Is E Dawg Racist

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Siccness Gray Hair
Apr 25, 2002
Auburn Wa
"SPORTS- They wouldn't care about kids coming directly from high school except 90% that come to the NBA that way are black. "DOG

ain't no white kids comin outta high school to the NBA.hahahaha

Am I the only one who learned that Pride is a sin?You guys root for people who have similar heritage/color for what reason?

Go to church and learn something.God is of all people,dark skin,and coarse hair could be that of many different nationalities.

Apr 25, 2002

Alright....i'm going to get str8 to the breakdown of what i believe,i believe that any person of any race can do ANYTHING if they got enough drive....thats' my belief.If anybody feels thats' slandering blacks or anybody else,i guess we got diffrences of opinion and shit,i can accept that.I admitt that saying to sh''if you get enough black dicks stuffed in you that makes you black?''was out of line but hey,she was talkin smack to the homie about a subject that i didn't feel she could do justice to.I'm not closed minded to the things that were and still affecting blacks,i do feel that slavery was a seriously fucked off thing to happen,i know minorities especially blacks and mexicans get profiled,believe that shit,it happens to me all the time,but what i can say is I'm not black,so i won't even pretend like i know what being black is like,just like if you aren't mexican you don't know........and youngmoe i don't know if that statement you said was directed at me,but if it was,explain why you said that shit?I didnt say anything racist at all.........i said the sports& entertainment thing,because look at football,basketball,boxing....there are alot of blacks living pretty cummfy off that shit,whether someone considers that being''black money''...i dunno,like i said before,i'm not black so how could i???So i will basically just leave it at that 'cause this conversation isn't going anywhere but to shit.SH:stop twisting shit around & callin' in people to help you out,at the beginning of this argument you said''why do you have to use your girl,be a man and stand on your own two'',what about you???practice what you preach.
Apr 25, 2002

BAMMER said:
"SPORTS- They wouldn't care about kids coming directly from high school except 90% that come to the NBA that way are black. "DOG

ain't no white kids comin outta high school to the NBA.hahahaha

Am I the only one who learned that Pride is a sin?You guys root for people who have similar heritage/color for what reason?

Go to church and learn something.God is of all people,dark skin,and coarse hair could be that of many different nationalities.

I'm feelin' that bammer.I ain't rootin' for shit,i'm just stating my views,and everybody got an opinion on everything so ofcourse theres' going to be a li'l turbulance
Apr 25, 2002
Hilltop Hound said:

No need to tell you what you already know but I will anyway. YOU ARE A CERTIFIED RACIST. If nothing else, be true to yourself and admit what you won't say.
All this other stupid shit? You like to type huh? If you're half black that means you hate yourself too. I see why you call yourself Deluzional
god damn fool....if u payed more attention ud realize that that whole post was an immitation of tadou.....u must actually be "Wet"....
Apr 25, 2002
Hilltop Hound said:

Yall remarks tell how you truely feel or at least it proves how racism still exists and you don't even know you're taking part in it. Listen to what yall are saying:
"if it wasn't for a war, blacks would still be slaves." So is this how you truely look at blacks. We should still be slaves?
Speaking about hand outs, blacker isn't better, which white men supposedly died to help blacks (which by the way really didn't help your presentation), and moving out of America after we played a major part in building what is now known as America (And I'm not taking anything away from any race). Your statement's are racist.
#1. Noone said black is better. Your fucced up racist view (whether you realize it or not)!
#2. Blacks are the original man. There is scientific proof. Two white people can't make a black baby but two blacks can make a white baby (heard of albinos). Black is full of color, white is the lack thereof. Read your bible, Abraham had coarse, curly hair, dark skin, etc. The oldest discovered body is that of a black woman which they have labeled EVE. And Jews aren't a color, they are a certain type of people who believe in Jewish beliefs.
#3. I already admitted the story about the Moores were true. But I didn't make an excuse for it. Facts are facts. I'm just pointing out errors in yall's racist statements. And Italians were always dark skinned buddy!
#4. No one has called you out of your name or even tried to slip derogatory words at you or your people. Cut the crap! Yall mad because E-Dawg said he doesn't like the color of the palm of his hand. After that, someone started crying about how right he wasn't. Next thing I know this became a black bashing session. I'm just defending my people with accurate facts. Don't get mad if you can't justify what you say and mean.

might as well call u twista now huh??? cuz youre twistin words like a tornado....i actually said, "if it wasnt for that war, black people might still be in slavery" straiten yourself. and did i EVER...EVER EVER EVER....say black folks should still be slaves??? please point out where i said this and stop makin assumptions cuz i know youd like to prove that im somehow racist (even tho your next response might as well be "you already proved it for yourself!!!")....

which white men died helping blacks??? every single white man that died while fighting for the US government during the Civil War...thats who....whether directly, or indirectly, it still gave them thier freedom...

where did i say that anyone said blacker is better??? i mad ethe statement "blacker isnt better OR WORSE" black is black, white is white, brown is brown. but i believe that by saying black people were the first humans was in some way trying to hold your race above others...isnt that a form of racism??? cuz it really had nothing to do with any of this....please clarify...

