Why do you believe in god?

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May 15, 2002
what i'm trying to say is why cant everybody just respect everyone's beliefs without questioning them. if someone wants to be an atheist, satinist, christian, buddhist, whatever, let them do it without question.
May 11, 2002
What proof do you want? I am hungry, can you prove to me that I am not. The coicedence in my life has been directed by God. Can you prove aggainst that? what evidence do you offer? What I try to state earlier is that people feel the prescence of God that directs the coicedence in their lives. Prove that wrong. They are not saying ohhh yeah this alien from mars made odd things in my life. They are saying God. So therefore it is an unseen entity that directs and effects daily lives. Therefore has to exist. Just cause you cannot see it or touch it does not mean it cannot exists. Go to the libary, look at all the books and the shit you don't know. There is A LOT more to life then your small immature brain tells you. Trust me I am not saying I am any smarter. Trust me I am smart but not that smart. Once again I will state why have 8 pages about something that does not exist? why would anyone talk about santa claus for 8 pages, when we know it was our parents. Nobody over 4000 years has disproved God. Can you? All it took was my older brother telling me that Santa Claus doesnt exist. Think about it....
May 2, 2002
Nobody in 4000 years have been able to PROVE the excistence of god. im just asking questions why fools start acting all scared when someone questions there beliefs, open up your mind
May 11, 2002
Nobody in 4000 years has proved the existance of God. But yet look at America. 88% of Americans believe in a higher power. Basically the equivlent of a higher power. A God of some sort. When I use the metaphor of Santa Claus. We all know that he does not exist. But every Christmas he comes back. Nobody has seen him and nobody will. Only images of him and stories exist. God is the same way, just in a higher signifigence. Thats all I am saying. There is more in favor of a god, gods or God.

All Gotma did was sit under a tree. 2500 years later there are billions of people who study his life and ways of living. Is that all he did was sit under a tree? (just something to think about)

Doisa- with that said, yes I understand where you coming from and whole heartly agree with you. People do need to start opening their minds and start listening to themselves and living for themselves, not for others.

To the people who do not respect others opinions look at your life. What makes you so great? what do you have that you have made? everything you have is given to you. Your name, where you were born, your parents, where you live. Do you choose your beliefs your do your beliefs choose you. Americans tend to look at God in the eyes of over zealous Westernized Christians. That is only a small part of a much LARGER picture. You do not have to be Christian to live in America. There are many other points of view in this crazy place we all call Earth. We can either choose to live in it by the rules or we can all float around mad at the world. I do not have to be what you think I should be. Just because I am Catholic does not mean I cannot read about Buddhism, Islam, Judaism or Hinduism. Same goes for you. You do not have to believe what I believe. What I strongly encourage is to read what I type and think about it with a empty mind. I didn't make up a lot of what I typed, other philosophers have proved the case to me. I put it to the test and I can't argue aggainst it, which I have shown can't be touched but the Atheist world. Can you argue against me? There are billions of people on this earth. Not even a 10th of them are white American Christians. WHY are you letting them control your thinking. Think for yourself and you will be rewarded. I garuntee you. Life will get better if you live with God or god in your life. Why live up to your friends, your church, your parents, your pastor or your teachers. Live up to your expectations and everything will fall into place. Keep in mind that life will not be easy. But in the long run after you die you will be rewarded for all that has been done good.

All humans deep down are truly good. All of us were good at one time. I have done EVERYTHING possible to ignore God. But my efforts have came empty. I have lived with out God in my life for a long time. Now that I have God in my life I know that I can't go back to such a empty and sad life. Yeah I still fuck up. I still swear. I still do a lot of stuff I shouldnt. But over all I am a better person. I still fail, but I keep going much stronger then I ever did before. All I ask is read what I say and simply just think about what I say. Don't live by it. Don't do what I do. Live your own life. Who can tell you better then yourself? God doesnt live your life. You live your life. God just helps when nobody else will. Who else will?

If you read this entire message. Thank you.
May 12, 2002
I live pretty much like a bible child except for drinking and smoking.

