fallout 4

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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Love this game i haven't burned out yet which is very surprising i usually burn out on games at the 20-40 hour mark these days, and i can see myself going 100+ easily. In fact i can't wait for DLC's and to start all over from scratch. I like replaying while knowing everything then being efficient as possible. I'll probably only do a couple minutemen quests the second time around only really build up sanctuary then focus on the brotherhood or railroad instead the 2nd time around. Also maybe do more crime I've been a goody two shoes this playthrough

Easily worth the $50.99 money well worth it. So far in the past like 5 years only two big titles have been great and worth the full price / near full price: Witcher 3 and FO4. GTA5 came close but theres no single player replayability at all and the multiplayer is ass
May 13, 2002
Yeah it's a dope game despite you shitting on it for a week or so lol. Like I said though it's just like the other two fallouts but upgraded in most ways. Yeah sure theres a few things they changed for the worse here and there but nothing big and for the most part every thing is improved. It boils down to how fun the game is and for me, it's fun as fuck. Witcher 3 is the game of the year without question and they deserve it 100% as its an incredible game, but for me FO4 is just more fun to play. I can spend hours in fallout just messing around having a blast whereas Witcher was more of a grind, at least for me anyways and got burnt out not even halfway through (I'm gonna finish it at some point). Theres a lot of people that shit on FO4 because the graphics aren't the greatest and the typical Bethesda quirky glitches, but fuck, it always boils down to how fun the game actually is that's all I care about.

I'm going to have another play through as well, probably make some ninja assassin bitch (I hear the female voice actor is much better) and not worry about my choices, just be a ruthless cunt lol
May 13, 2002
With that said, Bethesda would be FOOLISH not to hand off the game to another developer for an additional game, similar to New Vegas. Fallout is mainstream now and made truck loads full of cash so why not keep it rolling in? Bethesda insists they don't grow their company bigger and bigger so they won't be able to make another Fallout anytime soon so why not let someone else develope it with the same engine and Bethesda just remains the publisher? It makes no sense at all not to do this again. Plus its always cool when fresh minds get involved and put their own spin on it. Just look at New Vegas and how great that worked out.


Deep Slumps
Feb 13, 2013
Do they even exist anymore? Obsidian made new vegas and if I remember correctly some of the original people who worked on fallout 1 & 2 are with Obsidian.
They actually almost went bankrupt recently but saved their company by crowd funding that pillars of creation game and having it be a surprising success lol
May 13, 2002
Yeah, so they would benefit from another Fallout as well. as long as it stays in the same engine and doesn't go back to Isometric view and turned based lol I'm cool with those types of games. It's funny to hear some of the real old-school fallout fans complain and wish it would go back to Isometric, you would never hear GTA fans for example say they wish GTA was isometric again lol


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
They actually almost went bankrupt recently but saved their company by crowd funding that pillars of creation game and having it be a surprising success lol
True that they got shut down then were revived by interplay, and started working on the next fallout but got blocked by bethesda lol

In development

Project V13

Not a lot of information about the game is available, except that it is a Post apocalyptic Role Playing Game, similar to Fallout, and has an isometric view. The game was originally to be titled "Fallout Online", have a third person view and be online, and be published by Interplay and Bethesda together, but due to Bethesda winning a lawsuit on the series rights, the game was retitled and reworked to remove all references to Fallout, as well as being changed to a single player game with an isometric viewpoint in the vein of the original Fallout titles, which were also developed by Black Isle.
May 13, 2002
Black Isle doesn't really exist. Obsidian is the original offshoot company. Black Isle just exists in name since the original people all went to other companies (Chris Avellone and others are with Obsidian, Brian Fargo now with Inxile).

There is a game called Wasteland 2 made by Inxile which is essentially a new version of Fallout 1 & 2 (Fallout was actually the spiritual successor to Wasteland 1). It has the isometric view and is turned based. So if anyone wants a game like the original fallouts this is it and it just came out last September so it's still fairly new:

What I'm more interested in is another current Fallout (same engine etc), just like New Vegas was a newer/updated version of FO3.
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May 13, 2002
lol so fucking Danse has been my companion during the BoS missions, he's always liking the stuff I do like getting into my power armor. He wants to talk to me and goes through some prior history about whatever, cool some background info. The game kinda spazzes out just two minutes later and he goes through the EXACT SAME DIALOGUE, I'm thinking weird, whatever. Five minutes later he asks to talk again, at this point I'm annoyed WTF game is being stupid so I'm mashing buttons to get through the dialogue. Turns out it was NOT the same dialogue it was new, I had button mashed my way into a "flirt" option which with my high Charisma he accepted. Now he's a faggot lol and always hitting on me saying faggot shit lol I made too much progress to load an old game, fuck!
May 13, 2002
I have a feeling since I've never played a fallout game before I'm going to have a steep learning curve
It's not too bad. But it doesn't help that they really don't explain much and kinda toss a bunch of shit at you all at once. It was like me jumping into New Vegas with no knowledge whatsoever of Fallout nor have I spent much time playing rgs in general. The good news is you don't need to know anything from the previous storylines, it's all irrelevant.

