Tony is no longer a Raider fan!!

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Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
fatal be speakin the truth most of the time, but he's hella biased like most sports fans are. I just can't stand readin all that bold ass red for hella long
Dec 2, 2006
fatal be speakin the truth most of the time, but he's hella biased like most sports fans are. I just can't stand readin all that bold ass red for hella long
He is biased like all us bay area fans are. I give him credit though. He puts up a decent argument. But I think I can argue with anyone and win. That is all it is.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
lol @ tony homo becoming a bills fan over night, team hoppin clown.
Why the diss homie? I tried to come back to the nation but the door was closed. I was upset about the pick and was ready to leave but then I thought it over and wanted to stay with the nation.

But on the real, change isn't always bad. I'm a chevy man but one day I might switch to ford. My favorite cereal right now is Captain Crunch with the red berries but one day or the next my favorite cereal could be Trix.
Oct 31, 2003
tony, stop trying to justify your moves/posts...bottom line is that youre an uneducated fan. you say youre not a bandwagon cause you dont switch to winning teams. but what you do i switch to the "flavor of the month" you liked the bills pick so you went there...but really who is to say the pick is gonna workout? youre the only person to think the raiders had a horrible draft...the reality is that you knew nothing about who they drafted. its okay to say you didnt....stop watching nfl network and riding warren sapps dick or whoever it is your listening to


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
tony, stop trying to justify your moves/posts...bottom line is that youre an uneducated fan. you say youre not a bandwagon cause you dont switch to winning teams. but what you do i switch to the "flavor of the month" you liked the bills pick so you went there...but really who is to say the pick is gonna workout? youre the only person to think the raiders had a horrible draft...the reality is that you knew nothing about who they drafted. its okay to say you didnt....stop watching nfl network and riding warren sapps dick or whoever it is your listening to
Bottom line is I don't care what you think. And I don't ride anyone's rod. I come up with my own opinions period, so don't assume because it's makes an ass out of u and me.

And can you quote me saying the Raiders had a "horrible" draft? I said I didn't agree with who they drafted but I never said that had a horrible draft.
Apr 25, 2002
I do have to disagree with you on one point Fatal...

while the Raiders have not gotten the amount of praise that the 49ers have... I've heard almost nothing but good things about them since the draft

those opinions don't mean much to me... none of it really matters until it translates on the field... but from what I've seen the general attitude regarding the Raiders as of recently has been a positive one

I'm not even getting in the whole argument yall got goin, lol... but just wanted to add in my $0.02
Nah, I agree with what you're saying. I happen to feel the raiders did well for themselves and the talking heads have also acknowledged it. What I meant was they aren't giving them so much credit as to make them seem like a legitimate contender, which is obviously what radio boy wants. I was implying that nothing short of that would make ol' boy give the talking heads any credit for doing their jobs.
Dec 2, 2006
Nah, I agree with what you're saying. I happen to feel the raiders did well for themselves and the talking heads have also acknowledged it. What I meant was they aren't giving them so much credit as to make them seem like a legitimate contender, which is obviously what radio boy wants. I was implying that nothing short of that would make ol' boy give the talking heads any credit for doing their jobs.
Exactly. Now run along like a good engineer or talking head, whatever the fuck that is. You don't want your higher ups to see how easily I disposed of the hot garbage you spewed in this thread. On a rap message board at that.

You can have your thread back Tony and Trent Edwards is the Bills QB. I wanted the Raiders to draft him if they did not draft JR. Obviously not at #1 though.
Apr 25, 2002
But I will tell you this, I am a small business owner that writes the checks, not collects them. That is my definition of a boss. I am not knocking your day job, but at the end of the day, you do what you are told. I do what I want. Comprende?[/B]
I won't get into the actual details of my position, but it sounds to me the only difference between our situations is I am guaranteed a paycheck twice a month from a Fortune 500 company while your financial situation is reliant upon how well your business does that month.

I also write checks and have no set schedule.

I would never knock a person for doing their thing, but going back to you implying I feel inferior, I will say that could never happen. Small business is fine, but it isn't BIG business, if you know what I mean. Anything short of that has no chance of making me feel inferior.

radiostationrep said:
Sorry, I don't speak nerd. Although I am learning. I was always to taught to speak directly to people, not indirectly.
If you wish your small business to ever grow into bigger business with healthier backing, you're gonna want to learn to speak "nerd." Your "education" should have taught you this.

