moonpizzle said:
This is what I love about the bible this shit make no cot damn sense at all to me.
allow me to elaborate. "Behold, the man is become as one of US", we ate from the tree on knowledge and behold, we are one of them.
why are we like them now? "to know good and evil", we have a conscience thats tell us when we have done evil.
"lest he put forth his hand" its a symbol. to put your hand forth requires effort. what it's saying is, do as we do, walk in the spirit, which requires effort
"and take also of the tree of life"since we have taken from the tree of knowledge and have been forgiven, then he is also saying to take from the tree of life. to take from the tree of life you must walk in the spirit.
"and eat and live for ever" once you have achieved walking solely in the spirit you become a part of god and his kindgom and are allowed to eat from the tree of life and live forever in spirit.