Top Rank & Golden Boy agree to all terms - the fight is in floyds hands

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May 13, 2002
I believe Ross Greenburg, who has no reason to lie about this tony. Both Bob Arum, Golden Boy, Leonard Ellerbe and Floyd have all lied in the past. So I will side with the most credible person and that, by far, is Greenburg who would have absolutely no motive to lie. The only motive he has is to make HBO and everyone involved truck loads of money.

Also, I find it pretty sketchy that Team Floyd all of a sudden are making all of these comments AFTER Pac is signed to fight Margarito. They had over 2 months to make ONE STATEMENT, just one. And they didn't. Is it a coincidence that they remained absolutely silent for two months then, all of a sudden, just by random chance once Pacquiao is signed to fight they start talking? LMAO no way man. Ellerbe already fucked up by acknowledging that Bob Arum had in fact been in contact with team floyd. He got caught in another lie.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
That one statement came out of Floyd's own mouth during that make a wish foundation video with that kid. We all thought that Floyd wasn't serious but it looks like he was.

It's better to hear it from the horses mouth than the horses ass.
May 6, 2002
You can fight and elect not to get paid until Jan 2011.
People do work and set that as an agreement all the time.
What does the company care? They get to collect off the interest the whole time.

The government count it as when you deposit the money, not when you did the work.

I perform work and request not to be paid this year, I do it at the end of almost every year. I can also request to be paid half, then the other half after new years.

All of a sudden Floyd Sr. is a CPA?

More excuses that make absolutely no sense.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
This article was written on May 25th!

Let's Stop Playing The Bob Arum Game

"And then there’s Arum’s hate campaign against Floyd Mayweather Jr, which may be Arum’s most complete piece of work to date.

Arum somehow convinced a lot of the media and too many fans that Mayweather was running scared from Top Rank’s Antonio Margarito and passing up on an $8 million payday when the fact of the matter was that such a fight was impossible; Mayweather had just left Top Rank, was suing Arum and had the option to fight the lineal welterweight champ, Carlos Baldomir, for the same amount of money under his own promotional banner."

The Mayweather-Margarito dust-up was especially well-played by Arum. He had Mayweather tried, convicted and executed for something that never could’ve happened and a fight which Arum never even began to try and negotiate.

Again written on May 25th

Then, of course, Arum and Floyd would cross paths later when a Pacquiao-Mayweather bout was being proposed. As usual, Arum was announcing a “done deal” just as the drug testing issue started to heat up. The intent was to make it look as though Team Mayweather suddenly brought up the issue after both sides had already agreed to fight. In reality, PEDs testing was on the table almost from the very beginning. The fact that Arum is keeping quiet about re-opened negotiations between Pacquiao and Mayweather is a good sign, but be wary of any “done deal” announcement from Arum that isn’t accompanied by a similar announcement from Team Mayweather.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002

In a media teleconference conducted at about 3 am Eastern Time, Bob Arum addressed the media regarding the status of the Mayweather-Pacquiao fight and the Arum-imposed deadline for negotiations. Here are the bullet points from the 50-minute press conference:

* Arum revealed that there were no direct negotiations between Top Rank and Team Mayweather: “I don’t want there to be any impression that I ever, ever talked with Haymon or Mayweather.”

* All communications between camps were conducted through Ross Greenburg of HBO, but no formal negotiations had taken place and details were not hammered out definitively.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002

Forget the garbage propaganda published on other sites and by other writers. Forget any personal dislike you may have for Floyd Mayweather Jr and let’s use some logic here. The story that Arum and Team Pacquiao are trying to sell us just doesn’t make sense. And until the alleged negotiations and contracts are substantiated by a source other than Bob Arum, Top Rank or Team Pacquiao, they should be regarded as nothing more than a pathetically cynical hype job aimed at saving face at the expense of another man’s reputation."

May 13, 2002
ok tony now you're going backwards. Further you posted a couple opinion pieces.

here is Floyd telling Margarito "you'll get your shot"

But I don't even care about Floyd vs Margarito. That was then. Margarito and Cotto were top of 147 and floyd decided to fight Ricky Hatton then retire for 2 years. What we're talking about is Floyd vs Pac right now, which wont happen because floyd is on vacation or semi retired whatever.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
Yeah he said he'll get his shot "if he keeps winning". Too bad he got busted for cheating then got his ass knocked out. Was that video made before Paul Williams whooped Margarito?
May 13, 2002
he did keep winning. It was before the P-Will fight.

And did you see williams vs margarito? Hardly a "whooping" man, Williams was getting rocked big time in the later rounds. The scores were 115-113 across the board. It was a good fight, Margarito started way to late but came on strong at the end.
Apr 25, 2002
I would have taken the drug test especially since there would have been a two week gap between the last test and the fight. And to top if off we would have been splitting the purse 50/50. There's no way I would have passed on that.
Look bro, you're only fooling yourself if you believe that fight was going to happen in May, especially now that we've seen how Fraud truly operates. If Pacquiao had agreed, Fraud would have found a reason to cancel the fight, whether it be new stipulations or the lame ass "I just don't want to fight right now" excuse. He doesn't want to see Pacquiao. He didn't even want to see Mosley until Shane pushed him into a corner and called him out on PPV after his fight with old ass Marquez. The difference is he knew he could beat Mosley because he's old as fuck now, but he doesn't know if he can beat Pacquiao. His whole marketing scheme is based on that undefeated record. Once that boy loses one single fight, his big PPV sales and endorsement deals, though few, will plummet. Mark that down. That's why he won't fight Pacquiao. He won't do it now, he had no intention of doing it earlier this year and he won't have any intentions of doing it next year. He's scared to lose.
Apr 25, 2002
Bob Arum insists on a 50/50 split when he knows damn well it should be 60/40.
Again, a 60/40 split for either side is stupid. The purse wouldn't be as big as it is without BOTH of them. If Fraud could go out and fight somebody else with a purse that high, THEN he'd be able to say 60/40 is reasonable. He can't. He NEEDS Pacquiao, and vice-verse, to make that much money. 50/50 is what it should be.

