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Nov 27, 2002

on the other thread askin what would i do if someone wanted me to burn my rag........i think the only thing worth really dying for nowadays to me is my religion, family, or in a brawl to save a homeboy when the funk is on. i wonder how God would feel about choosing to die over a rag instead of cherishing the gift of life that he has given us?

Damn Str8, Homie! That's no doubt the way to put it down. There's never a reason to let someone else try to rearrange your priorities over something that could put you and yours at greater risk than is neccessary, and fighting over just a rag if it ain't "life or death" could turn it into "life or death" even tho there's no real reason to fight and nothing irreplaceable to defend (like us people, not our rags that only represent us.) Don't ever stop thinking that way, bro.

I can't speak for God or Jesus, but I don't think they would want someone to risk dying to fight soley for an inanimate object rather than for the people those objects stand for, even a cross, a Bible, or a church. They don't worry about your rag burning or whether you'd fight for it, they worry about your soul and the reasons you have about things, not the things themselves, I believe with all my heart.

There's nothing wrong with fighting for what you believe in, but if fighting puts the thing you believe in at greater real risk overall, there's just no point and no honor in it. There's no way you can take care of yourself or your family, let alone anything else you don't want to lose, if you get locked up over nothing, so be sure it's really worth fighting over or don't fight at all. Pick your battles wisely, and know that there's times and places for fighting if not fighting will make things worse.

I feel like the words in the Bible show pretty damn well how not to let others get power over you and yours, and how to get up and out if you are already under. There's no reason not one of us can't follow in Jesus' footsteps to some degree, but not everyone understands His words in the same way. I don't think He'd have much of a problem with people doing what they got to do when they don't have choices. I wish I could have done what He did, but I don't know if I could have handled it as well.

I just can't not have faith after all the things I have seen with my own eyes and felt with my own soul from the inside out, feeling an undeniable unnamable presence connected from the outside in, in unexplainable indescribable ways.

Just don't confuse reasons with excuses, cuz even if you don't know the difference, Jesus and God don't make excuses for not having reasons. There is a difference, and it's real. A reason could be even just that gut feeling that you can't really explain thouroughly in words, like simple faith, or deepest intuition, that thing you feel lost without so you follow it to find your way forward, regardless of all the wrong-way signs you can't help knowing don't speak the truth for you. Feel me?

Some people only claim to have faith when they don't cuz they are running game, and churches worldwide are infested with hypocrisy. Don't worry about confusing some so-called church folx with Christians who actually have faith, with or without a church. Can't nobody force you to believe something you really don't, and can't nobody touch what you truly don't doubt.

OGs worldwide won't clown you for sharing in the same power that kept them going, even through tough times. Norte tats of crosses, Christ, and Mary ain't inked for no reason. There's no better family to think of when you're alone, which is a whole lot over a lifetime. You are always part of that never-ending family.

Jesus in the Bible straight lays it down that you don't need a church to be doin the right thang or to use the power of the word, tho it can be useful socially and politically to organize with others of like mind if leaders can ever be trusted (which seems to be almost never.) You don't have to be good, or right, or rich, or free to align your mind with the mind of God. Once you lose your perceptions of those individual things as having anything real to do with your true self, God will become clear. In that moment, those previous personal descriptions don't apply at all to the realest of you that is always connected with and made of God, and nothing else matters. That's when you are a real made man, when you don't have the desire to be anything else.

The way is real, and it don't show itself unless you lose yourself first.
Jun 10, 2002
@ miggidy

i was just reading through this whole post from the beginning. you made alot of strong points about whats really going on in the world today. you should check out the open minds forum, alot of conversation goes on about things like this. there are other people who feel the same way and have alot of information on these matter. you might wanna chop it up with Sacrifice or Heresey.

Me, I just recently began paying more attention to the world and the underlying plot that everyone seems blind to. sometimes it feels overwhelming, like what could we as people actually do to change or prevent things from getting worse. but it seems as if its already to late since the opposing powers already have too much control. only if there was some way that all this evidence of conspiracy, greed, deceit, deception, and evil could be brought to light and could be proven true so that everyone could see the truth, because thats what everyone needs to face as far fetched as it seems.

Shit, this would be the story of all times. only if there was a journalist or reporter somewhere doing all of this research, getting all the facts and expose it all. but thats not gonna happen because a story like that would get no airtime on tv. the only way i guess would be to have it on paper and just distribute it throughout the US for people to read and hope the message gets spread.

