The Proof I Promised

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Feb 9, 2003
Formaldehyde Rx said:
Maxwells demon there is a demon who only lets things through the door 1 way right some shit like that this has been disproven do some reading.
Look into what type of systems you would need in order for Maxwell's demon to be true.
Formaldehyde Rx said:
I already explained it but here is a reiteration.
the reason complex systems can evolve is because in the long term they are creating a greater amount of chaos/disorder than they embody can you understand that. you eat and break down food at about a 38% effeciency all of the other energy and matter (shit) that is not encorperated into you is degraded into a less ordered form. entiende?

So whats the probability that you will accept reason?

The universe is a closed system.

also you should not argue about things you don't understand I can recommend some reading if you are really interested in thermodynamics and physical aberations.
1) We as single celled organisms did not think, we were not complex, we could not speak, we could not see or taste. We can now.
2) We might waste more energy than we did as cells but we also produce a lot more work than we consume thus it is a positive payoff. I can eat a candybar (powersource) and create a symphony. Or not eat anything and use my energy in order to create a house. The way we think is an example. We need very little energy and produce huge thoughts and ideas. This is order from disorder.
3) How does the 2nd law of thermodynamics explain the big bang? The second law says that complicated molecules can’t form spontaneously, so where the hell did matter come from? I know supposedly it has always been and then anti-mater comes into the picture but then that makes no sense. There was nothingness (an equal amount of matter and anti-matter is still 'something') and then there was something? There are things that are older than this universe, reasearch the age of some stars in compatison to the universes' supposed age (the answers that scientist give are theoretical because they can't explain this phenomena in detail). And as far as the occillating universe theory, I don't think there is any evidence to support this claim so I wont even touch it.
4) The earth is not a closed system, humans originated on earth.
5) Trust me: when it comes to phd's with no agenda (coupled with my own research) telling me this is not possible I will believe them, rather than you.


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
miggidy said:
I'm not talking about science.
then i guess you're talking about the evidence i provided that refutes the bible. of course you think it's a lie, because if it proved your bible is as worthless as the paper it's printed on, then your life would be devastated. lucky for me, i use logic and science in my life and don't follow archaic beliefs that have absolutely no basis.

let me ask you this, you really think your religion is THE religion don't you? if that's true, why are there other religions, why is islam the most populous of all the religions, why is buddhism the fastest growing religion in the US, why did jesus not have that many followers when he was alive, why is it that the converts to christianity were paid to convert, why is it that when constantine became king he FORCED people to convert under penalty of death if they didn't, why is it that all the gospels were written LONG after jesus's death, why is it that the gospels don't even go along with each other.

your religion is full of holes

I'm Done
Jul 24, 2002
Oh Fuck! I gotta type this shit all over again....

what you posted does not expose anything in the bible.
You posted the same misconceptions that have been thrown around for years now.
On the contrary, what you brought up was full of holes and you know that because you can't address it.....

Let me answer your questions;

1) Islam is not the most "populous" religion, there are more Catholics in the world than any other religious group. And do you know why both of these religions are so big?
They were both spread by the sword....

2) Buddhism is popular here because it has very little resistance.
People are like water, they will always follow the path of least resistance.
Is it just a coincedance that this religion is very popular with the upper class?
LMAO!!!! I hope you understand....

3) Jesus was not a popular guy with the religious authorities of his time.
He was viewed as a trouble maker and heretic. Most people were afraid to follow him because he was going up against the system....

4) Converts were not paid man, are you crazy?
Christians were persecuted dude, the early followers were.
It was a crime to be Christian, it was like witch hunting season all year long for the Romans and Jews.
People had to spread the word behind closed doors, through the underground if you will.
Accepting Christ would automatically put a death wish on you.
But why would anyone do that?
Why would anyone accept a belief that would more than likely get them killed?
BECAUSE IT WAS THE REAL DEAL! Jesus resurrected and many witnessed it, how can you beat that?
If that isn't evidence of divine power than nothing is. People knew he was the Son of God, otherwise they wouldn't have put their trust in him.
Dude it is a miracle that Christianism even survived. No other belief system would've survived such a holocaust at that early state of infancy.
I hope you really think about this and take it into consideration....

5) By the time Constantine rose to power, there was probably more Christians than anything else.
His pride and ego consumed him, his thirst for retalliation got the best of him. And it wasn't just him, what became of the church did the same. Call it reverse persecution if you will.
These people forgot what Jesus's message of peace and love was all about.
Maybe they didn't forget, they just shoved it aside to make room for their idealogy....

6) The gospels are dated as back to 40 or 70 years after the crucifixion of Christ.
But that does not mean they were first written during that time frame, it just means that's how far back we can trace them so far.

With that in mind, this was still during the life of the actual writers.
Now remember what I said above, spreading the Word of Christ was a deadly risk.
And it was only until the apostles recieved the Spirit that they became fearless and started spreading the good news. And it was during this time that the books following the gospels were written. Thus being recorded....

