Re: well damn.......she didnt know that but knew everything else......
Now D.O.G.........i know to you it might sound like i'm putting down blacks...i'm not i'm just saying that alot of blacks use the ''white man'' as an excuse for everything..dont try to go around it and say that aint true
Why would I say it's not true? PEOPLE in general make excuses to be lazy. I'm talking about you being 1/2 mexican and 1/2 white but jumping in the conversation talking about how tired you are of what this black done and that black done. That's labeling.
I've mentioned incidents of the past. Not trying to prove someone owes me or that I'm better. My point is that no one should be crying over something so small as that E-Dawg bar. Especially someone who doesn't endure Racism at an extreme level.
Mr. D.o.G,you feel the same way about being black as feel about being think blacks got it worse,i think mexicans got it worse..i agree with the majority of the things you said...but blacks have plenty power to BUILD on,even if they arent as rich as boxing+rap+r&b=MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!AND A SHITLOAD OF IT!!!!!! I feel I'm doing my part in stopping racism,when i have my children,they'll be mexican,black,white........AMERICAN.I wish that this shit didnt exist,but it does.[/B]
I KNOW BLACKS got it worst. Point blank. But I'm not on here looking for simpathy for my people. I'm here to defend my people against all this black bashing!
It's funny how only the NON-BLACKS have made very ignorant statements in this whole debate. Examples, defending blacks because of sexual preference, why don't you leave if you don't like it, presidents died for blacks, if it wasn't for the civil war blacks would still be slaves, etc. Even your statement about sports, and music is FUCCED up!
How can you change racism if you keep making racist statements? Getting a black woman pregnant doesn't allow you to constantly slander blacks. You see, no one has slandered Mexicans and you the only mexican talking. Yet blacks have been called lazy and everything else on this thread.
Have you noticed that anything that blacks become successful in, there are new laws to govern and change operations?
PIMPIN- White men have legal RANCHES which also shoot internet porn BUT the average street pimp is getting broke off for pimpin and panderin!
MUSIC- From the beginning of rap, they said it would only last for a few years. Then they tried to ban rap for it's lyrical content (even though rock contains just as much profanity and violence).
SPORTS- They wouldn't care about kids coming directly from high school except 90% that come to the NBA that way are black. Also why do you think they try to pay kids? They don't care about that kid's future. Just as long as he comes and performs for them as long as they need him. When they done with him, they'll reveal that they paid him. Fucc his career!