1. Im saying that they didnt trade slaves, they just took people. Ive never read of any interaction between arabs and african kings.
True. However many have hypothesized that many early Arabic ventures resulted in multiple forms of cultural exchange including slavery.
And whenever white people talk about slavery, they always bring up "africans traded thier own people" as to make it seem like they weren't the only culprits. While this is true, the amount of slaves TAKEN in european slave hoarding was WAY MORE than the amount of slaves traded by africans.
Agreed. The presence of African slave trading (for centuries preceeding and following the Pan-African trade) does not make the activities of white people O.K. It is an important historical fact, though, because there is a movement right now to view all non-white cultures as purely innocent and harmless. While I do not believe white people are completely innocent, possibly more at fault than any other race as a whole, there were flaws in every society. It was not, white devil vs. innocent non-white world. It was bad white people versus not so bad other races. Imagine if Shaka Zulu or Mansa Musa had the technology and Africa had the exchange of information and learning that Europe did. Things could have turned out much different.
2. I dont understand what you mean by "kill everyone and take everything they had, fuck thier wives." Are you speaking about the tribes themselves, the Arabs???
lol...the tribes themselves.
The way tribal systems work as far as placing value on tangible goods is completly different from the establishment of european monies. There is a system and an order within the tribes that establishes who is who.
Intrinsically, yes, but African conquerors and power struggles the only rule was to be the victor.
It never was about the person with the most cattle, or the person with the most land. It was about the tribe with the most cattle, or the tribe with the most land. It was group efforts, but the introduction of european monies individualized shit and made brother turn against brother... the way it did for native americans, and the way it is still doing among minorities now.
Shaka Zulu killed thousands of his brethren. Tribal warfare has always existed, though some tribes lived in peace or established trade.
3. You, like a lot of other white folks, tend to think that minorities issues have to do with the just the groups themselves not being able to act "right" or feeling victimized by slavery.
This is one aspect of my thinking, and it does not encompass the whole of my views on Blacks in America. I'm not saying 1. that a victim mentality causes all of Black problems, or 2. that Black people just choose to be on a destructive path.
I'm merely calling attention to the fact that there are personal initiatives Black people can take, and calling attention to this wil do more for the Black race than pointing out crime statistics, reopening the scar of slavery, or creating a gulf between white and black people.
I have more than a few good Black friends who are considered "whitewashed". They all have experienced racism, they all came from poverty, and they all share one common complaint about Black america. They say the "crabs in the bucket" phenomenon is a very large and often unspoken issue facing Black America today. Black people often choose not to associate with non-blacks, or non-minorities. Any Black person who does not speak Ebonics, wear FUBU, etc., is automatically a traitor and sellout. Any Black person who moves out of an urban or Black area is instantly considered a sellout. Many black kids who do well in school are considered "dorks", "trying to act white", etc.
The supreme irony is this extreme "blackness"- an urban environment, full ebonics, the "buy expensive clothes" hip-hop ethos- largely contirbutes to negative cycles. Many people who speak in thick Ebonics and refuse to speak professionally at work or at job interviews are denied jobs. In discrediting the blackness of non "hip-hop" Black people, potentially intelligent or revolutionary minds and ideas in the Black community are squashed before they are given a chance to prosper.
Its more than that. Its the groups in this society, the enviroment, the poverty, the education, the prejudice, the media, the employment... all of this white privlaged world affects trains of thoughts causing certian behaviors among underprivliaged people. I cant speak for black people persoannly, but I bet that they would agree that minorities do have to start bettering themselves if they want to be taken seriously, cause god knows it takes twice as much effort to succeed in a white mans world if your a person of color. Until then, we aint taken seriously...and still wont be.
I doubt that Black people will never be taken seriously. White racism does not extend as far as it seems. The world is progressing every day. What was once majorly cutting edge, urban, and novel in San Francisco or New York will become a standard in Alabama, even if it is 10 years later. Look at the amount of Black people in Entertainment, Politics, and Businesses. The percentages as a whole are still small, but the amount of prominent figures are increasing.
4. No one ever said it was soley up to white people to fix. But yall do run the country, and you guys do own most of the buisnesses and money, and yall do have majority of the voters, and yall do have a white president. And there is a certian amount of responsibility I feel that has to be taken on the part of white people to open thier ears and listen resonably to some of our complaints... otherwise we're insignifigant in a country where everyone is supposed to be equal
It is the responsibility of White America to listen to some of the complaints and viewpoints of the disadvantaged. The impasse that will soon be reached, however, is one where Black people really aren't going to gain much more by pointing out the Black situation. If there were say, a concrete plan as to how to divide racial reperations, a solid black leader to stand behind, statistics or a large effort by Black America to address many of the issues that plague the community starting from the inside-out, there would be a real response by White America.