The Last of the Siccness Christians

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Mar 12, 2005
Hutch said:
If a prophecy in the bible comes true, it is either because (a) there are so many prophecies that based on probability, some are bound to come true, (b) many of the prophecies are similar to Nostradamus' in the sense that they are so vague that people can interpret them differently, and (c) Christianity is so strong right now that those people currently practicing may deliberately perform acts which make a prophecy true, thus lending false support of the 'Good book'. That is using logic.
Just like how the Bible Predicted The establishment of Israel as a nation again? No one in their right mind would say at that time, WE WILL TAKE OUR NATION BACK FROM ROME, no one, and I MEAN no one could fuck with Rome.
May 16, 2002
This is what I think of the Trinity.

The Holy Spirit is the energy that makes everything work in harmony. It is Order. It is Love. It is the place where if we recieve it we understand all truth. It's like a Divine language that if you speak it you understand what language is.

The Father is the teacher. He teaches what he knows and has learned to be true. But He teaches all. "God causes it to rain on the wicked as well as the righteous".

The Son is the student. His father is who he seeks knowledge from. Jesus was the Son of God cuz that's who taught Him and who he prayed to when he needed help to understand things. He was the Son of Man cuz he wanted to learn how to help us so he had to understand the heart of man from man's point of view. He is God's weapon. And we teach him to save or destroy us by our actions (i'm talkin in a physical sense).

When things get shitty He puts us back on the right track. He only comes when we need him, so when we see him we either asked for help or we're fuckin up.
Mar 12, 2005
Ender said:
The Son is the student. His father is who he seeks knowledge from. Jesus was the Son of God cuz that's who taught Him and who he prayed to when he needed help to understand things. He was the Son of Man cuz he wanted to learn how to help us so he had to understand the heart of man from man's point of view. He is God's weapon. And we teach him to save or destroy us by our actions (i'm talkin in a physical sense).
NOPE, NOPE NOPE! You got it all wrong, your whole post is wrong about the Trinity. The Son is not the student because whatever the will of the father is, it's also the will of the Son and Holy spirit. Jesus is not a student, because he knows how both man and God operate, he was full man and full God, not half of each.


Apr 25, 2002
Who said anything about tearing a new one?
EDJ did, and he said it because of the way you were replying to Stockton.

I want to know exactly what trinitarianism is according to the people on these boards.
You're getting like three different versions now.

You seem like a relatively logical, reasonable person Heresy so maybe I should ask you instead of Stockton.
Thankyou for the compliment, but I believe stockton was doing well for himself. Some of the things he said were a tad off, but if need be I can possibly answer some of your questions.

Would you be so kind to explain to me, in your own words, what the Trinity actually is?

Is it three 'Gods', or is it three different manifestations of the one God?
No, not three gods. ONE god. Here is an excerpt taken from Christian Theology by Emery Bancroft.

The Father is not God as such; for God is not only Father, but also Son and Holy Spirit. The term Father designates that personal distinction in the divine nature in virtue of which God is related to the Son and, through the Son and the Spirit, to the church.

The Son is not God as such; for God is not only Son, but also Father and Holy Spirit. The Son designates that distinction in virtue of which God is related to the Father, and is sent by the Father to redeem the world, and with the Father sends the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is not God as such; for God is not only Holy Spirit, but also Father and Son. The Holy Spirit designates that distinction in virtue of which God is related to the Father and the Son, and is sent by them to accomplish the work of renewing the ungodly and sanctifying the church.

Analogies would be useful, but the egg one didn't do the argument any justice last time.
Heres one for you:


Apr 25, 2002
EDJ said:
Do I owe you an explanation? If I do, it is because I own the computer I am typing on, and because I pay the internet bill every month. Also, you kinda tossed a challenge out there when you said, "THEY COULDN'T DO THAT TO ME, CAUSE I BELIEVE IN TRUTH AND THE BIBLE DON'T SPEAK ON NO TRINITY"
Aug 28, 2006
NOPE, NOPE NOPE! You got it all wrong, your whole post is wrong about the Trinity. The Son is not the student because whatever the will of the father is, it's also the will of the Son and Holy spirit. Jesus is not a student, because he knows how both man and God operate, he was full man and full God, not half of each.
does it ever strike you that we are interpreting it how it applys to us...or rather how we think of it. like if im a mechanic ill apply mechanic language to it. you may not understand what i might mean by what i say, but that doesnt make it right.try to understand where people are coming from and go from there.