Those web sites you posted were interesting, about the cia depopulizing, and the aids, the federal reserve bank. I've read a little about the federal reserve bank, the CFR, skull and bones. Have you read anything on the moonies? I have but its confusing trying to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. theres so many factors its hard to figure out where the source of all this evil is coming from, and how these factors play into the big picture.

One thing i question is the credibility of those websites you posted. theyre easy to believe because of the situation going on in the world, but how could I verify is its true, if its a fact. some of those editorial you posted the websites for are very interesting but can they be proven?

that one website about the illuminati was interesting but there are some things i was skeptical about.

it stated that the masons were the instigators or organizer of the wars throughout history. but it said that the revolutionary war was provoked by the masons {ben franklin, george washington
Apr 25, 2002
miggidy said:
I gotta question for anyone who's bangin;
What would you do if I showed you physical evidence that the CIA is feeding us with an anger stimulating agent that's instrumental in our social declination????

Gangs are part of a global and not just national plan to keep our numbers in check.
Jun 10, 2002

paul revere, etc.....) who were at the time in charge of the 13 colonies that occupied america. history tells that the revolutionary was was caused because of great brittain seeking reparations from the 13 colonies because of a war debt they were left after defending US (13 colonies) from the french. the leaders at that time figured they didnt need brittain anymore since the french had been defeated and they werent gonna pay any debts, so they wanted their independence from brittain. anyways, brittain figured they were gonna get the money one way or another so they placed high taxes on the imported and exported goods, which lead to the boston tea party.

the point is that the holygrale website made it seem as if the leaders of this country provoked the revolution war for their benefit. when if fact they were trying to break away from the grips that brittain was trying to hold on them. i think brittain eventually had an influence on the leaders of this country with money or by other means, and they have to be a factor in this plot that involves illuminati.

part of looking for the truth is being skeptical to everything you come least for me. if im gonna believe in something i want to know in's and outs, and what to be able to separate fact from fiction. A lot of what i read on the internet i believe to some extent but im reluctant at times, i wish i could see this info on paper, or in a book.

good shit though miggidy, seems like youve done a lot of research and educated yourself. other people may want to do the same, cuz the shit does not get talked about enough. being talked about on the siccness is not enough. it has to be made an issue so people can see for themselves, so they can put the peices together.....talking about it is one thing, but actually understanding it is even more has to go public.

its a trip, under this new homeland security bullshit, i bet in the near future we would be considered potential terrorist for our views on this subject. We'd be placed on watch.

2pac spoke about killuminati.....i wonder how much he knew about this whole thang going on the world (illuminati). his lyrics sound as if he did know, makes you wonder..........x raided, mac mall, and just recently luni coleone's lyrics or song relate to the situation we face 2day. you also said that the killuminati calls for every african american to go back to their roots and change. does this just apply for black folx (killuminati)? or anyone that can see the truth? holla back, because i definitely need to know more.

im 21, i figure i was born during these times for a reason. i mean i coulda been born along time ago and i wouldnt have to worry about all thats going on now. i seriously believe that within my lifetime i may see the end of the world, and its all happening before my eyes, now im living during these times for a reason and i think what can i do, how can i help. i be damned if im brought to light and exposed to the truth and not do anything about it. if there was leadership amongst the people to take action, that would be our best chance, unification of the people would be the only way.

and believe it or not. a leader was lost when 2pac died. imagine what hed be saying about the world affairs if he was alive today. i bet those rich white mufuccuz wouldnt like what he had to say since he would spread the message through his music, especially when they kids embraced him as a hero, as a voice....cuz they dont give a fuck about us.

as for now, shit thats going on in the world got my mind off the hood drama, its like theres a bigger problem we all face. i find myself thinking alot bout this shit, about how deep it goes....but 4 now its just me, my family and my loved ones.

Apr 25, 2002
LA PD police cheif said "gang voilence is a threat to national secuirity "

i seen this on fox ktvu local news in the bay , things gonna start gettin out of hand in this country the government is takin peoples rights away slowly , use all this american pride to distract the people , they wont even know it . soon they'er gonna start herrassin know and suspected gang memebers
Nov 27, 2002
Yup-- Check out "Dark Alliance" , along with "Freeway Rick" as a google search.

