Top Rank & Golden Boy agree to all terms - the fight is in floyds hands

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Sicc OG
May 15, 2002

Tony, I'm not even trying to be funny. Your logic is stupid. You obviously are a moron. M.O.R.O.N.

BOTTOM LINE: MANNY is at the top of ANY DIVISION, alongside FLOYD. FIGHT EACH OTHER. YOU cry like a bitch about Manny dodging the fight in March...but it's cool for Floyd to ''take a vacation''...HYPOCRITE.
It is what it is.... Manny ducked Floyd and Sugar Shane who were both at the top of 147.

He don't want to fight Floyd because he doesn't want to give blood so close to the fight. Maybe, just maybe he is on roids or PED's.

He didn't want to fight Shane because Shane has known to use roids and Pacquiao wouldn't want to face another roided up fighter because he wouldn't have any advantages.

Just face the facts, Pacquiao is scared of Floyd and Shane who were both at the top of the 147 pound division.
Aug 12, 2002
It is what it is.... Manny ducked Floyd and Sugar Shane who were both at the top of 147.

He don't want to fight Floyd because he doesn't want to give blood so close to the fight. Maybe, just maybe he is on roids or PED's.

He didn't want to fight Shane because Shane has known to use roids and Pacquiao wouldn't want to face another roided up fighter because he wouldn't have any advantages.

Just face the facts, Pacquiao is scared of Floyd and Shane who were both at the 147 division.
So...why isn't Floyd fighting this year?


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
As Floyd Sr. stated and Lederman who spoke with Floyd's accountant, "financially speaking" it would be better for Floyd's pockets if he fought again in 2011. He would have to pay millions in taxes if he fought again this year.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
Pacquiao doesn't care as much because he's getting pimped by Bob Arum.

Floyd has already been in trouble with the IRS, I don't think he's trying to go down that road again.
May 13, 2002
As Floyd Sr. stated and Lederman who spoke with Floyd's accountant, "financially speaking" it would be better for Floyd's pockets if he fought again in 2011. He would have to pay millions in taxes if he fought again this year.
lmao, we already went over this. The percentage of taxes taken out is the same if you make $50 million or $100 million in one year. On top of this, George Bush's tax cuts for the rich is set to expire in Jan of 2011. It would be in Floyd's favor to fight Pac this year because he will be taxed MORE next year.

It's like the information that goes into your head simply exits through your asshole.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
Floyd's promoter is Floyd Mayweather, he calls his own shots like a boss. That's why there were no negotiations. Golden Boy ("co"-promotes) Mayweather fights.

Pacquiao has to answer to Arum, that's why he says "talk to my promoter" when being asked who is he fighting next.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
lmao, we already went over this. The percentage of taxes taken out is the same if you make $50 million or $100 million in one year. On top of this, George Bush's tax cuts for the rich is set to expire in Jan of 2011. It would be in Floyd's favor to fight Pac this year because he will be taxed MORE next year.

It's like the information that goes into your head simply exits through your asshole.
You're right which means "the more you make, the more they take"....

I'm not a tax expert or no accountant but this is pure speculation on my part....

They probably take like 40%. So if he made $100 million ($60 mill from the Pac fight and $40 mill from the Mosely fight) this year and then gets taxed 40% of that, there's goes the $40 million he made from the Mosely fight.
May 13, 2002
Floyd's promoter is Floyd Mayweather, he calls his own shots like a boss. That's why there were no negotiations. Golden Boy ("co"-promotes) Mayweather fights.
No tony, they don't "co-promote" they do all the promoting for his fights. Floyd is not a promoter nor does he have a promoting license. He has to have someone promote for him. The only thing unique with floyd compared to most other fighters is that he typically does one or two fight contracts at a time, whereas other fighters might have 4, 5, 6, etc.

Golden Boy and most importantly, his manager Al Haymon, negotiate. Floyd obviously has the right to say "these are my demands" or "these are the things I want" and it's up to Golden Boy and/or Haymon to get those things for him. But floyd doesn't negotiate, that's not his job.

Pacquiao has to answer to Arum, that's why he says "talk to my promoter" when being asked who is he fighting next.
Everyone says that. It's up to Pac to sign the contract. Which is why pac still hasn't signed the contract to fight margarito. Bob arum negotiates, works on the deals and the proposal is sent to Pac for the ok. On top of this, bob arum isn't even the match maker at Top Rank. You seem to know very little about this stuff, that's ok let me learn you - Bruce Trampler is Top Rank's matchmaker. He's the guy that, for the most part, matches all of top ranks fights. He's a hall of fame matchmaker, in fact, was inducted into the hall of fame last year.