7) The differences in the gospels are very minimal.
You have to understand that they were written by four different people with their own perspectives of the same events. Now what one missed, the other recorded. This is evident with what is found in the gosples.... There is thousands of copies of the gospels everywhere.... I believe they were letters, letters of warning to I forgot whom. That would make sense since there is so many copies of the scripture and its all the same no matter what language and time frame. People were spreading these scribes like flyers....

Peace bro,
Sep 28, 2002
#1 Are you talking about when "we" were zygotes? LOL the begining and end of your sentence are seperated by hundreds of millions of years.
#2 positive payoff? I cant begin to tell you how rediculus this statement is. an idea is not a physical manifestation to manifest an idea you must degrade physical matter is a violin or a house more complex than a cherry tree is a cherry tree more complex than terra and atmospheric compsition.
#3 it has always been there read hawkings book before you comment blindly.
#4 yes humans originated on earth and the universe is a closed system.
#5 I have no agenda I just wanted to present you with factual info that contradicts your superstition.
Feb 9, 2003
Formaldehyde Rx said:
#1 Are you talking about when "we" were zygotes? LOL the begining and end of your sentence are seperated by hundreds of millions of years.
#2 positive payoff? I cant begin to tell you how rediculus this statement is. an idea is not a physical manifestation to manifest an idea you must degrade physical matter is a violin or a house more complex than a cherry tree is a cherry tree more complex than terra and atmospheric compsition.
#3 it has always been there read hawkings book before you comment blindly.
#4 yes humans originated on earth and the universe is a closed system.
#5 I have no agenda I just wanted to present you with factual info that contradicts your superstition.
1) No that is not what I meant.
2)A thought IS a physical manifestation. I took human physiology, I know what I'm talking about.
3) Hawkings cannot know this, his theory's are probably the most applauded but I doubt he can prove this. Also isn't he one of the scientist that believe the Universe is ever expanding only to ultimately shrink back into what it was? Would that be no disorder then disorder back to no disorder? or would that be disorder to order back to disorder? Either way it goes against the 2nd law because at one point in either theory there is less order, which is a physical impossibility.
4) But we are talking about evolution on earth. The universe atcs upon earth. earth is not a closed system.
5) You have not contradicted my 'superstition.' Either logically or scientifically. If anything I could always use the ol 'God is magic, he can do what he wants' argument, I chose not to.
@hahaha at miggs gay atheist link
Feb 9, 2003
Some times I wish you guys could live in a Muslim country or even Israel, just so I could see Shep/Sixx/2-0 openly bad mouth Islam or Judaism, and I don't just mean online.
Feb 9, 2003
Firstly I don't believe we have gotten aquainted prior to this post. Secondly what I meant from that statement was so that they could impart their knowledge to the Muslim and Jewish extremists. Thirdly your 'why religion is wrong' statement is both unfounded and irrelevant because I do not speak for religion. By your logic Stalin proves Communism is wrong, Wilson proves democracy is wrong, Nero proves Romans were murderers, your sig proves Crips are handicapped, White devil proves Whites are devils.


Sicc OG
Mar 11, 2004
i've never had anyone other than a christian start a bigass lame debate with me over whether or not religion's the correct path, so i've never really had to express my opinion to any muslims or jews or anyone else.
Feb 9, 2003
haNk1 said:
i've never had anyone other than a christian start a bigass lame debate with me over whether or not religion's the correct path, so i've never really had to express my opinion to any muslims or jews or anyone else.
If you know they're wrong why debate? Why not walk away?


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
The same question can also be applied to you:

Dude, you have got to be the most childish fuckin person debating in here....You can't take responsibility for anything you say. "I'm rubber and your glue, so whatever bounces of me sticks to you." That's how you act, like a 5 year old. Think before you speak, cause you're only making yourself look dumb.
Feb 9, 2003
Sixxness said:
Dude, you have got to be the most childish fuckin person debating in here....You can't take responsibility for anything you say. "I'm rubber and your glue, so whatever bounces of me sticks to you." That's how you act, like a 5 year old. Think before you speak, cause you're only making yourself look dumb.
Dude, you have got to like lighten up. totally.
Apr 28, 2004
Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. Where the laws do not operate, there is no reality -- we judge reality by the responses of our senses. Once we are convinced of the reality of a given situation, we abide by its rules.
Dec 13, 2003
Secondly what I meant from that statement was so that they could impart their knowledge to the Muslim and Jewish extremists. Thirdly your 'why religion is wrong' statement is both unfounded and irrelevant because I do not speak for religion. By your logic Stalin proves Communism is wrong, Wilson proves democracy is wrong, Nero proves Romans were murderers, your sig proves Crips are handicapped, White devil proves Whites are devils.
they can impart their wisdom and get there ass killed. dont try to put some spin on that statement. what i meant by my statement is that...people get killed for having opposing views on religion...and in my opinion...thats where religion shows its flaws. i never implied that you speak for just sayin you know full well people would get killed poppin that shit to some muthafuckas who think they are the slaves of god.

religion shouldnt get people killed...but it im not religious...and i say its wrong. only an opinion. both parties in this thread havent provided 100% evidence that proves either opinion.