Read .......(to clear shit up)

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Ain't Nobody Gafflin' Me
Apr 25, 2002
my fiancee' thinks that it may be micheal jackson, as funny as that sounds, it does kinda of hold some truth. he has enough money to buy a country or a few if he wanted, and behind closed doors, could have the power to start shit, or shut shit down. also, towards the end of the world, the second coming of Jesus etc...
no offense, but your girl sounds like an idiot - and you sound even dumber trying to justify what she said.

i dont think wacko jacko is as rich as people think either (not anymore anyways.) matter of fact i heard some shit on the radio the other day, about how he was going broke, and had a gang of people filing lawsuits against him. he probably spent all the loot on plastic surgery and settling child molestation claims.
Jul 21, 2002
well, if you make that kind of judgement off of a couple of lines i typed, then i also question your judgement. maybe tommorrow i will break it all down of why she felt that way. also his lyrics on this one song at the end of his last album totally suggest the same thing, don't be so quick to judge, and don't talk shit on my fiancee' when she wasn't even the one who is on here
Jul 24, 2002
RawLyrixx said:
I dont believe a word of that shit... government decoys?? sounds like Metal Gear type shit if you ask me. I know the government can and has done dirty shit but i think that shit mentioned above went too far.
There is physical evidence that backs what I mentioned.
In 1969 the DOD (Department of Deffense) had a hearing suggesting that foreign over populization was a threat to the security of the US.
I have a copy of the transcript.
The DOD was asking for $10,000,000 to help fund the creation of a synthetic biological agent that would hinder the human immune system. This agent was to be used to control 3rd world population.
The DOD calculated that the agent would probably be ready with in 10 years.
This info is documented and is declassified information as a result of the freedom of information act of 97!

The fact is no one knows if the government issued the money to the DOD or not. But the fact is that the head of the DOD resigned and became one of the top dogs of the "World Bank"....
Here's the shocker!
The first case of AIDS was documented 10 years later in South Africa....
Jul 24, 2002
Diablo said:

i feel u 110% and i know who tha culprit is but people ain''t ready to hear the truth...they'll just label u ain't their fault, it's the same "decoy" that runs the media....

my post has nothin 2 do with religion, miggidy knows the deal...
Everyone's being played on a subconscious level.
The truth is so far fetched that it's unacceptable.

Yeah this has nothing to do with religioun.
Or so it's seems dogg....
Read the book of Revelation, AKA the book of the Apocolypse.
Everything will make better sense....

For everyone who thinks this is bullshit.
Listen to TuPac's "they don't give a fuck about us" and "Hailmarry"
Listen to MacMall's "Nigga wake up"
the first track in his new album.

Jul 24, 2002
Yo Chris,

I know you have good reason to believe that Mike is the one....

But look in deeper,
PM me if you like me to share some info with you.

The beast won't show his head unlike Mike.
He will stay low key. As a matter of fact there will be another beast to pave the way. A lot like John the Baptist did for Jesus.
There is no anti christ at this time.
What you do have is the snakes building his foundation.
Thier goal is globalization.
One central government, and one police force. The entire world will pay taxes to this government making them more powerful.
This phase needs to be achieved before the coming of the Anti-Christ. He will not conquer the Earth over night at his arrival.
The Earth will simply be handed over to him....

Aug 6, 2002
@nicoya I aint suprised that that mutt funked with scraps 1 cuz its supposed to be on site with eachoter 2 they love to be camellions they funk with sur and norte and like who ever is around them to believe they are helping them out.

@everyone who got off subject thats cool I aint tripping off of that, but why do so many ppl that try to figure out who is the antichrist, if they dont think its someone from the middle east they think it is someone from the united states. also they always act like the u.s. has like 99.999999999% of importance to do with the antichrist, meaning that they always point out events that are happening in the u.s., or they pick someone that is in america's immediate attention, or it is always the U.S. government that plays the most important role in destroying the world, why cant it be another government. Also, if the government was looking to wipe out africa, did they feel that hunger wasnt working. plus if the government were so bad ass why cant they resolve the middle east, I mean if they have the power to fuck up the world then why are they having so much problems with one region. seriously though I think that HUMAN BEINGS are the antichrist. I know we were formed in his image and all but we are the ones that always fuck things up. then we run to god for help. You know we dont talk to him when shits going good. then we go fuck shit up on our own, then we go to him. instead of taking actions we do as our fault, we want to blame shit on someone else(God, government, poverty, or being drunk)

If it is true that the government has an anger pill, I am scared. Cuz I havent had it. All I have is the hate of scraps killing my cousins (RIP), bullet wounds on my stomach, stab woulds all over my body, and thats all on me I can't and won't probably ever let that anger go. but thats all on me not a pill or conspiracy. Im going to burn in hell cuz I wont let shit go, I have no desire to turn back now. Its on me to change but I dont want to, you know when I get killed or die I hope I dont try to blame what I did on others.
Jul 24, 2002
FC Ene,

It's because you do not understand bro.
Christian and other humanitarian groups will take care of the hungry.
If anything can speed up the process of global control, the people at the top won't stop to nothing.

