From Techs "All 6s & 7s", First Degree The D.E. with "LISTEN UP, YA HONKEY!"

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Nov 5, 2006
Damn, I just read this entire thread. Very entertaining. Who is DE? I wish I wasnt born white :( My wife told me that if we go to Nigeria my white skin will bring me positive attention because im different, that sounds cool. but in my country that I fight in wars for under a black president I can be categorized as a honkey or cracka because i think that this dude is an ignorant delusional fool. (assuming DE's response based on what I've read)
This dude talking about judgement day is a joke. Thanks for keeping this thread open LDS, it was a good read.
Nov 5, 2006
fastfistzy your a lil girl right ?

u better watch that as cause the DE monsta gonna get cha lol
man, what make you think im a girl cause I dont have some cool tech username. actually I am a 29 yr old Male, fastfitzy was my nickname as a kid when I used to race BMX ranked#2 nationwide at that time the name references one of my actual names, yep im trying to hold on to that point in my life
Nov 5, 2006
#2 nationwide ? thats pretty good.. why aint u rich than ? dont u get paid for that shit
Nah, I was a kid. Then my dad moved us to the sticks in MN. that was theme of my BMX career. Now I drive a car. And I am rich, I've got a hot wife , a beautiful daughter and a house in Hawaii, but to keep this on topic.... Who the he'll is DE?
Aug 26, 2002
dang, I didn't even get to respond to his other thread before it got closed, so I'll do it here...

"Perhaps you should have done a bit of self-reflection yourself before judging two dozens of people on a message board.

You accusing others of being judgmental is like the pot calling the kettle honkey.
Identity, I have the right to defend my message. The purpose was to root out those offend of the fact that you should respect and love others. Why would one be mad at ignorant people? Unless they had some in them. Thats what the songs about.

Fast, Im just like you, just one man, working to make the universe work.
Dec 14, 2005
blaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stop spamming your religious bullshit.

NOBODY GIVES A FUCK! and if there was a god he certainly wouldnt waste any time on you.