I don't give a fuck if Fraud took a lower split against De La Hoya, either, so save it. That was Fraud's mistake.
May 13, 2002

Mayweather ensures Pacquiao negotiations descend into farce

Floyd Mayweather said his advisor was never involved in Manny Pacquiao talks.

HBO Sports president Ross Greenburg denied that statement from Mayweather.

Many are simply afraid of crossing Mayweather because he's such a financial force.

Floyd Mayweather is a bully, one neatly wrapped in a cut 5-foot-8, 147-pound package. Like most bullies, Mayweather is intimidating. He sends promoters, managers and networks cowering in the corner with the mere threat of withholding his services. He holds the boxing world hostage by saying he will take his gloves and go home unless the fight isn't when he wants, where he wants and at what weight he wants. He perpetuates a lie -- like the one about his advisor, Al Haymon, not being involved in negotiations with Manny Pacquiao -- because he is confident in the fact that no one in the industry will stand up to him.

Well, someone finally did. Late Monday night, HBO Sports president Ross Greenburg -- the man in the middle of this mess -- issued a statement. In the statement, Greenburg confirmed what everyone in the world already knew. Yes, there had been negotiations. No, there will not be a fight between the two biggest names in the sport this year.

"Fights like Mayweather vs. Pacquiao are significant because of these fighters' ability to connect with sports fans around the world," said Greenburg. "It's unfortunate that it won't happen in 2010. I had been negotiating with a representative from each side since May 2, carefully trying to put the fight together. Hopefully, someday this fight will happen. Sports fans deserve it."

Mayweather's team issued a series of swift denials. But it is preposterous to suggest that Haymon, Mayweather's chief negotiator and the man Mayweather praises for his work at every ... single ... press conference would be involved in any kind of talks for a Mayweather fight without Mayweather's express approval. Greenburg has no reason to lie. Haymon has a large stable of clients that include Andre Berto, Paul Williams and Chris Arreola. But Mayweather is Haymon's golden goose. He brings home the biggest paycheck. And to believe Haymon pretended to speak on Mayweather's behalf for two months -- two months -- strains credulity to Avatar-like levels.

It didn't happen. Mayweather knew exactly what Haymon was doing, just like Leonard Ellerbe and Golden Boy Promotions CEO Richard Schaefer did. Ellerbe is Mayweather's mouthpiece. He's a good man, one well-liked in the industry. But as sycophants come, he may be the definition. He parrots everything Floyd says -- "All roads lead to Floyd Mayweather" -- to the point where it almost doesn't matter who says it. The words are the same; the voices are just different.

Schaefer's stance is even more baffling. Schaefer, too, is well-respected in the industry and has advanced boxing as much as anyone with his innovative marketing strategies. But by backing Mayweather and denying any negotiations took place, he not only is calling his boss Oscar De La Hoya a liar -- De La Hoya, remember, went on Univision last month and said the Mayweather-Pacquiao negotiations were "very close" to being completed -- but he's calling every journalist he has spoken to on the subject a liar, too.

Sure, Schaefer has offered a firm "no comment" when asked about negotiations, but his words have been laced with hints that there was indeed something to comment on. Earlier this month, after Arum told that a deal had been struck, I called Schaefer looking for confirmation. Again, he said he had no comment. But he later announced, somewhat triumphantly, that I should tell Arum that he had "won the shut-up contest."

Shut up about what, exactly? Right.

The truth is Schaefer and Golden Boy have attached themselves to Mayweather because his affiliation with the company is one of the few assets keeping it viable. Click on the fighters page on Golden Boy's website and check out the four faces highlighted at the top. De La Hoya is gone, Bernard Hopkins should be and Shane Mosley and Juan Manuel Marquez are one bad loss away from potentially following them out the door.

They have a heavyweight champion (David Haye) who won't fight anybody. They have a former middleweight champion (Winky Wright) who won't either. There is talent at junior welterweight (Marcos Maidana, Victor Ortiz, Amir Khan) but not enough to carry the company. No, Golden Boy needs Mayweather and to cross him would burn a very lucrative bridge. And they are not going to do it.

Meanwhile, Mayweather sits back, content to amuse himself by working Ellerbe and Schaefer like puppets. He's comforted by the $65 million he earned in his past two fights, the kind of cash that reinforces the fantasy that he's the G.O.A.T ... when the reality is that he has yet to even prove he is the greatest of this time. He had a chance to cement that legacy this year by following up a win over Mosley with another over Pacquiao.

He passed.

But like it was with LeBron James, it wasn't so much the decision as how the decision was delivered. Coldly, and littered with a whole lot of lies.

Read more:


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
Why didn't Greenburg say who he spoke with? He said he spoke with a representative from each side but didn't name anyone. If he had spoken or "negotiated" with Al Haymon why didn't he just come out and say it?
May 13, 2002
you're nitpicking now. Clearly it was Al Haymon.

Usually Greenburg doesn't talk to the media about these types of things but the reason he came out and said something is because Team Mayweather has been lying and Greenburg came out to set the record straight, basically stating what Arum said was true.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
You're just speculating at this point.... If it was clearly Al Haymon then he (Greenburg) needs to come out and say it instead of being all vague talking about I spoke to representatives from both sides.