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Who do you hate?

  • Everyone

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • Whites

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • Rich & Greedy

    Votes: 18 51.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 20.0%

  • Total voters
Aug 25, 2003
Locahontas said:
Maybe the reason you don't live in a 'color' world is because you don't have to deal with the same issues that people of color do. So maybe you live in a 'rich vs poor' world because that is where your conflicts reside. People in different situations find their conflicts coming from different sources.
No its not that I just see the whole picture and not the small painting.

But how does one go about solving a complex math problem? By breaking it into smaller parts, solving the smaller parts individually, then coming up with a solution. If I asked you what the answer to 3/9+4*2-1.7*12+87.32/54 is, you would not be able to solve it just by looking at the 'big picture.' You would have to break it down first.


Sicc OG
May 3, 2002

Mar 18, 2003
MeloTrauma said:
Hey NITRO...First of all, he was talking about me. He used the word "you" personalizing it as a failed attack against ME. And Ive stated time and time again that I am Mexican, which he failed to recognize, showing me that he doesnt read the posts and responses to his own babble.
I understand that, and that is where his error was in his "essay". However, he was speaking to YOU about the BLACK race. Sure, he was talking to you as if you were BLACK, but you not being so, doesn't change what he was saying. He wasnt saying that African Americans are *THIS* because of YOUR actions, he was typing out an observation of all African Americans IN GENERAL, not just you.

MeloTrauma said:
Second of all, if you gonna write that long of a reply, you better make it an intelligent one, otherwise you come off as whiny little bitch as he just did (which he accused me of being) just spouting off at the mouth. Since he didnt come correct , Im not gonna reply against his arguement since he's babbled the same shit before. Dudes proved to me how ignorant he is, and Im sick of all this fucking typing.
Agreed, an essay isn't much if it doesn't say anything.

MeloTrauma said:
Third, if you think "some of the most intelligent people in the world would find it difficult to write the same thing in fewer words" then I truly feel sorry for you, and I wish you the best following Epidemic as your scholar.
Scholar? My statements about an essay, had nothing to do with Epidemic. I was simply saying that people of great intelligence often write their thoughts in the form of long essays or books. It wasn't saying anything about what EpidemicReborn typed, rather the thought of someone writing an "essay" as being an idiot of some sort is obsurd.

MeloTrauma said:
What you fail to realize, as Ive stated over and over but yall cats dont want to listen to reason, is that WHITE PRIVILAGE will always be a factor in minorities being second class to white people AS A WHOLE. Of course there are gonna be some fucking exceptions - Colin Powell a powerful black man... Eminem a poor white guy in a black nieghborhood or whatever.
I DO REALIZE THAT. Im not trying to deminish the existance of what you just said, im just trying to help you guys understand it from more then just your perspective. WHITE people are always going to have an advantage in areas highly popluated by WHITE people, just as Mexicans are going to have an advantage in areas where they make up for a majority. This country is roughly 75% WHITE where most areas are dominant by WHITE people, which results in an "advantage" to those catagorized in the same racial class. How can you possibly blame WHITE people for being so highly poplulated in this country, because if the situation were reversed, do you think WHITE people would have it any easier in a BLACK population, then BLACK'S have it now? NO! Blame the early Europeans for slaughtering so many people and taking this nation, not those their decendants who remain in power. African Americans didn't come from this country, they were stolen, bought and forced here. Well I didn't choose to be born into a country where I am classified into a catagory of humans who are portrayed as people who deny equal opportunity to others, hence my implication that generalizing the WHITE race is an important factor in racial discussions. So why am I to blame for any of this? You might say, "well your not" but then I will ask, what is it then, that seperates me, from the devilish racist WHITES who ARE to blame. Society fits me right in the mix, so I have no choice but to carry this burdon because of my skin color, just like African Americans have to endure their pain because of something that happened years ago, which was completely out of their hands. That's not to say the level of suffering is equal; what I have to live through (as far as the aftermath of what my ancestors did) is nowhere near that which an African American must go through, but we are living in TODAY, and I am NOTHING like my ancestors. So what im gathering from your posts is that, equal opportunity cannot exist, unless we can statistically equally deny or provide opportunity to others. I got this by your brushing off the hip-hop atmosphere, overwhelmed by African Americans, denying WHITE people as equals; this being only one area in which African Americans have an absolute advantage as opposed to NUMEROUS WHITE owned businesses and organizations where they can choose to whom they will provide opportunity to. With this said, is in not a ratio of the ability to accept or deny opportunity to another race that we're talking about here?

