Yea I realize that daily realities are not always the same for everybody, but that doesn't mean everyone has to rap about the same shit the same way.
Let me try to help: When you were down, and you were in your cell writin letters to home, what was goin on in your mind? When you were on the yard and you seen young brothas 18, 19, 20 years old comin in and they got 10 years, 30 years, comin in with "L"s, that didn't make think "got damn is this all there is?". When you see a man die, after the initial anger and you sit and think about it, don't you realize that he was somebody's brother, father, son? Ain't nothin wrong with writin about the dirty realities of the 'hood, but I prefer to hear it from cats that put it out there in ways others don't.
When I was doin a bid, one of the older cats on the yard said to me "Look around. You see all these niggas hittin the weights, playin bones & cards all fuckin day, talkin about what they gonna do when they touch down ?(get drunk, get high, fuck hoes) Them the niggas that's gonna always come back. When you're in here, don't just think about what you're gonna do when you get out. THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE GONNA DO WHEN YOU GET OUT SO YOU DON'T COME BACK"
Put those thoughts & emotions down.