"And Italians were always dark skinned buddy!"....i have MANY italian friends who would tell u different

im just defending my skin color, just like u, so cool it with labeling everybody a racist before u know anything about them, because eim the farthest thing from a racist ull meet.
Apr 25, 2002
BTW, im washing my hands of this arguement as of now....i WILL continue to be a silent observer, with maybe a few comments here and there:chinese: ....wait!!!! that smiley face is bein racist towards chinese!!!!!
Apr 25, 2002
it's funny that you think the Civil War was actually about freeing slaves...

this is why it happened

The more people you have in your state, the more congressman you have repping for you in Congress...
The states with the most congressman hold the most power...the southern states all had similar intrests, as did the northern states(and the southern states had opposite interests then the northern states and vica versa)

Since slavery was legal in the south, they had a huge huge huge number of black people...which would give them the upper hand in congress

So the North wanted blacks to be only counted as 3/5ths a person
While the South wanted blacks to be counted as a whole person(though they had no civil rights)

Without the black people being counted as a whole person, the south would lose a lot of ground in congress and the north would gain...

so they succeeded from the union and we had a civil war...
they only let slaves fight for them and free them in hope they would go to the north and give then an even BIGGER power

there is the civil war for you


Siccness Gray Hair
Apr 25, 2002
Auburn Wa
The thing is,we all have so many similarities that it's idiotic to attack each other over the pettiest things.We all bleed,cry,care,hate,and feel emotion,but we were taught to think we are different because our appearances somewhat differ.Are skin color,lips,hair,and so on are different,and that's a beautiful thing.We can sit here and go on back and forth,and try to find inacuracies(sp) in our written arguements,and at the same,we all want the same thing....equal treatment.

I just think I'm blessed to see things individually.I,in all seriousness do not look at white people and think of them as,"one of me",or "my people"!
Why the fuck would I ? Dude ain't on my team....He has'nt grown up with me and my family.Should I feel like he's more like me than the "Black" guy across the street that shared a clubhouse with me since we were 4 years old?Because he's in my color flesh?Because he has blue eyes?

People need to start finding true knowledge.All these history books may teach you the truth about the past,but they are'nt teaching you the right way to love and understand.

I type all this corny shit,because it's the's how I feel.
Love thy neighbor...Jesus never taught hate..
May 5, 2002
"they" teach lies in schools to make people think shit is all good. portions of history have been erased in books and have been retold in only in the oral tradition from elders to children for centuries. this country was doomed from the beginning because it was built on greed, lies, rape, violence and criminals/rejects from europe. the books don't tell the real story. they tell the glamourized fable of what we'd all like to think happend.


Siccness Gray Hair
Apr 25, 2002
Auburn Wa
Sergeant Hustle said:
"they" teach lies in schools to make people think shit is all good. portions of history have been erased in books and have been retold in only in the oral tradition from elders to children for centuries. this country was doomed from the beginning because it was built on greed, lies, rape, violence and criminals/rejects from europe. the books don't tell the real story. they tell the glamourized fable of what we'd all like to think happend.
Your not telling anybody,anything new.You seem to be only concerned with the negative,and blew right by several positive posts.Do you have an identity crisis of some sort?Is everything always,all baaad?

Who is "they"?
Are you half they?
Am I they?
May 5, 2002
No I don't have an identity crisis.
I am quite comfortable with my racial composition.

No I'm not negative.
I am realistic.

No I don't have a chip on my shoulder.
I just believe in standing up for what I believe in even if I'm standing alone.

This is a debate, so I am debating.....and I enjoy being the devil's advocate and stirring the pot with unpopular opinions....not just for the sake of arguing, but to have people get out of their comfort zone and examine issues in a different light.

Hilltop Hound

CEO of Bow Wow Records
Apr 26, 2002
Re: @Mr.D.O.G

I'm not black bashing,see you get all defensive right away,but if i WAS black and saying some of the shit i said,would you be as offended.
I would be even more offended if you were black. See it's certain things in this world that you just won't see unless you're black. For you to say some of the things you say are easier to swallow coming from a white man because yall will never know the truth on what it's like to be black BUT for a black man who does know and chooses to ignore all the unfairness and would even get to the point of slandering his people and ignoring key incidents in the past and present, would be the biggest insult and embarrassment that could come on this forum

I hear plenty of black people who agree with alot of what i think.Dont try to point me out as a racist because it's bullshit.......i NEVER said anything racist..not a fuckin' thing.....i said GOOD things.....[/B]
If you're not racist, you just make alot of accidental racial comments and they are all towards blacks. Since you have been posting all you have talked about is black people. You talk about how lazy the ones you have experienced are and how they make money off sports and music. And now you want to use other blacks to validate your negative remarks on blacks. All colors make money playing sports and doing music.
Those remarks would be similar to me saying yeah Mexicans don't have it rough because they can Box good, their families tend to share homes, and have burrito trucks all over town. I get tired of people acting like we owe them something. It's true we took their land but nowadays they can do it all. It's more opportunity now.
Now doesn't that sound racist?

[i love black people,i got black friends,white friends,asian friends,whatever race,you name got a record company,and you have been givin awards for this.. If being supportive of blacks and latinos makes me racist,i guess i would have to be that then,huh?Everything i said got twisted by old SH.....Mrs. if you dont believe in what i believe than your a racist here.........I'm not racist,point fuckin' blank [/B]
I don't understand. If you love blacks so much, how come you said so many negative thangs towards them and not any other race? And how can you support blacks if you demoralizing them? And last but not least, everybody stop trying to act like SH caused the problem. She gave yall facts and then everybody started hating her. I would've said everything she said. Now do you hate me too?

I'm gonna start to back off this subject for a minute. People are beginning to question if I'm racist and nothing is really getting accomplished. There is SO much racism in America that half of you don't even know when you're participating in it.
If you are not racist, then don't make racist comments. I don't believe E-Dawg is racist. I love Blacks and everything I said has been in part to set the truth out on the frontline and hopefully educate some of you on why racism still persists.
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