MeloTrauma said:
The fact is, if you are white you got it better in a country where EVERYBODY is supposed to be equal. Nobody wants to listen to that and I dont understand it. If everyone in this country is supposed to be equal, then why does the term MINORITY exist???
Yes if you are WHITE you have an advantage, statistically. It is common knowledge that any race of humans, racist or not, is going to treat their "own kind" differently then they would another. So the numbers are all were talking about here. This country is never going to be 25% Asian, 25% African American, 25% Mexican, and 25% "WHITE". The fact that this country is so highly popluated by WHITE'S, and that maybe even these WHITE'S treat themselves better then every other race, DOES NOT CHANGE the fact that African Americans and Mexicans are doing the EXACT SAME THING, just in smaller numbers.

MeloTrauma said:
You said, YOU CAN NOT GAIN EQUAL OPPORTUNTY IF YOU CAN NOT OFFER IT. That is some nerve based on the fact that the system (which is in fact ran by white people) has never allowed equal opportunity for those MINORITIES. To this day, people who do not understand the struggle are still trying to keep equal opportunity out of our hands.
You got it ass backwards. What are you basing your opinion on when discussing the lack of equal opportunity? The opportunity is there, you just have to take advantage. What can a BLACK man NOT do in this country, that a WHITE man can? I urge you to leave this kiddie "buy tan colored finger bandages" out the door, because I don't have time to waiste on shit like that. Ive had people say just that, so im asking you, be real.

MeloTrauma said:
This is the one thing where the tables can be turned. There is no equal opportunity for white people in rap music... boo fucking hoo. There is no equal opportunity for minorities in the entire world!
Prove it.
Apr 25, 2002
Nitro the Guru said:
I was simply saying that people of great intelligence often write their thoughts in the form of long essays or books. It wasn't saying anything about what EpidemicReborn typed, rather the thought of someone writing an "essay" as being an idiot of some sort is obsurd.
"Some of the most intelligent people in the world would find it difficult to write THAT SAME THING in fewer words." This is EXACTLY what you said.

And I never said an essay writer was an idiot, I asked him how long that took him to type, and I told him to dedicate another essay to me.

WHITE people are always going to have an advantage in areas highly popluated by WHITE people, just as Mexicans are going to have an advantage in areas where they make up for a majority.
Please explain where and how and under what circumstance Mexicans in this country have an advantage over white people

This country is roughly 75% WHITE where most areas are dominant by WHITE people, which results in an "advantage" to those catagorized in the same racial class. How can you possibly blame WHITE people for being so highly poplulated in this country, because if the situation were reversed, do you think WHITE people would have it any easier in a BLACK population, then BLACK'S have it now? NO! Blame the early Europeans for slaughtering so many people and taking this nation, not those their decendants who remain in power.
How can I blame white people for being so highly populated in this country??? Maybe because at one time this country was more populated with Native Americans until they were killed off by white people. Maybe because the Southwest was Mexico until it was stolen by white people.
Since, as you confirm, whites are the majority of people in this country, they also have the highest amount of voters who vote on these measures that effect minority nighborhoods. White people are in power in areas that minorities populate.
And you ask if the situation were reversed, would white people have it easier in a black population. You ever heard of aparthied in South Africa???
You say blame the early europeans for what they did, and I do. And I dont hold anything against any white person individually because I know they had nothing to do with what happened before. What I am getting at is why can't you guys understand our reasons for fighting for equal opportunity, our reasons for feeling oppressed, and our reasons for trying to better our own people. And we don't need white people trying figure out how we feel and what is best for us. We're telling you guys everyday how we feel and what is best for us, but yall dont want to listen. Yall still thinking colonialism, and whats best for buisness, and the economics of this country, way before the human lives in this country.

I am NOTHING like my ancestors.
I know you are not. You are not effected by what your ancestors did though. We are.

So what im gathering from your posts is that, equal opportunity cannot exist, unless we can statistically equally deny or provide opportunity to others. I got this by your brushing off the hip-hop atmosphere, overwhelmed by African Americans, denying WHITE people as equals; this being only one area in which African Americans have an absolute advantage as opposed to NUMEROUS WHITE owned businesses and organizations where they can choose to whom they will provide opportunity to. With this said, is in not a ratio of the ability to accept or deny opportunity to another race that we're talking about here?
I never said equal opportunity comes from denying opportunity. As far as hip hop, white people do have opportunity. If you really want to get into that, I could say Hip hop is WHITE OWNED, look who owns all the labels. Now that goes beyond equal opportunity, that is exploitation.