Some still don't know about those from the "Iran/Contra" affair using government positions to poison & imprison poor Californians without access to other pain management drugs. All that in the name of financing covert wars that our own congress voted not to approve. How can we not know rich Washington buerocrats caused California to be their killing field so that the rich could kill off, enlist, or imprison their undesirables?
It ain't about homeland defnse, it was about making money off oil and other resources worldwide for the wealthiest of the wealthy. Don't be their pawn, people. "Infect knowledge."
Nov 27, 2002
mcell said:

the point is that the holygrale website made it seem as if the leaders of this country provoked the revolution war for their benefit. when if fact they were trying to break away from the grips that brittain was trying to hold on them. i think brittain eventually had an influence on the leaders of this country with money or by other means, and they have to be a factor in this plot that involves illuminati.

It think both and many more factors could have been in force at the same time, as some ppl stood to benefit financially by selling war goods while others benefitting from fighting against taxes, or both. Even some the merchanct class still based IN Britttain itself would have benefitted from selling goods, even weapons, to revolutionaries in America if they were not going to benefit from the taxes that the British royalty were trying to impose. People don't always have patriotic reasons for doing things. Follow the money, cuz that is usually the bottom line unless there is some other emotional tie like revenge, love, jealousy, or loyalty. Money is power and can therefore lust for it can fuel people's ability to fullfill those emotional ties anyway, so still follow the money.

I read a little about "Dianetics", and even though it has a reputaion for being cultish, I found a lot of the scientific thoughts to make more real sense than what people wish were true about how things work. There is a description of something called the "Third Party Instigator" which really shows how a lot of times when two people or two nations are fighting, it's often a result of some other entity egging the fight on because it will benefit the third party somehow, either financially or emotionally.

The third party instigator can be something as simple as a supposed friend who really is a cock-blocker behind your back, or as complicated as a huge conspiracy of corporate funded media representatives who falsify the news in order to urge ppl to respond to false propaganda tht will benifit them financially.

I dodn't really spend much time studying Dianetics as a whole. Anybody else know if I got the 3rd party idea rite or not?
Nov 27, 2002
mcell said:
@ miggidy

it stated that the masons were the instigators or organizer of the wars throughout history. but it said that the revolutionary war was provoked by the masons {ben franklin, george washington
Personally I don't doubt that the masons know how to strategize, but they used to be and sometimes still are the good guys fighting FOR the people AGAINST the oppressors! Masonry came out of ancient warfare stategies built up over eons of warfare from Anglo Saxon, Druid, Greek and Roman, Egyptian, and who knows what else. A lot of it is based on intentional systems of misinformation and disinformation of story telling and character testing to purposefully throw off and weed out your enemies, who would just as soon have killed you in times when there was always tribal warfare.

Take a look at all the grass roots ways that large groups of people can ordgainize around a "few" right particular signifying words or coded language constructs that help oppessed people communicate with one another without being identified by those in power as enemies. The masons were good at doing that AND good at hiding it by knowing that it was essential to lie about or deny what they were doing. As a result, even after they get into power, it's not hard for them to switch up and become the oppressors themselves, as we have seen with many mason based strategic social structures. The systems as military strategy work regardless of whethyer they are ultimately used for good or evil. The good thing is that by sheer numbers those at the bottom who learn how to use masonic strategies will become invisiable as enemies to those in power beacuse they will look similar. In fact, those at the top might be more likely to help out others looking like they are using masonic strategies from the sheer knowledge of knowing that if they don't they will likely become targets for a coup themselves for not being loyal affiliates. It's just another "gang" with similar bonds. Still, it's a "gang" with methods that are part of our existing police and military power structure, and it's suicide to not know how police and politicians might use those methods against whatever communitoes they don't like. Continuing to incorporate the same Masonic communication elements that police, politicians, and corporations already use into grass roots organizations or street gangs will likely help folx at the bottom look like part of their social system and not their enemy. Those communication systems can never become useful skils for us people at the bottom unless we don't fear learning about how they have been used against us already.

It's easy to see how a lot of that kind of thinking automatically will lead to nepotism and favoritism in governments, which in turn excludes and oppresses those who don't know how to act "right" or are even outright encouraged to not act "right" so that they never can succeed. "Left" wing liberal organizers can't ever get that power of the "right" word that conservative government politicians (who are about spending money on themselves and not really being "conservative") claim, even if their grass roots people policies are more true to masonic traditions rather than the traditions of the oppressive ruling class.

I am soo glad I am not being graded on this, cuz my grammar can't not suck! Sorry I don't have time to re-word it right now.

