EpidemicReborn said:
Thats funny because the jews had it worse then you ever will and your complaining.
That's funny because black people had/have it worse than you ever will and you're complaining.
You blab about how its white this and white that yet your in the ghetto or suburban areas trying to punk out white kids
But like dude said, when that white kid grows up, he's still probably gonna have more than the black kids that were punkin him. I must refere back to the article again:
Iam tired of hearing about slavery because I dont care about your generations of pain.
Maybe that's part of the problem, people NOT caring.
That was then and this is now get over it or get the fuck out.
Are you serious? My son's father died when I was pregnant & people tell me I need to get over it & move on. But WTF? They didn't experience what I did so they have no place to make that suggestion.
I think you should get the fuck out of america because this isnt the place for people like you, white or black
I think you mean people who aren't going to just sit back & say fuck the fact that some serious shit happened in the past. If someone raped & beat your mother, would you tell her to get over it cuzz that was in the past? Would you tell her you're sick of her whining & bitching all the time? Would you tell her to get the fuck out of America cuzz this isn't the place for people like her? Probably not.
Your quick to jump on a white person like me for speaking the truth because you dont want to hear it, but fuck it Iam not one of these passive white boys that sayss lets work towards a goal.
But in essence, you're suggesting that black people be passive.
I feel the way almost every person feels.
Who might this list of people include? Cuzz I don't think I know of anyone who would even let those thoughts spring from their lips if they felt that way.
Seeing movies and tv shows where th balck person dogs whites and punks them out is filled with lies created by those that are ignorant.
How is it lies when above you said that this is what is happening in the ghetto/surburbs?
Youll never see the solution so just get out, move to canada or something
What is the solution then? It seems to me that you want people who don't think like you to get the fuck out of a country your people might run but didn't own in the first place.
I dopnt have time to hear about your years of slavery because that doesnt solve the problem
It would help solve the problem if people were willing to listen. Have you ever heard of or read the Willie Lynch speech? If not, I'll post the link again:
Also, have you ever heard/read of Black Wall Street & the Tulsa riots? If not, here's the link:
See, black people did try to move on, but what happened? Some white people (I'm being general here, cuzz I haven't received that list of specific names yet) came & fucked it ALL up.
Have you ever heard/read about the Tuskegee syphillis experiment? If not, here's a link:
if you think for minute that I feel bad for something, why should I? I did nothing to you or your race.
Personally, I don't think YOU should feel bad. You're right. YOU did nothing to the black race. And you're doing nothing for it either. You shouldn't feel bad, but I also think you shouldn't tell black people how they should feel about it. Are you also willing to tell Jews to get over the holocaust? Are you telling the families of the 9-11 victims to get over what happened or get the fuck out? Just wondering.
Stop bitching be a man and join a cause that matters not one that doesnt matter like the slavery issue.
Dude, are you serious? If it didn't matter, then why did it have such a negative effect on the black race? PLEASE READ THE WILLIE LYNCH SPEECH. The whole point of the speech is to explain how to break down the black family unit, turn blacks against each other, and have the effects last for generations & generations. So you can NOT convince me that the 'slavery issue' does not matter.
Thats been dead for years and years and you have not solved a thing.
Some things have been solved. Some things have not. Some things look like they've been solved, but haven't been.
And you dont go through pain now you just want to bitch like you do because you dont want to do anything you want it handed to oyu and thats why your where your at good luck in life.
Where is he at in life? I agree with a lot of what he says. And no it's not because I'm black (even though he's Mexican). I'm also half white (and I've caught shit from both sides). And just because I share his opinions doesn't mean I want things handed to me. If I wanted things handed to me, I would not have had 2 college degrees (bachelor's & masters's) by the age of 22.
And when you said I proved I was ignorant, I apologize I took advantage of the education gave to me
Maybe that is where the problem lies.
while you just slacked off.
Yes, he slacked off by rejecting the traditional education presented to him by instead reading, learning, and thinking for himself.
Fuck what you stand for, youll be the first to go when it goes down
When what goes down? Is there some type of war about to go down that I'm unaware of? Once again, just wondering.
bcause there are plenty of whites and blacks together for the real cause not a old cause that most people could give to shits about.
I'm not trying to discredit, only educate.