Robert Gomez, was and I believe still is, the matchmaker for Golden Boy. This is how boxing works.
May 13, 2002
You're right which means "the more you make, the more they take"....

I'm not a tax expert or no accountant but this is pure speculation on my part....

They probably take like 40%. So if he made $100 million ($60 mill from the Pac fight and $40 mill from the Mosely fight) this year and then gets taxed 40% of that, there's goes the $40 million he made from the Mosely fight.
If you make more than $375,000 in america you get taxed 35%. Doesn't matter if it's 1 million, 50 million, 100 million. 35%.

Next year, that's going to change. It could be 45%.

Floyd could make 100 million this year, after taxes that's 65 Million. For one year. That would make him the highest paid athlete in 2010 not including endorsements.

Or he can not fight this year again, get 35% taken from the $40 million he made this year. And let's say he fights Pac next year and makes $60 million, it's possible he could be taxed 45% of that. That's $33 million. So he would in fact make about $6 million or so LESS if he were to do that, versus fighting shane & pac this year.
Feb 3, 2006
Look people I've proved my point 2-0-Sixx made his point. We made a great case for both guys backed up by facts. Pac-Man has a great resume period. Mayweather has a great resume period. No one is Ducking anyone. It's all business I want the fight to happen like everyone else, but I'm sick of people trying to discredit Mayweather's 41-0 record. Both fighters have earned the right in the ring to calls shot outside the ring. I keep telling people that this fight for Manny is for his split in the Mayweather fight. If he does a Million PPV buys or more 50-50, under a million to 800K 55-45, 700K and under 60-40. So let's just sit back and wait for the fight to happen next year. If this fight does not happen after Pac-Man beats up on Stone-Hands. . I will be very disappointed in both guys. I'm bored now so let's talk about what the other fighters needs to do to get the big fight with Mayweather or Pac-Man.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
Why do we keep having to discuss this? Check this article out..... Floyd wasn't the only one asking for blood test from Pacquiao

"Arum scoffed at the notion that the fight could be saved, indicating that neither he nor anyone in his company had been in contact with anyone from Mayweather's camp. " If they are negotiating, they are negotiating with themselves," said Arum. "We aren't talking to them."

Sounds familiar^^^^?

Here's more:

"Schaefer said Arum approached him on Thursday to discuss the possibility of making a third fight between Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez. But the discussions went nowhere because besides insisting on a 50-50 split, Marquez also asked for the same level of drug testing as Mayweather. Schaefer also said that while he had not spoken to Shane Mosley about a future fight with Pacquiao, it was likely that Mosley would also require blood testing before any fight with Pacquiao."

"This is beyond stupid," said Arum. "That was my biggest mistake, allowing any of this to happen. I should have said no. We're not revisiting [blood testing]. We're not negotiating with these punks anymore. If Mayweather wants to fight Pacquiao down the road, he will have to go by the testing the state commission asks for. If not, life goes on."

So what happened Jreezelle?


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
Mayweather says:

"Throughout this whole process I have remained patient, but at this point I am thoroughly disgusted that Pacquiao and his representatives are trying to blame me for the fight not happening when clearly the blame is on them.

"First and foremost, not only do I want to fight Manny Pacquiao, I want to whip his punk ass.

"Before the mediation, my team proposed a 14-day, no blood testing window leading up to the fight. But it was rejected. I am still proposing the 14-day window but he is still unwilling to agree to it, even though this is obviously a fair compromise on my part as I wanted the testing to be up until the fight and he wanted a 30-day cut-off. The truth is he just doesn't want to take the tests.

"In my opinion it is Manny Pacquiao and his team who are denying the people a chance to see the biggest fight ever. I know the people will see through their smokescreens and lies. I am ready to fight and sign the contract. Manny needs to stop making his excuses, step up and fight."
Feb 13, 2006
Flyd Mayweather sued.

LAS VEGAS -- Boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr. is being sued for unpaid rent and breach of contract after his promotions company was evicted from a Las Vegas office.

Mayweather lawyer Jeff Morse on Thursday downplayed the July 27 eviction of Mayweather Promotions LLC from what he said was a substandard building.

He said the company was going to move anyway and has reopened. He declined to say where.

Attorney Ross Goodman says Mayweather owed almost $63,000 in outstanding rent and never notified the landlord of any property problems.

Mayweather earned more than $20 million in May from his fight in Las Vegas against "Sugar" Shane Mosley.

A court date hasn't been set in the civil lawsuit filed against Mayweather in Clark County District Court by landlord TDF Investments LLC.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
This one is for the Manny fans....

Crazy sports fans are nothing new.

We’ve witnessed everything from Philadelphia fans booing Santa Claus to Philadelphia fans booing their own hometown quarterback to Philadelphia fans booing their mothers.

