The Last of the Siccness Christians

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Aug 28, 2006
WoW, you must have Dial-up. But anyways you did answer them, and now I know what you believe, and that definitely is off, in terms of who and what Jesus is.
how can that be be wrong. if am wrong correct me. are you not a christian?
Mar 12, 2005
Jon21 said:
the whole purpose of his existence on earth was to guide the rest of gods lost children.
For real?!

why do you think he was put to the test by the devil.
Actually it was to see if Jesus would give into the temptations of Satan. Our Spirit and Flesh battle everyday, whether one wins or not, that's no the reason for his temptation.

if jesus appeared as an angel wouldnt that prove that he is his own entity?
If you're a Christian, you know God is Omni-Present and can appear as he wants to, C'mon, he appeared as fire to Moses.
because it is written that no man can see god? therefore if jesus was the absolute creator he wouldnt have been able to be seen.
*smh* You can see God, but only as much as needed. Moses barely saw a Glimpse of God, if he saw anymore he'd kill Moses because of his Glory. But that's right you can't see him, unless he comes in a form that is suited for you, meaning not in his full glory. Secondly Jesus laid the foundation of the earth, dude, He came into Flesh at the same time He was fully God. He did not come in his full Glory like he will when He comes to Judge the World again.


Apr 25, 2002
@ Stockton ok.

@ Jon, while some of the things you say do make sense, some of them are not scriptural. For example:

because it is written that no man can see god? therefore if jesus was the absolute creator he wouldnt have been able to be seen.
Colossians 1:16

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2. The same was in the beginning with God

3.All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made

(NOW i am going to skip to 14)

14. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Aug 28, 2006
E it was I chose, Satan is Who I refuse, had to add that because my message was to short
wth...if it is merely a name applied to diffrent entities than that proves they are not all the same. but thats still doese not change the goal to become one with god.
Mar 12, 2005
jon21 said:
wth...if it is merely a name applied to diffrent entities than that proves they are not all the same. but thats still doese not change the goal to become one with god.
WHAT GOAL? what goal needs to be accomplished to be one God, you must be confused. It's a title of God as a whole, not one individual.
Mar 12, 2005
Just as Heresy has Stated, YHWH can be applied to all of them, so can Adonai, did you know Adonai in hebrew, which is lord, is also My Masters, plural, meaning, God the Father is Adonai, The Son is Adonai, and Ruach Hakodesh(Holy Spirit) is Adonai.


Apr 25, 2002
If both of you remain on point, listen to the other, and read critically before you respond you'll see you share similar beliefs, and you'll actually learn from one another. Don't debate each other. Share your views, try to understand what the other is saying and take it from there...

I've done my part for now...
Mar 12, 2005
HERESY said:
If both of you remain on point, listen to the other, and read critically before you respond you'll see you share similar beliefs, and you'll actually learn from one another. Don't debate each other. Share your views, try to understand what the other is saying and take it from there...

I've done my part for now...
Man, this happened to me yesterday, I kept arguing with a fellow Christian, and a pastor told me, do not make walls that will divide you rather, listen to each others faith, and understand them, and apply the ones that are correct. Learn from each other, and do not dispute, for disputes cause Walls of Division just like the Walls of the denominations.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
jon21 said:
but think about what you just said. why are some more "valid" than others. what do you base your values on?

by saying not all ways are valid i meant to imply that since none are the same, then that would mean then there is NO one valid way, or valid lifestyle to live life with a "purpose"

just like the muslim can live the greatest life by following the guidelines of islam, so can the christian.
both cant be right can they?
which means that none are really forced and that the self is the one that makes the living.
Mar 12, 2005
HEMP please, don't bring a islamic and Christian debate here. Do it in my memoirs or make one up. Sheesh, I already said I didn't ask you, Hutch, or Xxtramanish anything, unless you were Christians.
Aug 28, 2006
HERESY said:
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God..
ok, so if i follow the word of god i will become god-like because the word is god. the difference is i am not the almighty because i didnt create the word. and if i am not god-like yet, the lord cannot be with me in full glory.

HERESY said:
2. The same was in the beginning with God.

HERESY said:
3.All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made .
that proves exactly my point. he is the almighty, without him nothing is possible, but with his grace it is possible for me to become LIKE him and be with him in all his glory..[/QUOTE]

HERESY said:
14. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
ok, so he created flesh with his words and we comprahended his glory, the only glory produced by the father. right?
this sounds like how the world was before the fall of man.
Aug 28, 2006
Man you need to meditate on that Scripture I gave EDJ about Genesis 3:22, God was referring to the Trinity, as US.
i dont see where my views contradict the bibles. i know we are to become part of that trinity. through our holy spirit we become part of the trinity. the choice is do we take it or leave it, thus "And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us" but only if ,"lest he put forth his hand", you walk in the spirit can you achieve such status. thus becoming a part of god. if you think im wrong then ask yourself. if you dont walk in the spirit can you be with god in all his glory? so how do you walk in the spirit? by following the word of god. and isnt the bible the word of god. so if he says "lest he put forth his hand" isnt that a command? because you havent done it yet. so it is implied that that is his will. know that you have the knowledge it is you choice to follow it or not.
Aug 28, 2006
HERESY said:
If both of you remain on point, listen to the other, and read critically before you respond you'll see you share similar beliefs, and you'll actually learn from one another. Don't debate each other. Share your views, try to understand what the other is saying and take it from there...

I've done my part for now...
thanks. i know me and stockton have VERY similiar views. im just trying to prove my point. one can be an individual and still be part of something much bigger. designed by the ultimate designer for the purpose of becoming one thru unity.
Aug 28, 2006
Man, this happened to me yesterday, I kept arguing with a fellow Christian, and a pastor told me, do not make walls that will divide you rather, listen to each others faith, and understand them, and apply the ones that are correct. Learn from each other, and do not dispute, for disputes cause Walls of Division just like the Walls of the denominations.
i agree with you, what is the ultimate purpose of life? unity. without this we fall. isnt that what gods pupose for us is? to unite with him? thats what i am basing everything on. unity thru love, because love is eternal. meditate on love for a second and youll see that only thru love is creation possible. why did god create us? out of love. and why is he still trying to save us from death even though we have not done anything in return to show him love? Out of love. but why havent we shown him any? he recognizes that we are neutral and that we are subject to both good and evil. he will not punish all those that havent found the truth, but he will make those who have found it and follow it kings over all those who havent because they seeked the truth, with jesus being the king of kings and the almighty having authority over everything. hence the name almighty.