@jayda....well your looking at one of two things...probably
1. you simply have a short somewhere in the line and as it grounds out you get the speakers interpretation of the wave sign ( even though it really isn't one ).
2. ( this is simply a guess at your subs, nothing else ) Inside one of your subs the "Spider Coil" could be shot. The Spider is simply a very thin piece of metal, alot of times copper, that is the go between of the magnet and the cone. When the Spider coil is damaged you will somtimes here pops comming from your sub. .....The speaker cone will try to throw ( beat ) and the Spider will touch the sides of the magnet itself ( which it is not supposed to do ), when it touches you will here a pop. The poping noise comes from the speaker trying to complete the wave sign, which it can't. It will have a small electronic discharge as the spider touches the metal sides, and so the speaker play the pop noise.
However, the Spider normally doesn't go untill the speaker is blown. It does happen, but typically it happens because of a quality error in the manufactoring of the speaker, and not really so much a user issue.
Either way...take your shit to a MECP or CEA certified shop. Ask questions....if it sounds like there floating you an answer...take you ride and leave. Real professionals in the field who know what there doing can narrow down small problems like that and give you feasable answers without having to tear everything apart.