So did A-WAX step to HUS?

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Mar 18, 2005
Well hus did say in a song, that he got caught with 15 kicks, and only had to do 15 months.. That's kinda fishy.. But on another note.. This thread is gettin way outta hand and I don't think we should all even be discussing this. Cuz there is alotta people on here that just don't get it about this type of shit. I know the truth on Hus and on what happened at the Bars..
Hus backed up and went straight downstairs and walked straight out the front door when Wax was walkin up on him. I heard that from someone who was there and doesn't really care for either of the artist.

Let street shit stay in the street.. I'm sure when his paperwork comes out everybody will finally know the truth.. But then again yall would still love him.. Cuz he's a good rapper ..

But lets just leave it at that..and leave it alone, Wax aint even sayin nuthin on here ..

Like Mac Dre said...
"Niggas know snitches, they ride and the bail wit them, Its OK, aslong as they don't tell on them"

That's how niggas really think these days...
Mar 16, 2005
PressPlay Prod. said:
ok then y r u mad? niggas on the block got laptops now? is that the new thang in 2005, out on the block with a laptop actin hard on the siccness?

real niggas no wassup, stay mad if u want to, im gon do it movin, stay on the block if u want to,no future in that. differnt strokes for different folx. on another note when can we expect a irocc solo album or another irocc and messy album
To late now everyone that buys these niggas music got rights to know what the shit is.IF AWAX AINT PUT SHIT ON HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE then niggas maybe wasnt trippin but the nigga did and he got his people on here talkin shit to so fuck all u who cant see.
And to u ignorant people who dont know about new tecnology it dont matter what the fuck i got a laptop or your girl on my lap.If u really wanna know i got a piece a shit a sidekick what
Sep 12, 2002
you know what is funny, husalah did say on his own song how he got caught wit some dope. then he was *supposed* to do like 15 months which does seem like motha fuckin NOTHING for what he got caught wit. then he is still on the streets, promoting albums and shit doing shows and didnt never go to jail..... HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Dec 25, 2004
mrmafioso04 said:
you know what is funny, husalah did say on his own song how he got caught wit some dope. then he was *supposed* to do like 15 months which does seem like motha fuckin NOTHING for what he got caught wit. then he is still on the streets, promoting albums and shit doing shows and didnt never go to jail..... HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
you know what is funny.. Husalah supposedly snitched on some real niggas, but he is still on the streets, promoting albums and shit doing shows and didn't get his wig knocked off
Mar 16, 2005
waxteamryda said:
Idont give no fuck I post that again. Im tired seeing this on here the Mob take half the forums on here so it them and there fans hoggin on here.Everyone think they the dopest niggas in the bay rap scene.Money hungry.Try and catch me in the P

I been listen to these rappers. Where did that song go where awax dissed them snitches? FUCK ANYONE WHO DEAL WITH THAT SNITCH NIGGAS.
franknitty who are you to talk that shit?
where your people at pkali,scosassiness I read all your shit to.I accept a responce from all of Jacka people fuck snitches!!!! AWAX ON MINE
Then why youre faggot ass still bother.Where youhidin out
Apr 25, 2002
^^^ that's real as fuck what you said right there, but as far as these rappers and snitchin go i would like to know what's really crackin cuz if a mufucka a snitch and i ain't knowin i ain't tryin to support a snitches music.
Apr 25, 2002
these dudes are just like u and i..they are human..they bleed like we bleed..they aint superheroes..they are capable of bein tattle tells like anybody else..why the hell are yall so concerned about all this..prying and tryin as hard as u can to find out every lil detail..i mean yea its interesting to read but at the end of the day do u really give that much of a fuck?...if it unfolds it unfolds..but yall(fans who dont know these rappers from adam) get a lil too involved in this shit at easy
Apr 25, 2002
ALmatic159 said:
I aint takin no sides but heard from a couple folks that were at the summit and said that soon as Husalah got there he ran up some stairs where wax was and ran up on him and then everybody was gettin kick out, thizz camp, sickwitit camp,everybody, and they said wax was just lookin down at everybody from a balcony...and niggas were yellin one on one nigga, come down, lets chunk em for treal tv....they wanted to film it on treal tv 2, but wax wouldnt come down...
so you gonna explain your rumor spreading to Wax when you see him?
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