fallout 4

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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
@ raids are more frequent in my game after doing a game update today. Did you have any recent updates? Seems like the ade it more random, which is good.

And one of my settlers died in a battle, I searched his body and I found a SYNTH COMPONENT! This settlement has been infiltrated. Went to another settlement and purged the whole camp, found another one in the remains of dead bodies. Now I can't trust anyone.
i patched it a few days ago... i havent been playing much on work days so that makes sense. Shit is just bad for me though, its like too many goddamned quests i cant even do the other quests because my settlements are constantly getting attacked or raiders are constantly kidnapping people, and theres a time limit for each quest or it fails. its at the point where im considering trying to find a mod to turn off settlement attacks and ambient settler quests completely
May 13, 2002

I want that laser gun!

I found a trick to Preston so he doesnt keep sending you on an endless amount of settlement missions. Next time u complete one and have to talk to him to finish it, u can either simply avoid him and never "complete" the mission, or walk up to him, let him start talking where he's saying thanks and right as he's thanking you turn around and run the fuck away! lol you'll get the mission complete notification and a new one won't start until you talk to him again (this is why it's best to leave him at a settlement you don't go to often). Not sure about the raids though. I played a few hours yesterday and had one raid (like yours, defense was higher than food+water so I believe it's completely random now). I'm going to research this today.

I'm also curious how the Synth infiltrators work. I'm at a point where I'm going to need to pick a side soon (I'm cool with all four fractions at the moment...tough decisions need to be made!).
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Props: BUTCHER 206
May 13, 2002
It's like this article is about me

Russian Man Sues Bethesda Over His Fallout 4 "Addiction" - Report

According to a report from Russian state media RT, a man from Krasnoyarsk is suing Fallout 4 developer Bethesda over his "addiction" to the RPG, which he claims led to him losing his job and wife, among other things. He's seeking 500,000 roubles (around $7,000) for emotional distress (via Destructoid).

The man saw an advertisement for Fallout 4 and downloaded the game, intending to only play "for a couple of evenings." But that's not what happened. He apparently skipped work to play Fallout 4, which led to his termination. The RT report also says the 28-year-old stopped hanging out with friends, while his wife left him, and his health started to fall apart apparently as a result of constantly playing the game.

"If I knew that this game could have become so addictive, I would have become a lot more wary of it," he said in a statement to RT. "I would not have bought it, or I would have left it until I was on holiday or until the New Year holidays."

According to RT, there has never been such a case in Russia. The man's legal representation claim they want to "see how far we can go regarding this case." A Russian localization company is also named in the lawsuit.

There is some precedent globally, however. In 2010, a Hawaiian man sued Lineage II developer NCSoft, claiming that he was "unable to function independently in usual daily activities such as getting up, getting dressed, bathing, or communicating with family and friends" as a result of his "addiction" to the game. He claimed to have played 20,000 hours of the game between 2004 and 2009, according to Wired.

A federal judge allowed the case to proceed. RT reports that the court actually sided with the man, somewhat at least, ordering NCSoft to pay his legal fees.

We've contacted Bethesda in an attempt to get more details.
May 13, 2002
From my early research, settlement raids become more and more frequent as you progress in the game. No mention of the game update affecting Raids at all. @ it may be a coincidence and that you and I have just naturally progressed to a similar point and both noticed raid increases around the same time.

Additionally, the more settlements you have that are connected together (supply lines), the more frequent raids are. Apparently raiders see/follow your Provisioners. Still searching for any logic behind which will be raided and/or prevention tactics.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
On my next play through I'm going to minimize settlements and just have one or maybe two, in hindsight it isn't necessary to have 20 settlements lol
yeah i dunno what i was thinking, i kind of made them a lot more than they were lol i thought i was going to basically be making little cities with merchant stops and a never ending free flow of caps to one main base. it was still fun building everything up like a more satisfying version of minecraft or the forest lol. plus you get a ton of experience especially from laying down a ton of turrets


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
i finally figured out what you were talking about 2-0-Sixx @2-0-Sixx , i was running around in the glowing sea with this 220x2 dmg laser rifle and used up over 500 energy cells fighting: A legendary glowing deathclaw, a legendary death claw, a legendary vampire mosquito bug thing and all these other things (That shit was insane i had to use 25+ stimpacks), legendary glowing rad scorpion, plus regular versions of all these also a lot of ghouls, legendary glowing ghouls and other stuff. lol i went from 1-2 shotting things to 20-50 shotting things it was ridiculous. had to really resort to using vats to aim for limbs to slow things down it was intense
May 13, 2002
The glowing sea is no fucking joke lol

So I've been having a problem with settlement defense lately. This happened two times in a row. I'll get notification that Settlement X is under attack, I go there and help out, kill all the enemies, but then the quest never goes away under miscellaneous. So I fast travel out and then get a notification that I failed to defend. Reload saved game, same thing. It's not that big of a deal because I can go there and just repair whatever is damaged and the settlement is back up and running in a couple of minutes, but still. Not sure if its related but both times involved Synths attacking the settlements. I'm currently playing all sides so Synths are actually cool with me, they refuse to fight me even when I'm killing them. I'm thinking maybe that because I'm cool with everyone it's causing some kind of error. Guess I'll find out after I decide which fraction to side with.
May 13, 2002
i finally figured out what you were talking about 2-0-Sixx @2-0-Sixx , i was running around in the glowing sea with this 220x2 dmg laser rifle and used up over 500 energy cells fighting: A legendary glowing deathclaw, a legendary death claw, a legendary vampire mosquito bug thing and all these other things (That shit was insane i had to use 25+ stimpacks), legendary glowing rad scorpion, plus regular versions of all these also a lot of ghouls, legendary glowing ghouls and other stuff. lol i went from 1-2 shotting things to 20-50 shotting things it was ridiculous. had to really resort to using vats to aim for limbs to slow things down it was intense
Do you have that one VATS perk, I think it's under perception, where in VATS mode it shows what level the enemy is and also their weak points (like right arm could be 80 while right leg 30, etc)? It's pretty handy, especially if you VATS a target from afar, level 150? Nope, taking the scenic route!


Dec 18, 2008
At the Pump
Got my dude all designed an shit. I'd say I did a good job matching him to look like me. Except the left side of his face is fucking scarred to shit. Looks like an animal mauled him. Just mad it out of the vault before I had to turn it off an come to the parents for dinner. Early dinner=more game time lol
May 13, 2002
Got my dude all designed an shit. I'd say I did a good job matching him to look like me. Except the left side of his face is fucking scarred to shit. Looks like an animal mauled him. Just mad it out of the vault before I had to turn it off an come to the parents for dinner. Early dinner=more game time lol
Just throw on every scar and bruise comes out like this lol (from reddit)

There are a couple places you can change your face later too, plastic surgeons essentially. So if you want a clean face when you first get out of the Vault, then add some scars after you get into some battles, you can do that too.
May 13, 2002
As I'm scavenging, is there anything that's more useful/important I should be seeking? I know it said I can only carry so much
Pretty much everything is useful. Just make sure you have a home base, I suggest Sanctuary Hills since that's where u start out, and create a wood or steel crate that u can dump useful items like armor guns and clothing. For everything else like steel, fiberglass, etc, dump all of your junk into your work bench. This way it automatically scraps the materials for when ur building stuff. Pre-war money and gold pocket watches however, keep those and sell them to merchants, as the caps you get for it is way more than the little amount of materials you'd get from scrapping them. As you play on and build stuff, you'll see what materials u are low on and out of, so when you go looting just look for that stuff (or Mark it while in work bench mode and it will highlight the objects from then).