DeluzioN said:
^^^^all of that = since im a half black kid from aberdeen washington who has been forced to live in such a "slum" of a logging town, i feel like im more "in touch" with my african ancestory and nowadays black culture, because it seems to be the cool thing to do...u know, point the finger at whitey....
If that was true, i'd have VERY little friends in my town..which isnt the case.
not to mention i hate my white half so much that any white people trying to stick up for THEMSELVES and thier SKIN COLOR (not government), will get ridiculed and criticized to the fullest extent of my power, and i promise i will twist thier words around as much as i can and fit in as many smart ass comments i can into this 10,000 character limited post as i possibly can.
Last time i checked, there weren't too many black philosophers. Therefore, i embrace ANY and ALL opportunities to philosophize. The 'side', if you will, that i chose was the LOGICAL one. You, my friend, are on the 'side' that has twisted this conversation into something it COMPLETELY isnt even about.
i realize white people are not the problem, but seein as how the majority of this countries population and government is that skin color, im gonna blame them for the problems in this society.
And that relates to me rebutting to illogical When did i blame white people for ANYTHING? I think you have me confused with someone else.
its not like any white person has had a hard life before, only colored people...right?? so fuck white people, they are wack, they are the reason i cant excell to where i want....or maybe its the fact im beating the shit out of a dead horse so much that i dont realize life for what it is?
= If it wasnt for a white person (that person being my mother), i would be homeless right now. And i'd have a HELL OF A LOT less of a chance to be going to college for 8 years, which i plan on doing. (Philosophy Doctorate, muhfuckahZ!#@)
since when did computers and the internet go hand in hand with poverty and ghetto livin? they must be holdin u down like a muhfucka, i mean yall barely got enuff cheese to pay your AOL bill!!!!

Computers and the internet have assisted in turned me from a problem-ridden child always in trouble into a future businessman, entrepreneur, producer, DJ, artist, philosopher, marketing executive, CPA, interpreter, newsprint editor, journalist, columnist, author and possibly a lawyer (i havent decided yet). I use free internet, by the way. -- go check it out.
And again, about me trying to be my black saying phrases like "holdin u down like a muhfucka" is YOU trying to be your NONEXISTANT black half.
Isnt that like the pot calling the kettle black?