I fail to see the need for a 'National Black Museum'...especially if it entails the used of public funds. I'm actually pretty damn tired of all this 'nationality' crap. If you are a "LEGAL" citizen of this country....You are an AMERICAN!!! Not a White American, Black American, Asian Americam, Spanish American, Latino American, or any other kind of American but, AMERICAN. The only consession I will make is NATIVE AMERICAN, for obvious reasons. The Smithsonian is a catalog of American History...and yes, we all have a place within it's halls, regardless of nationality or ethnicity. And yes, as an earlier poster stated, most museums in the USA are filled with the history of this country, as ducumented by white settlers but, I defy you to show me one museum in the country called 'The National White Museum." You're black, we're white, they're latino, spanish, asian, etc....DEAL WITH IT!!!