Right or wrong, once people are enlightened about how it works and learn what to do to act right, they will learn how to look and choose what will actually work in THIS Westernized society because this society is fundamentally built on those warfare strategy principles, and it's evident in everything from government to education to advertising. Being creative and deviating from the "right" might work from time to time as a novelty, but won't be popular enough to win the mass support needed to succeed. That's a fundamental reason why I feel betrayed by conservatives who only claim "right," spending enormous money on wars and weapons to hold down poor liberals on the "left" who are really doing the right thang for peace or social justice.

Masonry (and similar methodologies in other Scottish Rite, Moonie, wizard magic, shamanism, Shriners, Christianity, etc) gets deep, and I can't say I understand much about it, but it's obvious the military strategies work. Those tactics can be seen in all sorts of movements regardless of fairness, from the Underground Railroad the helped slaves escape to the Ku Klux Klan. Talk about confusing your enemies!

"We rite here, we're not going anywhere, we right here"---DMX
Jul 24, 2002
Nogoby's Biz and Chrisdogg,

I feel ya!
You guys feel pretty much the same way I do.
I think we would've never been in this mess that we are in today if it weren't for good teachers.
You have to admit that the people in charge of spreading the gospel aren't and have never done a good job.
Jesus left in their hands to spread the news.
But his people split up with different ideas and confused the hell out of those who they attempted to preach to.

I tell you, if you really want the lowdown, you have to read the bible yourself. You cannot go by what your religious leaders tell you about Christianity all the time.

Man that is the best advice I can give anyone.
But you must have an open mind.
You have to.
In all aspects life, you must have an open mind.

Now keep that in mind, everyone.

Jul 24, 2002

I'm still working on it bro.
There's is no evidence at this time, but it's only my theory.

A theory supported with evidence for another theory.

If you can accept the fact that AIDS was created, then you know that there is a cure for it.

Same for an emotions stimulating chemicle or agent.
You and everyone out there knows that there are drugs that help lighten up your emotions.
There's feel good illegal and legal drugs, in the form of chemicle stimulants.
Some of these stimulants help against depression, anxiety, pain, sorrow, etc.... These stimulants come in different forms, pills, liquids, and stuff like that.

Now you gotta think, why only stimulants that affect your emotions positively.
There has got to be the opposite. There has to be stimulants that have a negative affect on your emotions.
There can't be one with out the other.
And how they are feeding us with this shit, I don't know yet.
But like Tupac said,
"what's done in the dark, will some day come to lite"....
Man we already know that they are injecting hormones on the chicken we eat and the beef we eat.
If the beef and ckicken industry wouldn't had told us about this, we would've never known.
There is so much shit that goes down with what we eat that it's fucking crazy.
The hot dogs you eat and cereal you eat, has a very small percentage of rodents.
Ha ha ha ha....
You ain't gonna find this anywhere but the truth is that food factories cannot prevent rats from going into cornfields and rats falling into meat grinders.

Any how, that's where I get my theory from.
You don't have to by into it.
Alls I know is that there is a system out there that has nothing to do with synthetic agents and chemicles that affect our emotions.
It's a system designed to keep our numbers and social levels in check.
And the perpetraters won't stop at anything to keep us down....
May 8, 2002
miggidy said:
Gangs are part of a global and not just national plan to keep our numbers in check. It's called global population control, but they're only after the non-white population.
The CIA created the AIDS virus to control the African population.
What can stop them from creating a synthetic agent that alters our emotions?
Our judicial system is part of the plan as well.
It keeps us in check....
May 8, 2002
i don't know how much y'all know about the antichrist and shit, but it is supposed to be a figure in the world who is the most recognizable person the world over
i heard that it was a man that was born in Feruary of 1952, in jeruselem and that he was not jewish, he is a prince and/or very influencial in his part of the world
May 8, 2002
miggidy said:
There is physical evidence that backs what I mentioned.

This info is documented and is declassified information as a result of the freedom of information act of 97!

The fact is no one knows if the government issued the money to the DOD or not.
if they did it would not have been declassified.
May 8, 2002
miggidy said:
For everyone who thinks this is bullshit.
Listen to TuPac's "they don't give a fuck about us" and "Hailmarry"
Listen to MacMall's "Nigga wake up"
the first track in his new album.

oh and these rappers are supposed to know
Jul 24, 2002

Thanx for the info dogg, I'll peep out the Open Minds forum.

