Rapper Scoob Nitty Arrested in Counterfeiting Operation

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Feb 16, 2006
thats corny bruh. so you have to be a crip to listen to C-Bo and you have to be an extreme lefty to listen to The Coup. if artists took your stance they'd be broke(r).
aint the point. point is if i did listen to the coup and went on a message board that spoke on groups like them, and they got arrested for being in occupy oakland and i was cheerleading and celebrating them getting busted i would be a weirdo. why would i listen to their music and actually spend time on fan sites if i disagreed with their politics. i dont have to be a crip to like c-bo. but i might listen to c-bo because i appreciate the way he put poetry to the struggle and if i then took the extra step to be on a message board about him, once again i would be a weirdo if i was celebrating his downfall. what kind of weirdo would listen to a type of music, go sign up at a message board about that type of music and have thousands of posts about that music and then proclaim that the people that live the lives that inspires that music is 'dumb'? just weird to me mayne
May 2, 2002
Had this been your everyday Average Joe in the same situation, the responses would've been different. There may not have even been a thread period. Y'all know that just as well as I do.

Shit, I could type FREE BIG MEECH all I want. Doesn't mean its gonna happen.

Kudos on the insults though. I doubt any of it is helpin' Scoob Nitty.