fallout 4

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Dec 18, 2008
At the Pump
its overwhelming at first cause there is so much shit to do and such an open world and add in the settlements it'll take time to get comfortable playing but you'll get sucked in spending hours doing shit and be like wtf where did the time go
Shit sounds so tight. One thing that's cool IMO is how you can choose the path you want your character to go down. As in like a good guy, bad guy way. That's dope. I'm totally gonna be a bad dude and do bad shit. Realistically that is prolly how it would be if it was real life lol
May 13, 2002
Awesome bruh-goon appreciate the shit out of it Sixx
Fasho. 707 has good advice too, just do the settlement stuff first as you get a feel for the game. Once you get comfortable start doing missions and side missions (do lots of side missions, as mentioned before these are often the best).

I remember when I started playing New Vegas and I was confused as fuck at first, even the map was bizarre to me, but it was fun as hell learning how to interact with the universe. I'm sure this will be similar for you; while some stuff might be a little confusing at first it's not that kind of frustrating feeling you get like if you were to immediately jump into some massive MMO type game for the first time or some advanced warfare game where shit can be unbearably complicated. Fallout is fun and it's rewarding to explore and learn new things. A good mix of humor, more on the dark humor side, and serious game play.

Fallout games are one of the very few game series that I enjoy multiple play throughs. Usually I'm done with games when I beat the main mission unless there is cool multiplayer which gets inevitably boring after a while. Fallout is cool because you can build your character in different ways so it's entirely up to you if you want to be a charismatic smooth talker who can persuade people, or a beastly warrior who uses blunt objects to slaughter opponents, or a stealthy ninja who stays in the shadows and snipes enemies from afar, and there are multiple endings and choices to make so it's entirely up to you which way to go, making it rewarding to play again and again.
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May 13, 2002
Shit sounds so tight. One thing that's cool IMO is how you can choose the path you want your character to go down. As in like a good guy, bad guy way. That's dope. I'm totally gonna be a bad dude and do bad shit. Realistically that is prolly how it would be if it was real life lol
Yeah it is, although on this one I don't think you can be a total evil character like you could in New Vegas and the real old-school fallout games (1 & 2), because there is a real plot embedded in the game that you have to follow which kinda makes it hard to be completely evil, at least for 100% of the game. But yeah, there are certainly choices to make and a few different ways to go (one is definitely more "evil" then the others).


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Yeah it is, although on this one I don't think you can be a total evil character like you could in New Vegas and the real old-school fallout games (1 & 2), because there is a real plot embedded in the game that you have to follow which kinda makes it hard to be completely evil, at least for 100% of the game. But yeah, there are certainly choices to make and a few different ways to go (one is definitely more "evil" then the others).
Like finally telling that chick who bothered me about her missing husband the past fuckin twenty times ive gone to diamond city that i killed him. "HES DEAD"
"but but how? "
" You monster! " lol

Nowhere near as bad new vegas where you could literally enslave children after murdering their parents then sell them to slavers, or hide grenades in homeless dudes pockets and watch them blow up their friends or a hundred other sociopathic things lol

Or Fallout 3 where you Nuke a whole city. Or FNV where you nuke whole armies
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May 13, 2002
I created a small shack with one multfruit that I assigned her to, then removed the door and put up a wall - no entrance or exit. It's her personal prison/hell lol fuck that cunt. I also sent another annoying asshole to my worst settlement that I never go to.

So did anyone keep giving chems to mamma Murphy? lol has a great result if u do


Deep Slumps
Feb 13, 2013
I would but she's useful to me since she's always at Sanctuary Hills and I buy/sell shit.

You can find out some info on her later in the game, surprised me when I discovered it last night!
If you rob her in the beginning of the game, which I did, she won't sell you stuff lol. She always fakes me out at my settlements cause I see the caravan workers and think it's Lucas miller or cricket
May 4, 2002
I need to up my gun and armor game.

I think i have a shotty that does 91 dmg and a 308 at 67dmg. I have a few missle launchers but i hardly use those.
May 13, 2002
to be honest thats a ton of damage, plenty to kill all the raiders and pretty much everything. the only thing that will be a pain in the ass are legendary shit
Depends on where you go too. Go far south, south east, Super Mutants and Gunners are no joke. Basically the further away you go from your home in Sanctuary Hills the harder the enemy or higher their levels.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Depends on where you go too. Go far south, south east, Super Mutants and Gunners are no joke. Basically the further away you go from your home in Sanctuary Hills the harder the enemy or higher their levels.
lol yeah i actually got nuked by some fucking legendary gunner on a big ass bridge, she had a name. was fighting some regular gunners then all the sudden was instantly dead in one shot. gotta be careful they usually have missile launchers or fatman's and thats pretty much the only thing that can kill you after a certain point
May 13, 2002
lol yeah i actually got nuked by some fucking legendary gunner on a big ass bridge, she had a name. was fighting some regular gunners then all the sudden was instantly dead in one shot. gotta be careful they usually have missile launchers or fatman's and thats pretty much the only thing that can kill you after a certain point
Yeah man there are a couple Gunner locations that are pretty brutal, especially if you're not expecting it and not wearing power armor. I got raped by a gunner location fee days ago, took many attempts to clear it and some strategic planning. One gunner with power armor and a mini gun, another with a missile launcher, another in power armor with a automatic plasma rifle, with a bunch of regular gunners and one of those crazy ass Assaultron's with stealth abilities lol. Freaked me out when I heard it's voice but couldn't see it then suddenly it's choking me like a bitch lol

Assaultron's will ass rape you with no lube
May 13, 2002
@ raids are more frequent in my game after doing a game update today. Did you have any recent updates? Seems like the ade it more random, which is good.

And one of my settlers died in a battle, I searched his body and I found a SYNTH COMPONENT! This settlement has been infiltrated. Went to another settlement and purged the whole camp, found another one in the remains of dead bodies. Now I can't trust anyone.
May 4, 2002
@ raids are more frequent in my game after doing a game update today. Did you have any recent updates? Seems like the ade it more random, which is good.

And one of my settlers died in a battle, I searched his body and I found a SYNTH COMPONENT! This settlement has been infiltrated. Went to another settlement and purged the whole camp, found another one in the remains of dead bodies. Now I can't trust anyone.
i did the random ship on top of a roof mission and i kept dying. i finally figured out i had to send dude out on the main street while i was up top. BUT after the mission all the raiders bodies were gone, i dunno if it was a glitch or what but i ended up ding this mission a few times and then storing all the weapons and armor in a news paper bin.