I never steal, dont kill, i do swear tho, ive forgiven everybody in my life that did me wrong, I work hard, i am compassionate, i give people money or help them out when i can, i listen to others problems and encourage them...........

..........but i believe that we are all from one source of life, not ever created by another entity.
Jul 6, 2002

Foolish, that is all I can say to all nonbelievers, y'all foolish...
Think about it- before there was Adam and Eve there was atom and electron...Science can prove one (which you believe) but you still deny a higher power that you cant see..but then you beleive in molecular structures, and you havent ever seen them. God is the manefestation of molecular compounds, the elments, plasma and such. Do you really think we came from nothing? Answer that question, atheists/agnostics, "splain dat foo!" & we will chop it up...(well actually, whatever you propose will get chopped up, that is if you scary succaz aint a feared to answer the question!)
May 2, 2002
Do you really think we came from nothing?
I do not know where WE came from, but because we dont have an answer for something can we just make up a story of a all powerful being that will punish you for your sins for eternity. are you serious?

"splain dat foo!"
and your calling others foolish.
May 13, 2002
Foolish are we? Why is it foolish to not believe in something that has never been proven to exist?

Your religion is a matter of chance....If you were born in a different time, a different region, your god would be completely different.

Think about it- before there was Adam and Eve there was atom and electron...Science can prove one (which you believe) but you still deny a higher power that you cant see..but then you beleive in molecular structures, and you havent ever seen them.
Science can prove atom and electron, faith cannot prove adam and Eve. I dont have to see a molecular structer in order to believe in it, science has already proven it to exist! Has your faith proven God to exist? No

God is the manefestation of molecular compounds, the elments, plasma and such.
How do you know this? Where is your proof of YOUR GOD????

Do you really think we came from nothing?
I see that you have not read the topic of discussion. I believe it was I asking the question that WAS originally directed at YOU. You come to my thread after 8 pages of discussion and ask ME a question without answering the first question? "splain dat foo!"

Why does there necessarily have to be some force that created everything? Is it to hard to consider the possibilty that we just are? Reality.

Before you attempt to "Chop" this up, answer the first question.

just remember, Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
May 12, 2002

I went to school for biology originally and in my plant lab we had very powerful microscopes and you can see what makes up cells. Cool class.

^You can re-post that, i just wanted to let you know IVE SEEN THEM!
May 13, 2002

But yet look at America. 88% of Americans believe in a higher power. Basically the equivlent of a higher power. A God of some sort.
This is true. Do you know what else is true? Most of Americans are uneducated. Only about 20-25 percent of americans finish college. Just because the majority of society believes in something, that doesnt mean it is right. It has been shown over and over in history. It wasnt that long ago when the majority of people believed the world was flat.

Your example of Santa claus fits perfect when speaking of god. Your right, when we were young we believed in santa claus. When we got a little older there was this period of time when we started to think that santa was not real, but we tried to ignore it, because we WANTED to believe. Santa had so much to offer and it felt good to believe. At some point, like you said, someone else older or someone we respected told us santa was not real, so we chose not to believe anymore.

The belief in god is the exact same way...Exept it is a much larger belief. From the time when most people were born they were taught to believe in god. When you are able to finally think for yourself you question god or the gods....But by then its too late. God has too much to offer, he can reward you with the ultimate gift....If you are good....(Just like santa)....The only reason you believe is because you WANT to believe. You want to believe that all of the coincidences in your life had purpose. You want to be rewarded.........But as I read your writings, I see that you also dont want to be punished. The fear of god is strong in you, its obvious....
Yeah I still fuck up. I still swear. I still do a lot of stuff I shouldnt. But over all I am a better person. I still fail
You swear? You do things you shouldnt? You fail? The fear in god has made you feel guilty for the things you do every day. You said you were sad before, but you never truely did not believe. It is your belief in god that is injecting you with this guilt.

Jesus said something like any man who ever thinks of laying a finger on a woman that is not his, has already commited adultry. Right there he speaks that even the things we THINK are sins!!! Even though it is are natural instinct as humans to have sexual thoughts!