By the way, when did I ever speak indirectly? You might wanna go back to wherever you received that "education" and let them know they failed you in the English department.

radiostationrep said:
You and I both know who is PMSing. Now why don't you move on and learn to let go. People that can't let go are full of too much emotion for my taste.
Look, this shit is pure entertainment. Nothing you say has an affect on me whatsoever. I know you'd love to believe you're so important that your words on an Internet forum are meaningful to anyone who reads them, but you're falsely crediting yourself. You're just another screen name, just like me. The difference is I understand this and you obviously do not. There are no emotions involved with thoroughly responding to a post, sorry. I do this because I know it does get to you to a certain degree - if it didn't you would bitch about the length of my posts all the time - and it affects you enough to feel the need to respond to me.

At the end of the day, you're not on my mind and I should hope I'm not on yours. So kill the "emotions" and "acting like a female" insults. Everyone here knows they're generic insults with no weight to back them.

As for who's truly PMSing.. Go back and read where our conversation started. You could have easily disagreed with me and stated your reasons. Instead, you came in talking shit. So yes, I think we both know who is PMSing.
Apr 25, 2002
Exactly. Now run along like a good engineer or talking head, whatever the fuck that is. You don't want your higher ups to see how easily I disposed of the hot garbage you spewed in this thread. On a rap message board at that.
1. I am the "higher up." You might wanna learn what it is I do before you assume where my position lands on the charts.

2. You disposed of nothing and the only thing you made a slight point on was your post about why you feel the raiders will be a good team next year. What you fail to acknowledge is every single team in the league has reason to be optimistic in the spring because almost every team made improvements. This is also the same type of stuff we hear every single year from people like you. If the situation were really that good, more people would take notice. You're fooling yourself.
Dec 2, 2006
FATAL NYGHTMARE;5207378]I won't get into the actual details of my position, but it sounds to me the only difference between our situations is I am guaranteed a paycheck twice a month from a Fortune 500 company while your financial situation is reliant upon how well your business does that month.

I also write checks and have no set schedule.

I would never knock a person for doing their thing, but going back to you implying I feel inferior, I will say that could never happen. Small business is fine, but it isn't BIG business, if you know what I mean. Anything short of that has no chance of making me feel inferior.
I always look to improve my operation, but am happy with the results thus far. Alot of small business have crumbled as mine continues to thrive. That Big business you speak of is not yours, remember that.
If you wish your small business to ever grow into bigger business with healthier backing, you're gonna want to learn to speak "nerd." Your "education" should have taught you this.

By the way, when did I ever speak indirectly? You might wanna go back to wherever you received that "education" and let them know they failed you in the English department.
See, there you go assuming again. I am learning how to speak your language. I must admit, at first it was very difficult dealing with such uptight educated geeks that lacked in all other areas of life. They think education makes them superior, which I feel it helps, but the things I have learned in life just can not be taught. You either have it or you don't.
No, I got an A in english and in all my writing classes. The only time I have trouble with comprehension is when I am as high as a kite.
Look, this shit is pure entertainment. Nothing you say has an affect on me whatsoever. I know you'd love to believe you're so important that your words on an Internet forum are meaningful to anyone who reads them, but you're falsely crediting yourself. You're just another screen name, just like me. The difference is I understand this and you obviously do not. There are no emotions involved with thoroughly responding to a post, sorry. I do this because I know it does get to you to a certain degree - if it didn't you would bitch about the length of my posts all the time - and it affects you enough to feel the need to respond to me.

If you have a mirror look into it, would yeah?

At the end of the day, you're not on my mind and I should hope I'm not on yours. So kill the "emotions" and "acting like a female" insults. Everyone here knows they're generic insults with no weight to back them.

As for who's truly PMSing.. Go back and read where our conversation started. You could have easily disagreed with me and stated your reasons. Instead, you came in talking shit. So yes, I think we both know who is PMSing.
Dec 2, 2006
FATAL NYGHTMARE;5207414]1. I am the "higher up." You might wanna learn what it is I do before you assume where my position lands on the charts.

Like I stated previously, I could care less what it is you do. You have a boss although you may oversee others. No one looks over my shoulder.

