First of all bitch stop crying and acting like a little girl. You need to be more specific next time. Re-read your post and tell me how the fucc I'm supposed to know that you are referring to his new shit? I never put words in your mouth. You said "E-40 SHIT PLAYZ OUT IN 1 WEEK!IF I BURNT HIS SHIT I WOULD HAVE NO URGE 2 COP IT,AFTER HEARIN HIM SAY MUSTARD N MAYONASE LIKE WOODIE WOOD PECKER & FOOD METAPHORZ 4 ONE WEEK I`D BE DONE......THA 1ST 10-15 LISTENS IT`S DOPE,AFTER THAT I LIKE 1 SONG ON THA ALBUM....SURELY NO INCENTIVE TO GO BUY". Now how am I supposed to take that? You say you never burned a cd in your life? So? What do you want, a fuccing medal? You have failed to see my point so I'll say it one last time I SUPPORT TIGHT SHIT, I BURN AN ALBUM FIRST AND IF I LIKE IT I BUY IT. NOT EVERYBODY BUYS ALBUMS EVEN IF THEY LIKE THEM, THAT WILL NEVER CHANGE NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU OR ANYONE ELSE HATES IT. Not every bay album is tight. If it's tight though people will buy. Maybe not everyone but some will. You act like this only happens to bay area artists. Since the beginning of music talented artists have been ignored and slept on. Not everyone is going to make it. Also the bay isn't going to ever be big if your own radio stations don't support you. I've been "supporting" bay area music since 'Born To Mack' and I will continue to do so as long as tight music is made. Anyways I'm done, if you still don't get my point than to fuccing bad.