From Techs "All 6s & 7s", First Degree The D.E. with "LISTEN UP, YA HONKEY!"

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Sicc OG
Jul 22, 2009
I'm wondering if The DE's degree is in Psychology, because he mentally fucked you guys and exposed the weak ones on here. This whole topic shows the true racists. lol
Aug 26, 2002
If I may suggest, DE, you have as much to learn as you do to teach.

Have you ever read Freire's "Pedagogy of the Oppressed"? It's about ABOUT teaching...about pedagogical approaches to ending oppression in society via our school system. Invaluable to teachers, but also for anyone wanting to teach critical thinking. Much of it (the chapter on the "banking" model of teaching especially) talks about mutual involvement/dialogue between the oppressed and oppressor.

You should give it a read.
Nov 14, 2002
True dat, LDS. If you filter through all the crackas doin their cracka talk, theres actually a discussion goin on.
You're right. if you skip all of your comments in this thread it's four pages shorter, and makes 70% more sense.

And as far as "outing racists", most of the comments aren't even based around race other than DE calling people crackers and honkeys like a fuckin idiot.
Oct 10, 2004
hey first degree youre on the 6's and 7's album? congratulations man especially since tech is blowing up. im not digging this song though whatever the concept is but ive heard your songs like "blackula", "partime", "time", "psychotic woman" and those were the shit. just wanted to tell you that haha. keep doing you man
Feb 20, 2008
LDS it surprises me that you converse with this dude. Definitely do not lock the thread or shut it down. There won't be much to discuss until the album leaks and then releases. However this dude is a fucking sociopathic shit head and I know you know it. This will be the last time I look at this thread, this motherfucker thinks the world is going to end and instantaneously addresses everyone as a cracker. That is weird considering he's trying to expose racists? This is odd and quite honestly the most worthless thread that has hit this board in a while. The fact that this dude has a fan base is sickening and an insult to the human race.


I drink a lot of beer
Jun 3, 2002
Oregon Coast
Listen Up! Ya Darky!

You jock projects Im on like a groupie and think you have the power to categorize me? You are one dumb, white, weak minded rock.

You are a random no one, IDENTIFYING YOURSELF WITH A PROJECT IM ON, yet think you are in a position to judge. You are a worthless white cracka. If you think you have worth cuz you have an internet connect and like rap, you are wrong. You have no worth because you have been persuaded in the art of the know, the same reason you have few friends and little love.

State your worth! What have you done for others? By identifying yourself with an album Im affiliated with, youve already started off as a random no one.

You are damned and confused and your posts show it.

God bless the strong minded white man! You are the man! (in a good way)
I have done WAAYYY more for people then you have done Mr. DE.

You make shitty music for people that choose to buy it. thats all you do.

I however take care of senior citizens that cant afford food or are too old or lazy to cook for themselfs... i give them hot meals everyday and deliver it to their door with a big ass bag of groceries. All week.

And in no way am i a groupie. Just because my alias on a gangsta rap message board is the name of a rap cd dont mean shit you dumbass. It simply means im a fan of the mans music. Dont get mad cuz i buy lynch cd's and not yours. And i never been a fan of yours, i always gotta change the track when you come on.
You dont like my opinion on your faggot ass music I dont give a fuck. Deal with it.

So Listen Up,, Ya Darky!! You are a worthless black piece of shit. And nobody likes your new song. Few people will buy it.
Jun 11, 2004
And I tell you what, Mr DE... You call up Tech N9ne and ask him who Zer0.MediA is and he'll have an answer for you. To be perfectly honest I've read my name come out of Tech N9ne's mouth more than yours... LoL.

Good day to you, sir.
LOL this some gay ass shit right here LOL oh man this shit had me weak. I can't handle the strange forum this is too much for me peace out brehs
Nov 14, 2002
I'm just stating what is truth. Ya know, because of the rapture and shit. My cracka ass doesn't want to be judged by my worth, but by the troofs I been spoken.
Jan 20, 2007
you obviously need help... sorry you got born with black skin. and there is no god. eat some mushrooms you fucking monkey (i am one too!) and do something that benefits the world. you're fucking scum who retards our evolution. i am the opposite of lonely, while not in need of fans of my own... i'm on this forum because i am a strange music fan... not to promote shit music that has no meaning like yourself. whooopdie fucking doo you pushed 70,000 units. in two years i'll be making six figures, because i actually care about the human race as a whole you ignorant ego-driven fuck of an individual. now respond within seconds because you have absolutely no life. try trt9 forums, the people are more retarded over in those parts, there's a better chance your music will appeal to them.
lol hes getting the same treatment at trt9 as he is here lol
Jan 29, 2006
This dark skinned idiot is dead to me. He isn't worth the time it would take to look for his music(I'd assume it would be very difficult to find since he is a nobody in the rap world) If i was TO i would scratch anything associated with this Coon before they lost a lot of fans.