How many times have you Theists felt guilty because of something you THOUGHT???

I do not have to be what you think I should be
I dont want you to be anything. Believe in whatever you want to believe. My purpose was never to change anyones beliefs, that is up to the individual, not me. I've said it before, this thread was directed at FoeTwin, he wanted to debate w/me. 112 replies, and he only replied twice, asking me a question while avoiding the topic.

I put it to the test and I can't argue aggainst it, which I have shown can't be touched but the Atheist world.
Thats fine. But can you read an entire book about Atheism w/an open mind. Read anything by George. H. Smith, and lets see if your still not touched.

Think for yourself and you will be rewarded. I garuntee you. Life will get better if you live with God or god in your life.
Trust me, I think for myself, that is why I am an Atheist. You garuntee life will be better if I believe in God? How are you so sure? I have believed in god when I was a child, was my life good? No, it wasnt. Is that the reason I am Atheist now? No, it isnt. Trust me, if there was a reason to believe in god, I would. That would be great to believe in heaven. But at the same time, it would be horrible to believe in hell.....

You see, the topic of discussion was if there were any rational reasons to believe in god. And so far, I see none. Yes, I can see clearly why people believe in god, and what they say god has to offer, but yet, there still is no reason to believe. It comes down to WHAT YOU"VE BEEN TAUGHT, FEAR OF GOD, and THE REWARDS OF GOD.

Just like santa.

The foolish reject what they see and not what they think,
the wise reject what they think and not what they see.
Aug 6, 2002
Over 80 Replies and NOT ONE RATIONAL ANSWER. All I asked was a simple question, come with a rational answer if you can. If someone were to ask me why Im an Atheist and is there a rational reason, I would brake that shit down logically.
^"Are you an Atheist?"

Is it not obvious????
^^Wow that's your RATIONAL ANSWER. That's how you brake it down. My question was "Why are you an Atheist"?
May 11, 2002
Intresting. 2-0-Sicxx. You came with some very strong arguments. I can see that you are a strong thinker. I just do not agree with your intulectual superiority. You state that Americans are uneducated. Which is very true. But did you know that if you took the world's population had each person represented on a 1-100 scale. Only 1 person would be educated and that one person would be American. What does that say? Ever since when has being educated been the standard of stratification in society? Billions and billions of people are uneducated yet still provide for themselves and their families. Did you decided that you wanted to be inteligent? Was that your choice. I could tell you that an un-educated child dying of AIDS would love to live in your situation. I am sure he didn't choose his life. Therefore we move on. We deal with society as a whole. Like it says on the quarter 'E Pluribus Unum'-Out of many, we are one. The dumb, the stupid, the sick, the poor, the rich, the black, the white etc. We all are in the same boat. On that same quarter that you hold it says 'In God we trust'.

Oh yes I can also say that the arguments I stated earlier. All in which you have came with a soild argument to counter aggainst. Thus proving in themselves as true. All have come from Philosophers from all over the world. The main arguments come from Albert Plantiga who has his PHD and teaches at Notre Dame. And is reconized as one worlds strongest Christian philosophers. Ohters such as Leo Tolstoy, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., C.S. Lewis and Malcolm X. Some of the greatest educated thinkers of all time, all believers in God. This is where I get some of my information from. Also Muhammad Ali the greatest athlete to live. He hardly passed high school and became one of the greatest people of the millenium. Look at Ghandi he had $6 of valued good yet he was one of the greatest people ever to live. A much greater man then I will ever be.

You say Americans are not educated. You are making some bold statements with very valid arguments to hold them up. I questions your education. Not saying I am much more educated. I have still a lot to learn.

My mind tells me that there is no God. But my mind is the mind of a monkey. Who can trust the mind of a monkey?
-Sr. Charles Darwin

"You garuntee life will be better if I believe in God? How are you so sure? I have believed in god when I was a child, was my life good? No, it wasnt"

Valid point. I can almost give you a very strong garuntee that my life as a child was much harder then yours. Even if your life was bad when you were younger what relevence does it have on you now? Just cause you tried it then does not mean it will not work now. I also have stated earlier in some posts. A lot of people do not choose to believe in God because they do not NEED to.

