Suge Knight Wanted For Robbing Yukmouth

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پراید آش
Nov 5, 2002
Why the FUCK do people care so much?
Feel Me? Lol

Edit: Look Lemme Explain Sumthing...Alot Of People Think In Their Own Heads That If Sumone Did This Or Did That To Them, They Would Retaliate This Way And That Way, But The Reality Is, Mutha Fuckas Stop And Think What Consequences They Face, And Decide Not To React...Thats A Fact

Now Some Cats Arent Like That, They Just Dont Give A Fuck, And They Will Do Whatever They Said (Want Proof? Just Visit Your Local Prison)...But Lets Be Real, Not Many People Are Real Bout What They Say, So What Happens? Mutha Fuckas Dont Pick Up An AK And Get To Buckin, They Pick Up A Phone And Get To Dialing 911, And Thats Juss A Fact
Feb 8, 2003
Sorry I Didnt Realize You Saw What Happen

So Did They Superplex Him Too? And Drop A Leg Off The Top Rope?

Do I Sound Like A Give A Fuck, 10 On 1 Aint Fair And Like I Said, Dont Act Like You'd Walk Away With Your Chain

Edit: Some Cats Might Actually Walk Away Wit Their Chain...KEYWORD SOME

i wasnt there im just saying thet report said he wasknocked him down which mean it dont take 10 people to knocks skinny azz down.

yeah you sound like you give a fuck you requoting arent you.

nobody on here saying they would be superman or walk away with they chain. realize that this has more to do with something more then just a chain & watch. We talking about him calling the cops now if u listened to this niggas music this a shocker. Yuk bout to get exposed soon the more info leaks.


Sicc OG
Sep 27, 2002
Sorry I Didnt Realize You Saw What Happen

So Did They Superplex Him Too? And Drop A Leg Off The Top Rope?

Do I Sound Like A Give A Fuck, 10 On 1 Aint Fair And Like I Said, Dont Act Like You'd Walk Away With Your Chain

Edit: Some Cats Might Actually Walk Away Wit Their Chain...KEYWORD SOME
In that case, how do we know it was really 10-1? It could have been 2-1 or 1on1.. None of us were there, but people are going off what little information was provided and so are you(good or bad)...seems like you're picking and choosing what you believe it was 10-1, but dont believe he was knocked down eventhough the information came from the same source?
May 9, 2002
I think it is cause of the mans history of robbing fools since before the Vanilla Ice days & not being stopped for it thus far.

ya, he got knocked out by some dude, but I dunno if he was trying to jack that fool or not.

bottom line is Suge is out robbing fools, & nobody is out robbing Suge.
That, and another case of people thinking their favorite rappers are really doing the things they rap about. And then something like this happens, and they all digress.


پراید آش
Nov 5, 2002
It Could Have Been 10 - 1, He Could Have Done A Back Flip Super Leg Twist Double Marshmellow Twirl And Landed Perfectly, Frankly I Dont Care If It Was 5 - 1

If He Was Truly Alone Against More Then 1 Person, It Aint Fair And No One Can Act Like They Would Walk Away With Their Shit
Jan 15, 2006
I knew it was in the parkinglot and his watch was stolen too Just like I said above. I bet theres no eye witnesses either.

So on some real shit Yuk called the police and told on suge. Now he trying to change up to keep his thug mentality persona and save his ass. He needs to move asap and change his style.

This shit is stupid Now somebody gonna go to jail. Yuk opened his mouth to them boys so they gonna force him to come clean or threaten him with prison time. wow if he was the west coast don and baller he said he was then he wouldve done like yung berg, young buck and just chop that chain up as a loss and kept it moving.

Yuk was probaly in the parkinglot buying sum dope from suge then they robbed his ass. Now we all know suge gonna put paper on his head now for getting him in this shit. Its gonna suck to be Yuk
Oh shut the fuck up already... yuk aint never been no gangsta but your internet tough typin ass sure aint impressing nobody.. this whole thread is full of tough guys talking about what they would have done.. NEGRO PALEASEEEEE
Feb 8, 2003
Oh shut the fuck up already... yuk aint never been no gangsta but your internet tough typin ass sure aint impressing nobody.. this whole thread is full of tough guys talking about what they would have done.. NEGRO PALEASEEEEE

This why mothers shouldnt do drugs while they pregnant

RE READ coney. I never said one time of what i wouldve done. So get off them drugs i wonder what other screen alias you are on here. you the one acting tough on here look at the garbage your handicapped ass wrote.

learn how to spell the word please too.


Sicc OG
Sep 27, 2002
It Could Have Been 10 - 1, He Could Have Done A Back Flip Super Leg Twist Double Marshmellow Twirl And Landed Perfectly, Frankly I Dont Care If It Was 5 - 1

If He Was Truly Alone Against More Then 1 Person, It Aint Fair And No One Can Act Like They Would Walk Away With Their Shit

I agree with that...but its harder to see or even care about that when the victim is a person like Yuk who raps about the stuff he raps about...had it been Nelly or something, the reactions would be different..then again, Nelly doesnt rap about being ThugLordz.....once you present yourself in that manner, you're almost never viewed as a victim by onlookers, but more so "you had it coming to you"....I dont know if its right or wrong..just the way it is I guess..
Oct 13, 2003
LOS ANGELES — Los Angeles police want to talk to Suge Knight after a rapper initially accused the former Death Row Records chief of robbing him before recanting the story.

Detective Jeff Briscoe says 35-year-old Jerold Ellis, who uses the name Yukmouth, reported he was talking to Knight on Monday night in a Woodland Hills supermarket parking lot about a debt that another rapper allegedly owes Knight.

Yukmouth filed a police report saying 10 other men arrived, knocked him down and took his watch, medallion and other jewelry worth $92,000. He wasn't badly hurt and declined medical treatment.

Briscoe says Ellis identified Knight as a suspect but later recanted. However, the stolen items haven't been recovered and the investigation continues.

The Associated Press couldn't immediately reach Knight for comment.

ouch! i'm more curious to what is gonna happen with Yuk's relationship with everyone else now that this information has leaked. Suge must be pissed off than a muthafucka


Sicc OG
Sep 27, 2002
ouch! i'm more curious to what is gonna happen with Yuk's relationship with everyone else now that this information has leaked. Suge must be pissed off than a muthafucka
Honestly, he cant be too pissed off if he was involved...any time you do dirt, you always run the risk of the victim telling on you...i guess he thought the gain outweighed the risk...his bad...