Shit's tough out there. I think it's worth noting that if you rap and have yet to accomplish anything of substance the odds are 100% stacked against you that you will ever accomplish anything.
The reason why this is imperative to realize, is because you can't overcome an obstacle, or a nuance to a challenge if you don't take it to heart and know that it really exists. Another reason why it's important is because maybe an honest assessment might yield a realization in which you stop spinning your wheels and focus energy on something more productive. Ionno, those are valuable outcomes to me, if we're all interested in progress, they might be to you as well.
It takes a lot to make it in this game today. The public is just waiting to shit on the next rapper they perceive as corny, and they can just move on to the next one. By the same token they're also looking for that new shit, but the definition is shifting so violently that it pretty much makes it a statistical impossibility that a given artist's image will fit that.
All I'm saying is that, if you were interested in reaching the top, you wouldn't wanna climb Mt. Everest without knowing how difficult it is. And maybe when you get a good picture of how difficult it is, you might wanna pack up and go home. This is to no one in particular, btw.