Sicc OG
May 3, 2002
HERESY said:
Do I owe you an explanation? If I do, it is because I own the computer I am typing on, and because I pay the internet bill every month. Also, you kinda tossed a challenge out there when you said, "THEY COULDN'T DO THAT TO ME, CAUSE I BELIEVE IN TRUTH AND THE BIBLE DON'T SPEAK ON NO TRINITY"
Mar 9, 2005
jon21 said:
where did you read that jesus's birth was necessary for the creation of the physical universe?
I was referring to a statement that Stockton made in an earlier post on this thread, quote "Read the Bible mate, without Jesus creation would not have been possible" I don't know if I mis-interpreted it due to it's vagueness, but I took it's literal meaning, i.e. that "without Jesus, creation would not have been possible".

jon21 said:
I wasnt making an attack on your charcater. i was just pointing out that, you cant trust someone completely, if they dont have a correct believe system. its like an engine thats out of sync and vibrates until it brakes itself. what i mean by that is that if your values are all based on yourself then, sooner or later they will manifest physically and end up braking you, eventually. the time it will take to brake you depends on how correct your believe system is.
Yes you did, you attacked my character. You just attacked my character again whilst trying to explain why you weren't attacking my character. You can't trust someone who doesn't have the correct belief system. In other words, you can't trust me because I'm an athiest. I'm out of sync with the true nature of reality and thus will eventually collapse because of my lack of belief in your God. This is followed by another stab at my character, where you presume (wrongly) that all of my values are self-made and thus I'm by nature a selfish, bad person. Finally, you reiterate your initial statement that I will physically deteriorate and have a break down because of my 'incorrect belief system', i.e. because I don't believe in your God.

Look jon, if you need a God in order to prevent yourself from breaking down, then have your God. I, for one, don't need 'Him' to stay together. I'm mentally and physically strong and know my place in this world, what good would God do me right now?

jon21 said:
what i am saying is, your evolutionist believe system will eventually break.
because it is a believe system that has no purpose other than to explain to us that we are no better than an animals and that we have no purpose. if i have no purpose then i must create my own. but if i can be controlled and manipulated by society, whats stopping society from corrupting us?
So my belief system, evolution, will break down because it doesn't tell you exactly why you're here and doesn't support your arrogant and false anthropological stance? You don't have a purpose jon. You must create your own - and yes, beware of the pitfalls because society CAN and DOES corrupt you, it's a part of life - either get used to it or change it. If you want to change it, then action speaks louder than prayers.

jon21 said:
you can already see it begin to happen. the popular media already has and is gaining more grip on weak minded people. people that can be manipulated with money, people that are uneducated. why is our educational system failing? why does poverty still exist in the riches country in the world? its clear to me what is happening in the world as it must be clear to you.
It's been happening for a very long time jon. Popular media may be gaining a grip on weak minded people, but I just see that as popular media taking over from where religion left off. People can be manipulated with money - do you know how rich the church is? Studies have shown that uneducated people are more likely to believe in God than intelligent, educated people. They quest for knowledge instead of deliberately trying to make the world remain ignorant of that knowledge. Povery exists in your country because of personal greed, capitalism gone mad - and yet it is one of the most religious countries in the world - fancy that!!! In conclusion jon, yes - it is clear to me what is happening in the world. The only difference between us though is that I am more aware of the CAUSE, not just the symptoms (and no, I did not just blame religion for all of the problems, I'm simply pointing out that blaming a LACK of religion on these problems was preposterous).

jon21 said:
the difference between weak minds and strong minds is all based on emotinal expiriences and education. good emotional epiriences and education both have to be present if you want to hav e a productive well thinking citizen. who controls the educational system? who controls the media? who controls the money?.
Greedy people control the educational system, the media and the money. They are usually educated although I am unsure as to their emotional experiences. No offense jon, but just taking into account your spelling, prose and ability to put forth a convincing argument, I would have to say that you don't seem like a well educated individual. I'm not sure about your emotional experiences, but if they're relatively neutral, then your mind must be... strong? nope.

jon21 said:
its obvious to see that americans have been put in a rat race that they sure as hell are gonna lose. controlled by a corrupt government that is in turn controlled by atheist. now im not making an attack on atheism, but, i guarantee that those in power dont give a shit about the population. they care about themselves more than others. and this all goes back to their believe system and character. they have figured out a way to live like kings and control the population. they have used our most powerfull tool against us,
our brain. with what though? capitalism.
I don't care whether any government is controlled by athiests - I doubt whether their religious affiliation (or lack thereof) would have anything to do with the decisions they make. Your assertion that 'if the country were run by christians, then they would give a shit about the population' is also bullshit. Religion has been weilded as a weapon from its very inception.

jon said:
i respect your ideas. obviously you are well educated. i dont agree with all your ideas but i still respect them.
Thanks. I sometimes respect your ideas but it can be difficult. If you could present a more cogent (convincing) argument, such as those of Heresy or even Dirty Shoez before he was banned, then I would respect them more.

jon21 said:
lol...your only looking at this from one side of the coin. examine your side and you will see the flaws.
Examine my side? I'm fluent in 'my side of the coin' arguments, they are the ones I put forth every time I post. I've tried to understand your perspective, but it is irrelevant to me. As you suggested previously, different people require different belief systems - I personally believe in evolution and nature. I don't believe in anything that can be considered paranormal, including your God. I don't need it to give me purpose or to explain away the things I don't know. For those of us who do require the existence of a divine being to give their life purpose, then by all means believe. I just hate it when people quote the 'good book' and then criticize me for not believing in what is written therein.