I feel you on the part where the people on top are already too powerful. You do know that if we don't anything quickly, they will only get even more powerful?
Yeah you feel what I'm sayin. So no matter how it looks right now, there's still hope.
We ask ourselves, what can we do?
Well educating people is a good starting point.
Educate those next to you and find different ways of educating the rest.
Shit we, can use the same method "they" are using.
We have music as podium. We can use that at least.
Yeah. Tupac was more than just a rapper.
When he spoke, everyone listenned.
A person with that power can influence people, and he was doin it in a positive way. And so can we. Shit, I'm gonna add this shit to my music.
My music will be focused on this subject as with other issues.
That's how I plan on getting the word accros.
Other ways, there's a local and private owned Christian TV station that would love cover this story.
So next on my list, is to educate the millions of Christians in the world. I feel that they are the ones who can understand this the most.
But everyone else is too damn hard headed.
Stuborn enough that even with evidence in hand, they still won't accept it.
Well, fuck those!
Like Jesus said, one has to become like a child.
Meaning that only children have open minds because their minds have not been contaminated yet.
That is the secret dogg, we have to educate our young ones.
Only they will listen....

As you can see, that is part of "their" plan.
Education through deception....
Look how they tell our children that it's ok to be gay, it's ok to abort, it's ok to divorce, it's ok to kill an offender, it's ok to go to war....
Look how they tell the grown ups, the economy is screwed up because of terrorism, the economy is screwed up because of welfare and illegal aliens. But they fail to tell you that the economy is screwed up because the Federal Reserve haults money production. And they don't tell you that about 80% of the taxes you, don't come back to the comunity. But false in the hands of greedy politicians and goes to the military for weapon funding.
They tell us that the economy is bad but have plenty of cash to go to war.
It's all in education but they're already a few steps ahead of us because they influence everyone.
The only thing we can do, is educate our own people, family, friends, and the rest of our generation.

That's the key.....

There's many vehicles we can use, I'm going to use music to educate our generation. I will use Christian TV and radio stations, and Christian news papers. But not just there. There's also private media out there that we can get to.

It's a compelling story and it won't be difficult to sell....

I haven't read anything about the Moonies, but I'll look it up right now, so thanx bro.
Now as for the credibility of the websites I posted, well lets get one thing straight. You're not going to find any major media covering these stories.
It is up to us to digg the info up. So far, I've found info backing up every thing I posted.
I've found that these websites are backed up by solid evidence.
However, I need to digg up the facts behind the accusation that our founding fathers were freemasons.
It's not the first time I hear this though, I heard the same thing from another source.
But I'll look it up.
This stuff really is deep, very deep and I urge any one who is interested to join us and help dig up more info.
Nobody's Bizz pointed out some very interesting things about the masons.

We all know that the founding fathers provoked the American revolution against England.
That is a fact.
But they also founded this nation under the New World Order philosophy. This evidence is found on the back of the US dollar.
The Pyramid is Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati symbol.
So we do know that there is something "fishy" going on.
Look at other similar objects. The statue of Liberty for example.
Why do we need a symbol of liberty to remind us that we are a free nation????
I think it's a no brainer.......
Hmmmmm.... Think for a minute.....
I feel that it's there to decieve us, it is there to make us feel that we are free.
But are we really free anymore?
Shit the only freedom we have left is the freedom of speach because they are slowly taking everything else from us.
And what the hell is speach if we cannot take action?
Trippy eh?....

As for the Killuminati, as far as I know it only applies to black folks.
It's an African thing. I'm not sure who started it but I know it's pretty new. They feel that certain white men are conspiring to end the existance of blacks. I don't blame them, blacks have always been the major target. But the Killuminati fails to understand that "their" plan doesn't only affect blacks. It affects everyone else too, even whites!
The people on top don't give a fuck about anyone only themselves.
Their own kind, it's a family thing.
It's all about blood lines, sort of like royalty....

And why do they seek population control?
Because they are in the minority.
If there's too many of us, then they'll have a harder time tryin to control us.
They need to keep our head count low in order to keep us in check.

That's why I've turned to the book of Revelation for answers.
Because the people on top are up to something big. Something that they have been planning on for centuries, even milleniums.
It's like they have been settin themselves up for their next man, generation after generation.
Hey man, their plan is too ambitious for theirselves.
Life is short, why seek so much power?
Again, they are after something big! Something we can't even imagine off....
They are pure evil....
May 8, 2002
miggidy said:
Could Pac's death be connected to the people atop the Pyramid of evil????
Look at the back of the US dollar, the pyramid and eye is the Logo belonging to the Illuminati.
The illuminated eye is the eye of Satan.
The numerals at the bottom of the pyramid represent the year the Illuminati were established, 1776.
And the "Latin words" at the top read "The New World Order"....
still LOL