Okay, this might be the last time I post, because the ignorance of people in this thread (the religious) is too much for me. If you are so deep into your belief, keep doin that. But realize that your prophecies don't mean SHIT. YOU do not know when they were written. You weren't there. You didn't see the guy with the pen or whatever he used. The problem is that the bible was written by man, but is the word of god? Did God talk to that fuckin guy too or what?
Religion is the curse of our species. Only when we can all think logically and rationally about life will we ever get passed this ignorance and stupidity.
I called you MC, an idiot, because you so strongly talk SHIT to me when I SAID THAT. But then YOU SAID IT TOO, hypocrite. I'm sick of reading your bullshit ass replies where you THINK you are beating the atheists argument. You just DO NOT KNOW, period. Reading this BULLSHIT and seeing how ignorant and irrational people can be, it makes me want to take all of you on a boat and SINK THAT SHIT so we wouldn't have to deal with morons anymore.
Sorry if you don't like my opinion, but I find that your belief does reflect a good amount of your "intelligence" if you even have as much as you think you do.
As long as you can not PROVE with concrete evidence that your "god" exists, you need to shut the fuck up. You OBVIOUSLY can't read, or you would understand the definition of atheist. Good day to you all, I can't read this crap anymore!