You see, the topic of discussion was if there were any rational reasons to believe in god.

Because sometimes in the world God is all you will have. Sometimes all you have to rely on is God. Some of us don't have parents, jobs, homes, money, cars or a lot of clothes. But we are thankfull for what we have and know that ther will be a better day. If not in this life in the other. Look at the black slaves that lived in America. Although they faced the harsh circumstances of slavery. Being hanged and beaten by whips. All of them knew they should continue on because they know when they die they will be in heaven. Imagine the pain and suffering they have endured, yet never lost faith. We all have been through a lot. This world is a fucked up place. It doesnt take a genius to figure that out. Just because you see these fake ass Christians going around smiling and acting like this world is happy fun place. Does not mean you have to think of it like that or act like that. I know this world is fucked up. It is not how you live your life its how you deal with it. You can sit on the sidelines and judge other people. Or try to put yourself in others situations and realize how much you truly have. Just cause you think you have it bad. Others have had it a lot worse. Look at 2pac and Scarface. Most rappers all believe in God. A lot of them rap about it too. Mabey what they rap about is fake but a lot of them do come from the ghetto and have seen a lot more then you have.

The foolish reject what they see and not what they think,
the wise reject what they think and not what they see.

Good point. Have you seen anything pop out of mid air. Have you seen a bug apear out of thin air? Nothing comes from nothing. And it should be looked at as believing is seeing but believing is seeing.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

Point one finger you are pointing three right back at yourself- X-Raided

Where is your logical rationale reasoning behind your Atheism?
I have already threw science out of the forum. Have I not?
I feel I have answered and torn down a lot of questions and have yet to see sufficent evidence to not stand behind my conclusions. See what I was using Santa Claus as a example what I was saying. All it took to for me not to believe is my brother telling me there is NO Santa Claus. You have yet to even came close touching the realm of pursaing me into un-belief. The pursasive NO has yet to come from the science world and/ or the Atheists faiths.
I need to go study. But I will return to this topic. There is more I wish to say. I really enjoy this discussion. I think a lot of valid questions are being asked.
May 15, 2002
Hi Im $crill and im an ALKOLHOLIK... um humm,, is this thing on...When i stated that i believe what i see has captured my attention. I had a few 2 many.. then started drivin on some back roads home. I of course became posessed by some music i was ridin to and thought it would be a fuckin great idea to die. So i started smashin really fast. I floored my vehicle until i hit 5th gear and then a corner came.. i didnt really give a fuck and just slid right off the road. At the end of the blackness i awoke untouched laying across the seat of my truck. humm. crawled out the window only to realize i had a fire hydrant holding my door shut, a stick came through the window from the tree i hit and tore down.. the branch was where my head usually sits.. when i exited i walked up the embankment i flew sideways off and looked at the sky and thanked god for being alive.. I was amazed i had been completely untouched, no scratches no nothing but the loss of a truck.. thats just materialistic. I had escaped death 4 times that night... So it took something jurrastic happening for me to believe the way i do, I prey it happens to each and all of you.. this world would be a better place.
Jul 6, 2002
@206: Sorry, I havent had time to read this whole thread...I just tried to answer the question..

When I was a teenager I went through a tribulation period in my life where I actually doubted god and lost faith in him..due to the situation I had been thrusted into, I had to bounce from the house becasue my mother was a heritic, always bombarding me with religious crap and misinterpriting scriptures. I had believed in god for so long that i knew that he would not put more on me than I could handle, but I was at my breaking point. I looked around me and all I saw was beautiful scenery...Mountains, trees flowers and such, such a serene scene...I knew that all these creations just didnt "pop up," but where created by the same force of energy that was inside of me; I was just a different manefestation of this power. I came to the conclusion that the living and even the innate (ex: slugs, trees, rocks, ect.) were manifestations of this force. Energy is god.