First off, for the 10th time, THIS THREAD WAS DIRECTED AT FOETWIN.
@Pitty, I will answer your question as soon as you answer mine. And please dont say this was your answer,
Because it is the only thing to do in my opinon.
Once again I am offered nothing. No sufficent evidence to sway me away from my belief in God
Was this thread intended to disprove god? NO
2-0-Sicx- let me ask you why you care so much about if (g)God exists or not?
I dont care "so much". Like I said to you before, THIS THREAD WAS DIRECTED AT FOETWIN. I can careless what you believe.
If you are so sure that God does not exist then why point it out? That is like me saying the sun is going to rise. You would be like, yeah no shit. Cause it does and continues to rise and set, we know that its inevitable. No arguing aggainst that. So if it is absolute fact that God doesn't exist why sit here and talk about it?
Read previous statemnets......But, there is a flip side to that as well....The same goes for you.....Why do sit here and talk about it?
Well I am but only because I didn't believe in God and I have done research and found that yes there is a God. And to me and others it is like the sun rising. We don't need science
Ok, you did some research huh? What research was that? You studied the bible? How did you find out there was a god? You didnt, you can only say "I BELIEVE there is a god." You dont know for a fact. Oh, and you dont need science huh? Well if it wasnt for Science you wouldnt know for a fact that the sun will rise again tomorrow. It is BECAUSE of science that we know it will. Without that, we would wounder how it magically appears everyday and why it disapears at night. Without science, everything in your life would be different. Science has Destroyed thousands of gods before, and Im sure one day, it will destroy yours as well.
You brought up 'religious experiences'. I was reading about this last night. And the intro was talking about people seeing the image of the Virgin Mary on a door. And people lined up around the block to see the image. Why would people line up just to see this lady
Why? Because they are Theists! Because they "Believe."
Well it discussed how the brain works and is 'wired' to see and experience the devine. As if the brain was made for humans to experience God
Hmmmm, hehe. The brain is "wired" to see the devine?!!!? Why isnt my brain "wired?" What about Einstein's brain, Abraham Lincolns brain? The millions of other brains? No special wiring in these brains! Is your brain "Wired?" Can you see and feel the divine? Or is it that you WANT to feel and see the devine?
88% of Americans believe in God because they are wired to do so. Like a computer which is wired to input information and output information. See what I am saying? The human mind is incapable of a lot of things. It is formed and shaped for a reason.
Hehe, this one I will openly Laugh at!!! 88% of Americans Believe in god because they have been TAUGHT and CONDITIONED to!!! There is no special wiring involved here. Its very simple. So are the 99.9% of Afghani's "wired" to believe in there religion? Were they designed that way? Or what about the ancient Egyptians? Were they "wired" to worshop Ra? Are all of these brains "formed and shaped for a reason" or is it evolution? Hmmm? Obviously the brain has gone through some major changes in the last few thousands of years....So were they "wired" before? Are brains are still changing....Hmmm, whats going on here?
You see, thats why I think religion and The belief in god steps in and polutes the mind! You see, once you say I believe in god, you also say I do not know what that is, I will never be able to know what that is and I am uncapable of knowing. Just like things in life. Theists have always, and will always accept things as an act of god....By you saying that are brains are "wired" Its clear that your just making shit up or you heard this somewhere. And even if you truely believe this, that leaves things in your life that will never be answered.
Your quote from Einstein did nothing at all, so I will reply with another..."A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy,education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." -Albert Einstein
Is that the Bible DOES NOT prove the existance of God. God proves the authority of the Bible. All religion is based upon authority. Why does a 2000 year old book still hold autorative status in America today? For example in the supreme court system and other courts. Why to politicans have comercials with refrences to the Bible? even Marliyn Manson refers to the Bible. Its corny but it's still from the Bible.
God proves the authority of the bible? Please explain.
Why does a 2000 year old book still hold autorative status in america today? Well, fist off, its not 2000 years, but I see what your getting at. Well, my friend, hehe, the bible is still around today because it is the choice religion in our soiciety. Let me see, an old folk tale for example. Some of those folk tales have actually lasted longer then your religion. Now after time, this tale gets told over and over and over. In the end the story is completely different. Characters change, mountains move, etc. Just like your bible. Bits and peaces survived, things were retold, stories changed, parts were rewriten, etc. whos to say whats real and whats not? No one knows
Your religion would not be around today if it wasnt for certain events that happened in rome....Hehe, study that shit. The so called "Jesus" wasnt the first man to claim he was gods son at that time, nor was he the last. Real briefly, off the top of my head, (I may be wrong about this) It wasnt until Augustine(sp) made christianity the official religion in rome. If this one man had not believed in christianity, you my friend, would most likely not be a believer.
Now you see, I can go on and on about this. Just because the majority of people believe in something, that doesnt mean its right or true...It wasnt that long ago when the majority of white people in america called blacks "niggers". It wasnt that long ago when the majority of whites, (the ones that could afford it) had slaves. It wasnt that long ago that the majority of americans thought is was right to put "Japs" in camps. Do you get my point? The majority of the people in america NEVER thought for themselves. They had others do it for them.
I feel like a broken record. Oh well. If you dont' read what I type and take it with a critical mind. Then oh well. I am sick of asking questions and getting no response. Then someone comes with some points and then are quick to offer answers to them and not me. It is disapointing. So I will leave you with what I said. I will come back. But I won't offer anymore opinion. Well I might. But there is no point because its liking throwing it into a black hole of thought.
I answer questions when I have time. If I have not answered any questions I appoligize....I work, go to school, and have a busy social life. If I take long, sorry. Like I said before, this thread was intended for foetwins bitch ass, so I did purposely not answer any questions for awhile. Now that I know what kind of person he is, I will respond to anyone.
@Heresy, I will respond to you tonight, I just need a little brake.