2. You disposed of nothing and the only thing you made a slight point on was your post about why you feel the raiders will be a good team next year. What you fail to acknowledge is every single team in the league has reason to be optimistic in the spring because almost every team made improvements. This is also the same type of stuff we hear every single year from people like you. If the situation were really that good, more people would take notice. You're fooling yourself.
Apr 25, 2002
That Big business you speak of is not yours, remember that.
I never said it was. What I said is anything short of big business could never make me feel inferior to you.

radiostationrep said:
See, there you go assuming again. I am learning how to speak your language. I must admit, at first it was very difficult dealing with such uptight educated geeks that lacked in all other areas of life. They think education makes them superior, which I feel it helps, but the things I have learned in life just can not be taught. You either have it or you don't.
Now you're knocking education, but you were the one who first tried to gain superiority by saying you're the educated one. So which is it? You can't have it both ways.

radiostationrep said:
No, I got an A in english and in all my writing classes. The only time I have trouble with comprehension is when I am as high as a kite.
Receiving an 'A' doesn't mean you were taught at a level that wouldn't fail you in comprehension. They obviously didn't teach you about the word "indirect."

When I was in high school, a couple of my football teammates aced their math courses, but they were learning at such a low level that the course work included simple addition and subtraction. Does receiving an 'A' in those courses mean they are competent in mathematics? I think not.

radiostationrep said:
If you have a mirror look into it, would yeah?
Once again, you must have missed a few sentences in that paragraph. I acknowledged the fact that I am just another screen name. In no way am I trying to say I am important to anyone on here. That's all you.

This is what I mean about your grades not mattering. You miss the point of most of the things you quote.

Like I stated previously, I could care less what it is you do. You have a boss although you may oversee others. No one looks over my shoulder.
Just remember this: I can easily become a small business owner if I so choose, but you cannot do what I do without obtaining the proper skills and credentials.

The fact that you have nobody to oversee you doesn't make you superior to anyone, as you seem to think. Anyone that can obtain a small business loan can place themselves in your position. Whether or not they are successful is a different story, but is somewhat irrelevant because all that seems to matter to you is not having a "boss."

Easy to say before I respond, isn't it? If you wanna move on, let's do it.

All I ask is if you want to have a debate with me, do so without acting like a douche and we won't have another exchange like this one. I've given you props in the past for arguments you've made despite disagreeing with a lot of the things you've said and exchanging insults with you. That alone should tell you I don't take things personally, but whichever route you take to initiate the exchange between us will garner you a similar response.

In other words, act like a douche and I'll respond in a similar fashion.
Dec 2, 2006
I never said it was. What I said is anything short of big business could never make me feel inferior to you.

Now you're knocking education, but you were the one who first tried to gain superiority by saying you're the educated one. So which is it? You can't have it both ways.

Receiving an 'A' doesn't mean you were taught at a level that wouldn't fail you in comprehension. They obviously didn't teach you about the word "indirect."

When I was in high school, a couple of my football teammates aced their math courses, but they were learning at such a low level that the course work included simple addition and subtraction. Does receiving an 'A' in those courses mean they are competent in mathematics? I think not.

Once again, you must have missed a few sentences in that paragraph. I acknowledged the fact that I am just another screen name. In no way am I trying to say I am important to anyone on here. That's all you.

This is what I mean about your grades not mattering. You miss the point of most of the things you quote.

Just remember this: I can easily become a small business owner if I so choose, but you cannot do what I do without obtaining the proper skills and credentials.

The fact that you have nobody to oversee you doesn't make you superior to anyone, as you seem to think. Anyone that can obtain a small business loan can place themselves in your position. Whether or not they are successful is a different story, but is somewhat irrelevant because all that seems to matter to you is not having a "boss."

Easy to say before I respond, isn't it? If you wanna move on, let's do it.

All I ask is if you want to have a debate with me, do so without acting like a douche and we won't have another exchange like this one. I've given you props in the past for arguments you've made despite disagreeing with a lot of the things you've said and exchanging insults with you. That alone should tell you I don't take things personally, but whichever route you take to initiate the exchange between us will garner you a similar response.

In other words, act like a douche and I'll respond in a similar fashion.
Are you fucking serious? You obviously have issues dude. Cool. I am done arguing.