Outside of “The City of Brotherly Love” we’ve witnessed Utah fans mock the sick daughter of a former player, and Denver fans mock a sexual assault trial.

Manny Pacquiao fans don’t fall into the above category of being complete lunatics. Still, they’re a somewhat strange group.

Firstly, they’re loyal to a fault. They will defend their hero to no end, regardless of the situation.

Further, they’re not afraid to go against what some may call “political correctness.” They’ll defend their star regardless of what racial, cultural or generally accepted decency lines they may cross.

Finally, they’re not particularly concerned with facts. Rather, they’ll take any story, true or false, and run with it like it’s a proven law.

And, of course, all this is magnified now because of Pacquiao’s potential bout with Floyd Mayweather Jr. God only knows what they were like back when nobody paid any attention to them.

A few months ago, after a series of dominating match-ups, both men (Pacquiao and Mayweather) said they needed to face off and determine the world's best pound-for-pound boxer.

However, despite both sides seemingly being enthused about the potential for a big fight (and even bigger pay day), the discussions quickly broke off.

The biggest issue preventing the fight was Mayweather's request that Pacquiao submit to Olympic-style drug testing prior to the fight. This particular type of drug testing allows for either blood or urine to be taken all the way up to the eve of the fight.

Reasonable people would question why Pacquiao initially refused to submit to testing up to 14 days before the fight but was alright with testing 24 days prior to the fight. Pacquiao fans didn’t care.

Later, it was reported that Pacquiao agreed to the 14-day request, but Mayweather had apparently grown weary of Pacquaio’s games and wanted testing up until the day of the fight. Pacquiao fans, however, saw nothing unreasonable about their superstar changing his stance for seemingly no reason.

Some folks may wonder what Pacquiao has to hide by refusing to take the same testing Mayweather will subject himself to, but not Pacquiao fans.

Pacquiao’s promoter and personal mascot, Bob Arum, has said on numerous occasions that he didn’t like Mayweather or his stable. He has repeatedly diminished Mayweather’s accomplishments and his talent. However, Pacquiao fans never even began to question his poor -- and extremely unprofessional -- attitude as one of the root causes for this fight not happening.

Nope, blame for this fight not happening belongs squarely on the shoulders of one, ‘Pretty Boy Floyd’ Mayweather.

Never mind that Mayweather came out of retirement -- even though Pacquiao was atop the boxing world at the time. If you believe Pacquiao’s fans, you would have to assume that Mayweather, who retired because he felt there was no one his level in boxing, came back to fight a few bums, and then evade the Philipino superstar.

But hey, that’s just common sense. Forget common sense, let’s look at the facts.

While Pacquiao sat back and cried about potentially having his blood taken the night of the fight, Mayweather made the following sacrifices: agreeing to split the revenue evenly with Pacquiao, agreeing to a substantial penalty for coming in overweight and agreeing to Pacquiao’s desired glove size.

Of course, none of that matters to Pacquiao fans.

They conveniently forget about him ducking Shane Mosley -- despite Mosley's willingness to give everything but his kidney up for a shot.

That wasn’t ducking, though. Ducking can only be done against Pacquiao, not by him.

Finally, Pacquiao fans conveniently ignore the fact that other boxers are backing Mayweather on his blood-testing stance.

Recently, Ricky Hatton had this to say on the matter:

“I could have had those rules, but I wasn’t bothered,” said Hatton, who has not fought again since losing to Pacquiao 13 months ago. “Maybe in hindsight, I should have done.”

Another boxer saying that if he had the chance to do it over, he would have forced Pacquiao to submit to Olympic-style drug testing? Impossible.

“I must admit, I fancied my chances against Manny. A few years ago he was getting knocked down by little men like [Juan Manuel] Marquez, then all of a sudden he is knocking out Oscar de la Hoya, myself and [Miguel] Cotto, who are powerhouses in comparison," Hatton said. “It is a little bit strange. He could be on what Floyd is accusing him of [performance-enhancing substances], or it could be that he is just a great fighter who has improved. We will never know.”

Of course the one ace in the hole that Pacquiao fans have always had, is their firm belief that Pacquiao would destroy Mayweather.

Unfortunately, Hatton doesn’t seem to share that sentiment.

“I think Floyd is too good defensively. He is so hard to hit, and I think he might ultimately just have a few too many tricks up his sleeves for Manny.”

For anyone who thinks Hatton may be biased due to his history with Pacquiao, Vegas odds also favor Mayweather.

But hey, what does Vegas know? It loves losing money.

One thing is for certain, though. Regardless of what ends up happening between Mayweather and Pacquiao, for now at the very least, we can sit back and