Is E Dawg Racist

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Apr 25, 2002
Your Good.....

Your good at making up shit to hide the fact you said sumn stereo typing blacks.Typing loud and shit.I don't feel racist,so calm your ass down....the luxury of not paying racisim no mind,fuck you bitch....i had a neighbor call me a spic and had to drop his ass a couple weeks are not in REALITY at all...ME put myself in a black mans' shoes?Why,it's hard enough being latino...ain't no fuckin' luxury...untill it's my face i don't dwell on it,when it's in my face,i handle it.You got good points but then you go and fuck them up with some idiotic replies trying to be a smart ass.ignorance,i guess so....i choose to judge people on their personas,not fuckin' color...And since peop[le are making up new meanings to words that been in the dictionary for quite a long time,written by whites or not...i think i'll call what you call ignorance the fact i ''ignore'' shit that just makes living in this world twice as rough.....take a step into my shoes...white ladies hold their purse real close to them and lock their car doors,rich white guys make sure to let me know that their cars' got an alarm,police fuck with me,untill a few months ago,the cops used to drive by my house at 3:00 am and flash search lights into my clockwork,i get stares from both blacks and whites when i walk down the street with my girl.I notice it but i ignore it untill someone feels like they want to get their ass T-rolled for taking advantage of his freedom of speech.i don't give fuck,i walk down the street with my arm around my girl proud as it get,shes' beautiful,intelligent,a li'l bit of a nagg,but damn,women are women.I do shit like if were in a store and i notice some white guy or black guy staring at us,i make sure to give her a nice kiss and grab a handfull of ass,lol.......take it in stride.I will enjoy my''luxuries'',or so you call it.Cut the crap SH,you obviously are the most prejudiced person on here with that ''if you were black,you'd hate white people too'' comment.

Hilltop Hound

CEO of Bow Wow Records
Apr 26, 2002
mo-x said:
I remember Mr. DOG talking about how black people get killed in the streets by police officers all the time...

Is this an instance of Racism, or did the guy get what he deserved? The bottom line from my perspective here is that the police officers life was being threatened... I can understand the guy getting pissed off because the off duty cop was butting his nose into a private conversation but pulling out a Glock... that was STUPID.
I haven't even read it yet but I can answer this without reading it.
#1. The cop was off duty and butting into someone's business. That's the polices fault. He should be minding his business and only acting like a cop when on duty.
#2. Pulling out a Glock on someone for butting in your business means you have an anger problem and that you're not thinking. That doesn't make you a racist.
The cop's life was in danger because the cop chose to put his life in danger. Everyone is different and doesn't know how another is thinking or what they are packing. And that's real talk.
So was the dude in NY who never had a criminal record, had a legitimate job, and sitting on his own porch that reached for his wallet in his back pocket racist?
He was minding his own business at his residence when police (5) not only harrassed him, they shot him using their entire clips and then reloaded and continued shooting him dead. Everyone knows police are trained to shoot you in the shoulder if you have a weapon or believed to have a weapon. So who's racist in this arguement?
Apr 25, 2002
ill pick one last thing out of this, and then im lettin EVERYTHING go. Pay careful attention to this one cuz its gonna be as accurate, UNOFFENSIVE, and to-the-point as i can goes...

Dictionaries can be compared to music in that they are a MIRROR--NOT a guide. They're merely a snapshot in time with a fairly accurate sample of words and their most common usages and assumed meanings (pay careful attention to 'assumed'). Becaue of this, NO DICTIONARY will EVER be 100% correct--NOT EVER!!

I still have yet to see a better definition for racism than "hate + power"...everyone wants to talk all this shit about "no thats not it!" or "thats not what it says in the dictionary!", BUT at the same time, THEY DO NOT PROVIDE THEIR OWN DEFINITION!!! That is the whole frickin point of a philosophical conversation!! TO provide your OWN rationale--not the rationale of a 1000 page book that makes you feel smart!

If you need books to get your point accross, you are weak minded. If you need to allude to stupid shit like "scientists have already proven that ____" and dont even have an explination of *HOW* they did're a fucking idiot!

Alright, ima stop ranting....but REMEMBER, for future reference (HEH HEH! get it?!? dictionary..reference?!?! EHEHEHEHE!! :rolleyes: ):

Dictionaries = REFERENCES.. **NOT** guides!!

Buono Giorno/Buenos Dias/Aloha/Peace Out!
Apr 25, 2002
The cop should have kept his nose out of other peoples business. The cat who got shot shouldn't have pulled out a gun in the first place. Maybe I'm just too old school but if someone is putting their nose up in my business, I'm going to give them a solid old school ass whoopin'. Not pull out my pistol and start parading around like a dumbfuck.

1. Mind your own mutha fuckin business.
2. Don't pull a gun out on somebody if you don't plan on pulling the trigger as soon as you do.
Apr 25, 2002
45 do you expect me to take what you said????Grow up,thats your come back...i heard that shit back in kindergarten,shit before kindergarten.defend yourself,scaredy cat,i call you out on your statement and all of a sudden it's one setence responses?
May 8, 2002
This is how it breaks down (im white) but anyone hear saying there is no more racism is either retarded or full of shit. On average Blacks with the same job make less then a white guy with the same job. You cant bring anyother kind of oppresion or slaverey against whites up in this discussion because none of it was nearly as bad as what black people went through in this country, and if you cant see that and admit it then your a racist.
May 5, 2002
MR.VILLAIN said: do you expect me to take what you said????Grow up,thats your come back...i heard that shit back in kindergarten,shit before kindergarten.defend yourself,scaredy cat,i call you out on your statement and all of a sudden it's one setence responses?
i speak to you as a kindergartener because you act like one. you cannot have a discussion without calling me out of my name? you are childish and have no idea how to hold a debate. i speak to you how you deserve to be spoken to. you disrespect because you do not have the capacity to hold an intelligent conversation without including the words dick, bitch and fuck you. you do not deserve an explanation because you make it plainly obvious that you cannot contribute to the convo without ignorant-ass, no-brainer, misogynistic remarks.
May 5, 2002
drankedout said:
This is how it breaks down (im white) but anyone hear saying there is no more racism is either retarded or full of shit. On average Blacks with the same job make less then a white guy with the same job. You cant bring anyother kind of oppresion or slaverey against whites up in this discussion because none of it was nearly as bad as what black people went through in this country, and if you cant see that and admit it then your a racist.
thank god, a white person who can see the truth. kudos to you for being able to get over the defensive shit and see the reality of white privledge and black opression in america.
Apr 25, 2002

drankedout said:
This is how it breaks down (im white) but anyone hear saying there is no more racism is either retarded or full of shit. On average Blacks with the same job make less then a white guy with the same job. You cant bring anyother kind of oppresion or slaverey against whites up in this discussion because none of it was nearly as bad as what black people went through in this country, and if you cant see that and admit it then your a racist.
i can't argue with that...i can admitt that...i never said that whites had it worse.That would be the biggest bullshit ever spoken....SH,still making excuses.You don't seem to get that i'm not white for some said ''you have the luxury to not dwell on racism'' that was ignorant.I'm LATINO!!!!What luxury???? <will show you wsup on the whole criminal justice system involving latinos & blacks in california...check the stats,just so you figure out that saying my luxury was a pretty ignorant statement.
Apr 25, 2002
seargent hustle...
i think you put a bit too much on it...
yeah blacks do have it harder...yeah sometimes white get it easier...
but it seems like you're looking at it as Black And White (pun intended)
it's not THIS WAY AND THAT WAY...there's a whole lotta ground inbetween ya dig?
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