Rapper Scoob Nitty Arrested in Counterfeiting Operation

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Apr 25, 2002
you listen to gangsta shit, but love police and celebrate and cheerlead for them and are happy when someone gets caught 'breaking the rules' ole hall monitor ass nigga
thats corny bruh. so you have to be a crip to listen to C-Bo and you have to be an extreme lefty to listen to The Coup. if artists took your stance they'd be broke(r).
May 2, 2002
i was wondering what kind of man, would be on a gangsta rap forum celebrating this man's downfall. but dude showed your picture and it all makes sense. if you anywhere near as lame as you look then heaven help you. you a weirdo dude, you listen to gangsta shit, but love police and celebrate and cheerlead for them and are happy when someone gets caught 'breaking the rules' ole hall monitor ass nigga
Who's celebrating? Dude got nabbed counterfeiting money. So what, because he's a rapper, all of a sudden the laws don't apply to him? GET OFF HIS DICK! Yeah, you're such a hardass gangsta and the only insult you can come up with is the fact that I wear glasses. WELL THANK YOU CAPTAIN OBVIOUS! You're a schmuck with a hopeless exsistence. INTERNET THUG! YOU'RE A FUCKIN' JOKE.

I'm glad you felt the need to comment on another man's looks....YOU FUCKIN'
FAG! What kinda man (or GANGSTA) gives a fuck about another man's appearence? Can't be too much of a GANGSTA if you lookin' at other dudes! FUN BOY!

I love the police? How'd you come to the conclusion. Oh yeah, YOU PULLED IT OUTTA YOUR ASS! You're prob one of those muthafuckaz who are quick to put the "snitch" jacket on somebody, aren't you? Ain't got shit to back it up; just followin' the bandwagon or goin' off hearsay. FUCKIN' CHUMP! BURN IN HADES YOU WORTHLESS SON OF A BITCH (w/ GASOLINE DRAWZ ON)!
May 2, 2002
DeepEastBeast;60141Do 73 said:
Look like that nigga rented his cousin to go with him to the club ol weird ass nigga
Rented my cousin? Do you realize how stupid you sound? Or does tryin' to be an E-THUG trump all of that? I'll just charge it to your ignoranance. I may very well be a nerd and a weird ass nigga. I'll be a nerd and a weird ass nigga who isn't behind bars for counterfeiting. Hurling insults at me isn't helpin' Scoob Nitty's case any.

So based on how I look, you've come to the conclusion that I don't get pussy. KUDOS TO YOU BUDDY. Thanks for taking the time to analyze that pic as deeply and thoroughly as you did. I know a lot of painstaking research, time, and effort went into that. Nice detective work, GANGSTA! Thought y'all didn't like the police?

Get all the pussy you want. Fuck all the filthy cum dumpsters East Oakland has to offer. Here's the thing though, at the end of the day, Scooby Nitty is still in jail.


Sicc OG
Jul 21, 2002
are there any ghetto stars that are still rapping at this point? I know there were 4 of them
Oct 31, 2007
FREE SCOOB NITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This man commited a non-violent crime. I can see if he was a rapist or a pedo;the man was trying to eat like everybody else. If that were you in jail you would want somebody to yell free Kadeem Hardison for you. LASTLY FUCK THE POLICE............
R.I.P. Oscar Grant
Apr 25, 2002
*This man commited a non-violent crime. I can see if he was a rapist or a pedo;the man was trying to eat like everybody else.

*If that were you in jail you would want somebody to yell free Kadeem Hardison for you.
breh, do you know what a card reader is and how its used? if this wasnt Scoob Nitty and you knew the answers to the above, you wouldnt be hollerin this.

May 2, 2002
FREE SCOOB NITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This man commited a non-violent crime. I can see if he was a rapist or a pedo;the man was trying to eat like everybody else. If that were you in jail you would want somebody to yell free Kadeem Hardison for you. LASTLY FUCK THE POLICE..........
R.I.P. Oscar Grant
Okay. So because he committed a non-violent crime, he should walk? How about those ppl who write bad checks, COUNTERFEIT MONEY, falsify documents in a attempt to collect money, defraud the goverment, etc? I suppose they should to walk too, huh?

Wrong! If I were wrongfully accused/convicted, then YES, all that FREE SO-AND-SO talk would apply. You Internet Gangstaz kill me! Hurlin' all these elementary school insults at me. I know I wear glasses! I have been my whole life.

Meanwhile, Scoob Nitty sits in a cell. How are you helpin' his cause talkin' shit about me? A real homie would try to find dude a good lawyer, check on his fam, etc. Instead, y'all wanna play Internet Hardass. NICELY DONE! I'm sure he appreciates your efforts.
Oct 31, 2007
Okay. So because he committed a non-violent crime, he should walk? How about those ppl who write bad checks, COUNTERFEIT MONEY, falsify documents in a attempt to collect money, defraud the goverment, etc? I suppose they should to walk too, huh?

Wrong! If I were wrongfully accused/convicted, then YES, all that FREE SO-AND-SO talk would apply. You Internet Gangstaz kill me! Hurlin' all these elementary school insults at me. I know I wear glasses! I have been my whole life.

