But yet look at America. 88% of Americans believe in a higher power. Basically the equivlent of a higher power. A God of some sort.
This is true. Do you know what else is true? Most of Americans are uneducated. Only about 20-25 percent of americans finish college. Just because the majority of society believes in something, that doesnt mean it is right. It has been shown over and over in history. It wasnt that long ago when the majority of people believed the world was flat.
Your example of Santa claus fits perfect when speaking of god. Your right, when we were young we believed in santa claus. When we got a little older there was this period of time when we started to think that santa was not real, but we tried to ignore it, because we WANTED to believe. Santa had so much to offer and it felt good to believe. At some point, like you said, someone else older or someone we respected told us santa was not real, so we chose not to believe anymore.
The belief in god is the exact same way...Exept it is a much larger belief. From the time when most people were born they were taught to believe in god. When you are able to finally think for yourself you question god or the gods....But by then its too late. God has too much to offer, he can reward you with the ultimate gift....If you are good....(Just like santa)....The only reason you believe is because you WANT to believe. You want to believe that all of the coincidences in your life had purpose. You want to be rewarded.........But as I read your writings, I see that you also dont want to be punished. The fear of god is strong in you, its obvious....
Yeah I still fuck up. I still swear. I still do a lot of stuff I shouldnt. But over all I am a better person. I still fail
You swear? You do things you shouldnt? You fail? The fear in god has made you feel guilty for the things you do every day. You said you were sad before, but you never truely did not believe. It is your belief in god that is injecting you with this guilt.
Jesus said something like any man who ever thinks of laying a finger on a woman that is not his, has already commited adultry. Right there he speaks that even the things we THINK are sins!!! Even though it is are natural instinct as humans to have sexual thoughts!
How many times have you Theists felt guilty because of something you THOUGHT???
I do not have to be what you think I should be
I dont want you to be anything. Believe in whatever you want to believe. My purpose was never to change anyones beliefs, that is up to the individual, not me. I've said it before, this thread was directed at FoeTwin, he wanted to debate w/me. 112 replies, and he only replied twice, asking me a question while avoiding the topic.
I put it to the test and I can't argue aggainst it, which I have shown can't be touched but the Atheist world.
Thats fine. But can you read an entire book about Atheism w/an open mind. Read anything by George. H. Smith, and lets see if your still not touched.
Think for yourself and you will be rewarded. I garuntee you. Life will get better if you live with God or god in your life.
Trust me, I think for myself, that is why I am an Atheist. You garuntee life will be better if I believe in God? How are you so sure? I have believed in god when I was a child, was my life good? No, it wasnt. Is that the reason I am Atheist now? No, it isnt. Trust me, if there was a reason to believe in god, I would. That would be great to believe in heaven. But at the same time, it would be horrible to believe in hell.....
You see, the topic of discussion was if there were any rational reasons to believe in god. And so far, I see none. Yes, I can see clearly why people believe in god, and what they say god has to offer, but yet, there still is no reason to believe. It comes down to WHAT YOU"VE BEEN TAUGHT, FEAR OF GOD, and THE REWARDS OF GOD.
Just like santa.
The foolish reject what they see and not what they think,
the wise reject what they think and not what they see.