You say hip hop is OVERWHEALMED by black people. Did you forget that it is a form of black music? Just like blues, R&B, jazz. Country music is OVERWHEALMED by white dudes, mariachi music is OVERWHEALMED by mexicans.

And why is it that the best selling rapper is a white guy? In a genre of black music, that is more than equal opportunity. Because you will never see a black country singer outsell all of the white country singers. You will never see a black rock group outsell all of the white rock groups.

DOES NOT CHANGE the fact that African Americans and Mexicans are doing the EXACT SAME THING, just in smaller numbers.
Only in response to what conditions we have been subjected to over the years in this society.

What can a BLACK man NOT do in this country, that a WHITE man can?
Be president, trace his original family name, drive down the street without being pulled over for no reason, walk into a store without being followed around, live in a society that caters to them, be the biggest selling rapper of all time.... shall I continue??

Prove it.
I think I just did... and if you needed such proof, you truly are blind to the facts
Mar 15, 2003
All that it takes for someone to become president is their being voted in office. Even if Black Democrats instead of White Conservatives were voting for him while he was on the republican ticket, what matters is that he had very high polls, possibly enough to win.
Apr 25, 2002
I know for a fact Powell would of never made the presidency. And I dont think in my lifetime I will ever see a minority for president of the US.
Mar 15, 2003
MeloTrauma said:
I know for a fact Powell would of never made the presidency. And I dont think in my lifetime I will ever see a minority for president of the US.
Just like I know for a fact that you like cheese. You live in CA, one of the most progressive and nonracist states in the U.S., and yet you spout off "facts" like Colin powell not making the presidency.

What percentage of white people do you think would not vote for Colin Powell based on his race? 20, 30, 40? Do you think the Republican party would not support one of their own getting in?

Realistically, possibly 5, maybe 10 percent of white people in America (at best) are racist, or at least racist to the point of not voting for a black candidate. Think about your white friends...How many racist ass white people do you personally know, or have encountered?

How many moderate or chill white people do you know?

People don't vote for Presidents, they vote for parties. Republicans vote Republican, and Democrats vote Democrat. Yes, there are "swing" votes, but swing voters are not likely to be influenced by your supposed widespread and mass racism.
Mar 15, 2003
Yea thats me. I know nothing. You're the type who just sits back and reads shit in books and acts like they know. You're the type who self-segregates, and then goes and uses your lack of white friends as an example of racism. Talk to me about blindness. Where is this fucking huge racist white population. I'm white, and I don't see it.

I have several professional and successful black and Latino friends. They must have missed it too. All the black people in Congress...they're just there Affirmative Action-style. The rising amount of minorities successful in the business world, they're all Affirmative Action cases too. All of my successful black acquaintances must be the most whitewashed people ever, since you basically have to kiss ass to succeed. That's how prevalent the "white ghost" is.

If it weren't for laws, there would still be segregated public areas as well. It's just swept under the rug, and implemented in smaller ways as part of the white conspiracy.

lmao you hella scary dude. You out in Humboldt County, I guess you don't fuck with the white people out there either? Cause I'm out there once in awhile and got friends out there and it's chill. But whatever though, they're all closet racists. All white people are. Your supposed racism is your blindness.
Mar 15, 2003
MeloTrauma said:

Talk to me when a minority is in office.
We haven't had one competent, moderate minority candidate run yet. Powell had a chance...his ass dropped out. And if every minority had your mindset, which obviously is the word of God, no minorities would even run.
Apr 11, 2003
already dead... you sound like one of those persons that will deny their racist/prejudice but lock the doors in your car, when a young black man walks by...

what i mean is that you say only 10% of white people are racist... yeah maybe that aren't afraid to admit it...
Apr 25, 2002
Once again, I have to point out that it is not white racism i am talking about, i am talking about the lack of understanding on the part of white people, and how they feel they know what is best for minorities, and disregard our position on things. And once again, not all white people. Arent you guys listening to me?

And Already Dead, your Already Lost. I dont have to read books and act like I know... I live a minority's life every fucking day. I know what is going on.

And lack of white friends??? To be honest man, Im out here in Humboldt with mostly white friends! Thats all there is around here. And they cool as fuck. There are white people married into my family! And we love em! Once again proving that I do not segregate, and I do not hate white people.

Please prove to me how I am racist, prove to me how I hate white people. And that is why you are lost Already Dead.