Hutch said:
Pardon my blasphemy, but JESUS CHRIST JON! You've just typed 9 lines of gibberish that has nothing to do with my statement. I said that if Jesus birth was required for creation, then how did creation occur before Jesus was born (which is a fact - the universe wasn't created at the exact moment Jesus was born, creation occured BEFORE Jesus was born). Creation and 'the continuation of the human race' are completely different things. Now try again - if the birth of Jesus was required for creation, then how did anything exist prior to his birth?
where did you read that jesus's birth was necessary for the creation of the physical universe?
Hutch said:
My bias is based on evidence. My example of lying to get an attractive woman to sleep with me is a direct analogy of your so-called evidence (which is actually a lack of evidence) regarding religion, i.e. deceiving yourself in order to maintain a strong position on a topic which isn't true. I am not 'only worried about myself', I am not that selfish. I usually appreciate others happiness above and beyond my own. Even if I did only care about myself, why do you think this means my ideas shouldn't be taken seriously? Am I forwarding an argument which will in any way benefit me personally? No. I am using my brain and assessing the available evidence.
i wasnt making an attack on your charcater. i was just pointing out that, you cant trust someone completely, if they dont have a correct believe system. its like an engine thats out of sync and vibrates until it brakes itself. what i mean by that is that if your values are all based on yourself then, sooner or later they will manifest physically and end up braking you, eventually. the time it will take to brake you depends on how correct your believe system is.
what i am saying is, your evolutionist believe system will eventually break.
because it is a believe system that has no purpose other than to explain to us that we are no better than an animals and that we have no purpose. if i have no purpose then i must create my own. but if i can be controlled and manipulated by society, whats stopping society from corrupting us?
you can already see it begin to happen. the popular media already has and is gaining more grip on weak minded people. people that can be manipulated with money, people that are uneducated. why is our educational system failing? why does poverty still exist in the riches country in the world? its clear to me what is happening in the world as it must be clear to you.
the difference between weak minds and strong minds is all based on emotinal expiriences and education. good emotional epiriences and education both have to be present if you want to hav e a productive well thinking citizen. who controls the educational system? who controls the media? who controls the money?.
its obvious to see that americans have been put in a rat race that they sure as hell are gonna lose. controlled by a corrupt government that is in turn controlled by atheist. now im not making an attack on atheism, but, i guarantee that those in power dont give a shit about the population. they care about themselves more than others. and this all goes back to their believe system and character. they have figured out a way to live like kings and control the population. they have used our most powerfull tool against us,
our brain. with what though? capitalism.
Hutch said:
That was a rather weak, airy-fairy attack on my character jon. You make a false assumption that I only care about myself, and then lead yourself to the false conclusion that no-one can take my ideas seriously, no-one can trust me, that I'm not a respectable character and that no-one would want to be a friend of mine. Oh, I think I'll cry right about now.
i respect your ideas. obviously you are well educated. i dont agree with all your ideas but i still respect them.
Hutch said:
Another false assumption. I love my family, my girlfriend and my friends. Business associates are valuable allies to have as they can further my career. Sales assistants are essential because without them I could not purchase necessary items. I also appreciate and need farmers for without them I would starve. You get the picture. Why would you blurt out such a stupid phrase as 'you don't need anyone you're an individual' knowing full well that is not true for ANYONE. I don't need your God in order to get attention. Without your God I am still not alone.
its true. you dont really need anyone physcially. if you where a farmer with your own land you could obviously live of the land by yourself. but what you probably couldnt do is live by yourself emotionaly. you would get lonely and probably depressed.
Hutch said:
Do you mean, like the formation of several conflicting, mutually incompatible religions, each of which feel justified for believing that theirs is the truth? That's definitely division and chaos, you're right!
lol...your only looking at this from one side of the coin. examine your side and you will see the flaws.