From Techs "All 6s & 7s", First Degree The D.E. with "LISTEN UP, YA HONKEY!"

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Ok, someone who names himself Zero is talking to me about lack of personalization. Damn.

I dont think youre a cracka, I really dont. I used to like some of your posts before all this. Now you are comin off whiny.

How bout this. Ill promise to be a better person if you promise, Zero.
May 7, 2008
Isnt someone who is racist a person who sees a skin color has a side ?..isnt that exactly what your doing with that video ? just adding to the already big problem in society.

I say we all green fuck who doubt it. Problem Solved Simpsons Style
To those that took part in this thread... thanks for contributing. If you have something of substance to say, join us at the youtube comment board.

It is time for us to be our best. God is here. The devil is here. Its time to pick a side.

Remember, your worth is counted in the love you give others. Your pennies are useless now. Lets be our best.

Do not let lies about me distract you from your mission of being a better person. What do I have to do with your self reflection? Rest assured, all your underage lies are lies that only the small minded cracka would believe. Shes in the Street Monster DVD if youd like to take a look. Unless youve done for others, you dont matter anymore. I suppose if a glimpse into my 6 year ago flirting life spreads the word, so be it.

Your hate will be the fuel of this message. That was the plan God gave me.

God bless the strong minded white man. Its up to you. Its official, the worlds minority gots yo back and theres alot of us. The youtube video numbers are 70% like (strong minds), 30% dislike (crackas). There are more of us than them. You are free, strong minded white man. Black man, Asian, Latino, Native, you are also free.

This isnt just about me, Lynch, you, or anyone else. This is about every man on earth working with the flow of the universe, and being respectful and understanding towards all. God judgment day. He will ask you, "What have you done for others?" What will be your answer?

Good day all, be your best. Its judgment day

First Degree The D.E.