fallout 4

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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
As I'm scavenging, is there anything that's more useful/important I should be seeking? I know it said I can only carry so much
Anything with: Oil, Copper, Aluminum, any junk says "Military", anything with Ballistics Fiber.

If you're planning on building up all your settlements (this is a huge commitment like 40+ hours) you want all the Steel and Cloth you can get.

For weapon and modding: Leather, Adhesive, Screws, Gears, Aluminum

The components i needed most and were always short was Oil, Copper, Aluminum, and Cloth (beds).

Things i always pick up: Wonderglue, Desk fans, Circuit Boards, Aluminum Can (looks like a gas can)
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May 13, 2002
Holy fucking jesus there is a lot to this game. I have no clue what the fuck I'm doing right now lol
Yeah they kinda throw everything at you all at once, but just take your time in the beginning, play around with building stuff, modding weapons and explore but not too far from your home base, like I wouldn't go to th opposite side of the map for awhile, and do little side missions that come up, those are fun and provide lots of points so u can get a lot of perks early on (like gun nut unlocks more weapon modding, etc).
May 13, 2002
Anything with: Oil, Copper, Aluminum, any junk says "Military", anything with Ballistics Fiber.

If you're planning on building up all your settlements (this is a huge commitment like 40+ hours) you want all the Steel and Cloth you can get.

For weapon and modding: Leather, Adhesive, Screws, Gears, Aluminum

The components i needed most and were always short was Oil, Copper, Aluminum, and Cloth (beds).

Things i always pick up: Wonderglue, Desk fans, Circuit Boards, Aluminum Can (looks like a gas can)
Additionally, get the SCRAPPER Perk. This allows you to scrap rare items such as screws, components like circuitry, nuclear material, and fiber optics when scrapping weapons and armor. So if you have a worthless, slightly modded pipe pistol, instead of scrapping it for 1 piece of wood, you'll get wood, scews and steel. Likewise for better weapons like a laser rifle, etc. you'll get a bunch of materials. I highly recommend this perk!
EVERgREENRIDER @EVERgREENRIDER , the perks that imo are good to get early are Gun Nut, Locksmith, Strong Back (I think it gives you 50 more carrying space), Fortune Finder, Science, Scrounger. Armour is good to it unlocks armor modding. Like I said before though, don't stress too much on which to get because you level up forever so you'll have plenty more opportunities as you progress.


Dec 18, 2008
At the Pump
Taking a CIG break lol. Thanks a ton bruhs. Gun nut is the first perk I've unlocked so far, it just seemed like a good starter. I got my charisma up to a 7 wearing these faggot ass sunglasses but I just tried to talk a dude outta killing a synth and my power of persuasion ain't quite there yet lol. Haven't started shit yet. I discovered the walking around in bench mode bout an hour ago. so I've just been scrapping everything I see
May 13, 2002
lol those glasses are gay, if you come across "black rimmed glasses" they give +1 or 2 Charisma and look like regular sunglasses. Also some hats too that look good, like one of the fedoras, I think it's battered fedora is +1 Charisma. Later on you can use ballistic weaving to make it armor, so I just always wear that plus the glasses and my charisma is always at 10+, don't have to worry about swapping clothing out before dialogue. Also remember beer and other chems can raise charisma too, so if you need to persuade someone sometimes you can back out, chug a beer and start dialogue again increasing your chances.

LOCAL LEADER perk is a good one too, once you have multiple settlements, this perk will give you the ability to link them all together so that way all the junk is shared. You probably don't need to worry about that for a bit, but some pages back I discussed that in detail.
May 13, 2002
Short video of mine

Four Protectron's vs Glowing Deathclaw

This is at Robotics Pioneer Park. You can unlock the four Protectrons via a terminal hack (novice) and they will escort you through a Ghoul infested Park, as well as one Deathclaw. Always entertaining to hear the Protectrons try to pacify the Deathclaw, "Move along citizen!"
May 13, 2002
The Intimidation perks are too much fun. I just had a legendary Raider with a mini gun mob around with me, killing his fellow Raiders haha. Shits tight, they are essentially like a companion where you can check their inventory, make them pick up items, etc. As long as you don't go too far away from them they'll be your hostage/slave. There is another one for creatures too, so same applies to any wasteland creature (possibly even Deathclaws but I haven't tried that yet).



Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Thankfully there's a mod for that i just figured out lol. Man they need to hurry the fuck up and release their modder toolkit. The fact all these awesome mods are being released without modder tools having been made available is amazing

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May 13, 2002
"Please... Step into the open and, i-Dent-ify, yourself "

Man why didn't they make those police / fire robots available for settlement use? Or even regular protectrons or sentry bots. That was a huge miss lol. Maybe itll be in a dlc...
Ah man that would be dope, they should have done that. U can have Drinking Buddy, I'm not sure if he helps out during raids. On FO3 there is a little town you can save and hook them up with a few Protectrons that walk around their little town and fight super mutants that try to raid them. It was essentially a little settlement.
Props: BUTCHER 206
May 13, 2002
It's super satisfying to line up like 7 lower level enemies in vats with the railway rifle and kill them all, then go and collect all your ammo back off of them
I finally got that gun yesterday. So awesome when it decapitates a head and nails it to a wall haha. I even managed to get a head stuck to another Raider, dude was still alive running around with his homies head nailed to the side of his body lol


Deep Slumps
Feb 13, 2013
I finally got that gun yesterday. So awesome when it decapitates a head and nails it to a wall haha. I even managed to get a head stuck to another Raider, dude was still alive running around with his homies head nailed to the side of his body lol
I don't remember where I got it but it was super recently too. My only concern is that the railway spikes seem tough to find to buy, with that long barrel it's definitely awesome though, especially considering how many shots I can line up in vats compared to the rifles I usually use
May 13, 2002
I don't remember where I got it but it was super recently too. My only concern is that the railway spikes seem tough to find to buy, with that long barrel it's definitely awesome though, especially considering how many shots I can line up in vats compared to the rifles I usually use
The weapons dude at diamond city sells them, not a lot but like 20-30. He has new inventory every 1-2 game days, so whenever I make a trip to sell purified water I get them. And every other merchant I come across I always check and I've been buying them since the beginning of the game since I knew I'd find it eventually. It was one of my favorite guns on FO3.

There are three ways to get the rifle that I'm aware of. One at the abandoned train station where you have to clear out the ghouls, it's in the blue train cart. That's where I found it and it was like the 5th time I've been there before I discovered it lol otherwise I could have had it early in the game. Another location is Big Jim's scrap yard, or something like that. An under ground bunker you can access if you figure out how to turn the power on. I found that coincidently right after I found the rifle at the train station. The last way is, I believe, completing all the PAM missions for the Railroad.
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May 13, 2002
I just discovered a way to make caps that's more profitable than purified water - becoming a drug dealer.


You can produce Jet with only 2 fertilizer & 1 plastic at your Chems station.

Brahim troughs (the feeders) produce fertilizer.

It goes straight into your work bench. You can have four troughs, possibly more, at ur settlement that produces a lot. Since junk is shared, you can set up four troughs at all of your settlements. Plastic is always available.

Here I made some in just 20-30 seconds:

I have enough fertilizer to make 950 more, and that's without setting up Brahmin feeders at any other settlement. Time to sell some Jet and become the #1 Drug Kingpin of the Wasteland.


Deep Slumps
Feb 13, 2013
How the FUCK do I hack terminals? The sbit has no explanation nor dies it make any gotdamn sense to me. Please help a playa out bruh-goons
Use the number of correct letters they give you after your first guess, 1 or 2 or 0 or whatever to narrow down your guesses. If the word is shark, and u get a zero, you can weed out all the ones that don't start with s, end in k, etc. If you got a 2 on shark, scan through the remaining words and find one with 2 matching letters in the exact same spots as the guess that yielded 2. Potential matches to shark could be shows, sheet, etc. idk if that made any sense but that's how I do it
May 13, 2002
How the FUCK do I hack terminals? The sbit has no explanation nor dies it make any gotdamn sense to me. Please help a playa out bruh-goons
It's pretty simple once you figure out how it works.

Quick easy example:

You select a random word, "Jello". You score a 4 likeliness. Next word the line down is "Hello" followed by the word "Quack" a line after that. Knowing that you scored a 4 with "Jello" you know your answer is "hello".

If you select a random word, let's say its "Hater" and it has two likeliness, that means two of those letters are not only the same but in the exact correct location. So just go down the list and compare every word to "Hater", you rule out every word that doesn't have at least two letters exactly in the same position as "hater", so you are almost always left with just one or two choices. Let's say you see another word, "taser" and you select that and still, it's only 2 likeness. So now you have a lot to work with. Another line down you see "Later" and another is "boner". You know its not "later" because the first two words you selected only have two letters in the same spot and process of elimination so knowing that the answer is "boner".

Another trick is you see a lot of junk characters between words, like [{<>|\[]{}>)>[ . This is just a trick and not necessary but it can make it easier and reset your tries.

If you ever see closed brackets, like this [ ] or ( ) or < > you can actually highlight it, select it and it will either remove duds (incorrect words from the puzzle) or reset your tries. It does not count as a try by selecting them either, so if you are ever on ur second or third guess and still not sure the answer, go through the junk and select the closed brackets. The game will highlight it for you so just scroll through the junk until it highlights. Sometimes they can be long too, so it might look like }>>>[^\>[¢>>}>))))((((] (you see the bolded closed brackets in there [ ] ).
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