more well tomorrow.
Why pray to the Christian God when you have just as much justification praying to Allah, Ra, Zeus, Buddah, Huitzilopochtli the Aztec Sun God or any other number of Gods?
Because most of the Religions aside from Christianity, have either been extinct, i.e. Zues, or always Changes. The Teachings of the Old and New Testament have never changed. Again I'll add more tommorow.
Mar 12, 2005
Not three Gods, there Persons, that make one, in Hebrew Echad, meaning Oneness in unity, or in this case a Trinity. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holyspirit, they are not separate Gods, but One. Each working through each other. Many will say the Trinity is pagan, Couldn't the God the created the World be a trinity before human kind or paganism coined the term? Yes, some say Allah is a moon god, Jesus is Zues, and Yahweh was a pagan name as well. Always trying to find something that contradicts God, but never comes to the realization, that he came first.
Mar 9, 2005
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are three distinct persons and ARE NOT THE SAME.
Did you just contradict yourself? You said that they are three distinct persons and are not the same, yet they are not separate Gods, but one. They are either one (and the same) or different. Which one is it?

edit: I hadn't read Xxtra's post before I submitted my own, but at least both of us see a problem with your worship of 'three' Gods...