Meanwhile, Scoob Nitty sits in a cell. How are you helpin' his cause talkin' shit about me? A real homie would try to find dude a good lawyer, check on his fam, etc. Instead, y'all wanna play Internet Hardass. NICELY DONE! I'm sure he appreciates your efforts.
I understand your angry son, Its ok I see your getting upset. Go sit in that corner for 30 minutes and calm down.
May 2, 2002
breh, do you know what a card reader is and how its used? if this wasnt Scoob Nitty and you knew the answers to the above, you wouldnt be hollerin this.

Even if he did know, he prob wouldn't care. He's on the FREE SCOOB NITTY bandwagon. Nevermind that there's technology out there to spot counterfeit currency. Apparently, the fact that Scoob Nitty is a rapper clearly nullifies any wrongdoing (at least in his mind). Could he have gotten away with it? POSSIBILY. However, I imagine ppl are trained to spot counterfeit bills, especially in the retail industry. It just so happens he got caught.

Had this been someone else, these muthafuckaz would've been like FUCK THAT NIGGA! But't since its Scoob Nitty, they're allowed to be DICKRIDERS! So don't give me this loyalty bullshit. A real homie would try to get a lawyer lined up, seein' as how he hasn't gone to trial. These muthafuckaz are too busy bein' E-Thugs to realize any of this though. Wantin' to comment on how I look. FAGGOT ASS MUTHAFUCKAZ! None of that is helpin' Scoob Nitty dumbfucks! Quit tryin' so hard to get NET STRIPES!
Oct 31, 2007
I been fuckin with scoob nitty since 2002. I aint no dormant internet lowlife. Im actually out here!!!!!!!
This shit is deeper than this thread, you wayyyyy in KC nigga you dont know shit about my region you Alien!!!!
May 2, 2002
I been fuckin with scoob nitty since 2002. I aint no dormant internet lowlife. Im actually out here!!!!!!!
This shit is deeper than this thread, you wayyyyy in KC nigga you dont know shit about my region you Alien!!!!

Kudos to you! What does that mean, "I'm actually out here"? Is that supposed to intimidate me or somethin'? I know enough to know he got arrested for counterfeiting. Maybe it is deeper than this thread. Even if it were, why put it in the Internet? Real G's don't tell of their exploits online.:cheeky:

Alien? Yep. I'm an alien and Scoob Nitty is locked up. Where is this going?


Sicc OG
Jul 21, 2002
Sounds like Scoob was creating faulty checks like Leo was doing is "Catch Me if You Can" The fact is yall should be pissed because when enough people do this type of shit, it drives up the cost of everything and lowers the value of the dollar.

Economics experts are aware of the value of black markets and illegal activities. This means the people up top are aware that people are still going to sell drugs and counterfeit money etc for profit whether its legal or not. If these things were not illegal and there wern't stiff penalties associated with doing them than there wouldn't be as much demand and there wouldn't be money in committing the activity.

My point is go get your money but when you get caught up for doing illegal shit you know what you were getting into when you started. Like some of you said Scoob isn't tripping off jail so why are you crying and cheerleading for a cause that the person most effected isn't tripping about?
May 2, 2002
Do you get paid by the prison industry mizerymade? Because you're sure shaking your pom-poms extrad at dudes incarceration. That "your favortite rapper is still in jail, haha" shit is extra gay, breh.
I swear you E-Thugs try too hard! Mad at me 'cause dude got arrested. As if I had somethin' to do with it. Had that been your everyday Average Joe, most of y'all woulda say FUCK THAT NIGGA, with no hesitation. Save your BULLSHIT for somebody else.

He may very well be innocent, IDK. All it said in the thread title was that he was ARRESTED; it didn't say CONVICTED. Those are two completely different things. You wouldn't know this because you're too busy playin' E-Thug.

Do I find enjoyment in his incarceration? I DON'T. Let's say someone, who wasn't a rapper, got arrested for the EXACT same thing. Would there be a FREE SO-AND-SO thread? I doubt it.
Oct 31, 2007

Kudos to you! What does that mean, "I'm actually out here"? Is that supposed to intimidate me or somethin'? I know enough to know he got arrested for counterfeiting. Maybe it is deeper than this thread. Even if it were, why put it in the Internet? Real G's don't tell of their exploits online.:cheeky:

Alien? Yep. I'm an alien and Scoob Nitty is locked up. Where is this going?
Thats all I wanted to clarify dude Im finished
May 2, 2002
I understand your angry son, Its ok I see your getting upset. Go sit in that corner for 30 minutes and calm down.
Actually, I'm not angry at all. However, if it gets you a few laughs at my expense, I guess it was worth it. :ermm:

As much as I'd love to continue this pointless banter, it serves no purpose. He did somethin' illegal and got caught. Its a very unfortunate situation. I'll leave it at that.


Sicc Nortay
Feb 14, 2011
city of kings, California

I'm not the one in jail for counterfeiting. Nice try though. Meanwhile, Scoob Nitty sits in jail. I'm sure he appreciates your loyalty and undying devotion.
I dont even know who scoob nitty is fagget and you keep trolling on About how scoob got arrested and you dont care when obviously u do because u keep comming back