As for the middle east problem?
That's part of the plan. They have created this problem.
Don't you remember the "Iran Contra"?
The US helped Iraq fight Iran but also helped Iran under the table. What do you think they wanted to accomplish?
They wanted both nations to destroy each other.
The middles east problem that we see today had it's seeds planted since those days.
We gave Osama Bin Laden the weapons that he posses today. The CIA knew that in time he would use it against the US.
DId you know that the US knew Osama would attack a couple days ahead of time?
They didn't do anything because they needed an excuse to bomb the hell out Afganistan and over throw the Taliban.
Now they are doing the same to Hussein.
War is evident!

I agree with you, human beings are evil....
It is our nature.....
But not everyone would be this way if we weren't being decieved.
True, they didn't help them scraps pull the trigger, but they gave them the gun....

I'm sorry to hear about your cousins bro.
The anger you have, that's what the people at the top desire the most. This web that we are caught in was planted by them.
There for your actions are not your fault, you do not under stand this yet. Remember, Jesus spared one of the thugs that was crucified next to him just because he had faith in him.
And right before he died he asked God to forgive those who crucified him because they didn't know what they were doing.

Handle your business dogg, but do know that you still have a chance.
No sin is worse than the other,
remember that....
Nov 27, 2002
as i walk through the valley of death, I fear no man but God...
people knock me for my relgion and what not, but all that matters is, Jesus gives me strength and an optimistic attitude for what the future holds, i don't want to get in a discussion on a post that has nothing to do with this but, i no longer fear death, i fear being paralyzed, but that's about it. i know i am in God's hands and whatever happens to me i pray, is in his will. i don't worry about world war III or about the bullshit anymore, people are going to give themselves a heart attack with that shit. i have faith in HIM and faith alone gets me through each day with a good attitude for what will happen after my death. i almost invite death, i can't kill myself, but i know there is something far greater waiting for me in heaven. that's all i got to say about it
That's strong, homie. Your words remind me of "Don't be afraid of the way you feel, cuz it's the bomb" in a whole different way. Keep doin' your thang, and if you find you way home first, please don't forget to leave a light on for the rest of us who want to get home and don't know a way.
Oct 19, 2002
miggidy said:

There is physical evidence that backs what I mentioned.
In 1969 the DOD (Department of Deffense) had a hearing suggesting that foreign over populization was a threat to the security of the US.
I have a copy of the transcript.
The DOD was asking for $10,000,000 to help fund the creation of a synthetic biological agent that would hinder the human immune system. This agent was to be used to control 3rd world population.
The DOD calculated that the agent would probably be ready with in 10 years.
This info is documented and is declassified information as a result of the freedom of information act of 97!

The fact is no one knows if the government issued the money to the DOD or not. But the fact is that the head of the DOD resigned and became one of the top dogs of the "World Bank"....
Here's the shocker!
The first case of AIDS was documented 10 years later in South Africa....
That shit will remain a THEORY because it hasnt been publicly proven like a fact would have been. Unless of course the Jews that run the media had something to do with the cover-up like so many people believe lol
Jul 24, 2002

I have a copy of the transcript. The fact is that the DOD did acknowledge that 3rd world over-population was a threat to the US. And it's a fact that they were trying to create an agent that would target the immune system.
This information has been proven with the copy of this transcript of the court hearing.
And it's a fact that the head of the DOD left to join the World Bank.

No one's going to go public and announce this sort of stuff.
You have to digg it up.
Did the government ever announce that they sprayed biological agents over their troops in Hawaii?
Hell no they didn't.
But they did....
Something that they admitted to almost 50 years later after the troops filed lawsuits against them....

As for the AIDS virus?
That is just a theory,
a theory supported with the above FACTS.
Apr 25, 2002
miggidy said:
. As a matter of fact there will be another beast to pave the way. A lot like John the Baptist did for Jesus.
The False Prophet.....

I think this thread is very very interestin', and I wouldn't put it past the government(s) of the world to do fucked up shit like introducin' AIDS to the world......

I'm a religious guy......I'm a Christian. If we pray to God....we *will* get the answers....sooner or later.



Ain't Nobody Gafflin' Me
Apr 25, 2002
alot of this shit miggidy is speakin on is kinda out there and you might not bother reading it, but I strongly agree with him on the AIDS thing. Thats a manufactured disease. funny how it didnt even exist until the 80s.
Oct 19, 2002
Scarr said:

The False Prophet.....

I think this thread is very very interestin', and I wouldn't put it past the government(s) of the world to do fucked up shit like introducin' AIDS to the world......

I'm a religious guy......I'm a Christian. If we pray to God....we *will* get the answers....sooner or later.

True... if shit gets hectic, thats where my faith n trust goes...
Jul 21, 2002
AIDS is completely different. that was around for awhile. i think they introduced it in the 80's, but i think they subjected it to gay people first, but some of them doods was bi, and came home and gave it to their wives and shit or girlfriends. no one really knew what it was until the 80's when people started dying from it.

and really, i have always thought that God was the one that put AIDS on earth. in reality, people never really would have been infected with the disease if there wasn't infidelity and a bunch of premarital sex going on, but people don't really care until they have the disease, then it is too late. i am not one to talk really tho, i mean, i was pretty scared the few times that i have been tested, but only for the first couple of weeks after the tests did i kinda refrain from fooling around with broads, as is the case with most doods, what's a playa to do right , lol.