I'll post some beginners tips I gave someone else, no spoilers, just some tips. Plus butcher myself and a few others don't mind answering any questions if you ever have questions.
I'm going off the assumption you never played fallout before, so excuse me if I'm incorrect but here are a few things I wish people explained to me when I first started playing Fallout 3:

V.A.T.S (Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System)- This is a cool feature that they never really bother explaining to new players. It's a feature of the technology of the Pip-Boy attached to your wrist that slows down time during combat. You have an "AP" points meter (bottom right of your screen) that shows if it's full or drained. It will fill back up by itself. When you see an enemy, press the VATS action key/button to enter this mode, now time will be slowed down dramatically and you can select which body part you want to aim and shoot at (head, limbs, torso). Extremely useful. I've read on forums some people new to Fallout 4 made it incredibly far into the game without ever knowing this feature existed! So it's worth mentioning since it's such a trademark feature of Fallout. Usually when your in VATS, your shots will be much more accurate but typically less powerful than if you shot someone in free combat mode but if you're surrounded by enemies, VATS is a must, not only does it give you more time to assess your situation, you can strategically select to shoot an enemy in his leg, shoot another enemy in his head and another in his shooting arm. That way when you're done firing off your rounds and time goes back to regular speed, you killed one foe while crippling the other two, giving you more time to attack them without having to be worried as much about them getting you.

Food/Water/Chems - Food gives you health, eat it when energy is low. Same with water. Some food has a little bit of radiation, which is generally OK but should be monitored. Chems are drugs in the game you can take that all have benifts, such as more strength or the ability to slow down time (without being in VATS) for a certain amount of time. For example, Jet is one of my favorite drugs (in combination with a couple others) that slows down time for 15 seconds which is very useful in stressful combat situations especially when your about to die. Experiment with new drugs that you find and craft new ones yourself! Keep in mind, most chems are highly addictive and will have negative effects if abused! So be smart with your drugs! I typically use them only when sh it hits the fan and I'm about to be overwhelmed by enemies.

Perks. Perks are a little confusing, especially for a beginner, but it's pretty simple once you understand what's going on. Essentially, any time you level up, you get a free Perk point. There are a ton of Perks you can choose from and they pretty much tell you exactly what each Perk does. So just go through them and see which one you like the most and "spend" your point on it. If there are others you want, don't worry, you'll have plenty of more points to come as you progress in the game. For me, "Gun Nut" perks (there are 4) are pretty essentially early on, because modding weapons is really fun and these perks unlock more modding abilities to your weapons, as well as "Lockpick" since you'll come across A LOT of locked safes/treasure chests and locked doors. It's a useful skill as you can imagine!

Exploring. As I mentioned, exploring is one of the best parts of the game. But don't overextend yourself too early in the game. There are places you can go, where you probably shouldn't go right off the bat. Spend some time getting used to the world, do a few missions, get comfortable with a couple cool weapons, equip some armor you might find, then explore. Just make sure to bring some food and some medical supplies (stimpak for health, Radaway for radiation). Also, if you ever find yourself in a bad spot, you usually can run away. A friend of mine spent an hour in a room getting killed over and over again against a way more powerful enemy, and he was so frustrated. I asked him if he could walk out the front door and leave. It never occurred to him. Sure enough, he opened the door and left and lived to play another day.

I love the pacing of these games; you can take your time and do whatever you want when you want. You're not forced to absolutely do this mission right now or whatever and you have a lot of freedom as to how you can play the game and interact with characters. Another cool thing about Fallout is some of the best stuff in the game has absolutely nothing to do with the main quest. So if all you do are the main quests, you're missing out big time. The side missions and exploring is when you find the coolest stuff.

Also one last thing, they put you in a really action paced "mission" right off the bat but then things slow down, so don't worry that the whole game is like that. I think they just wanted to show you some cool stuff early on before you really get a chance to get into the game. It's almost a little misleading because it's kind a easy, as it should be in a beginning of a game, but again don't worry, the difficulty is much harder after that.
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